Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1421: Four Dogs

After Luo Chuan's words fell, there was no sound from the other side of the lake in his heart.

"Xiao Bai?" Luo Chuan called via voice transmission.

no respond.

Bai Yiqing's breath suddenly stopped.

Luo Chuan snorted, his eyes filled with murderous intent, and just as he was about to fly out, a strange picture suddenly appeared in the eyes of Karma Buddha.


Luo Chuan frowned and froze. His eyes closed and then opened. His soul thoughts flew out, following the path of the heart lake, straight into the depths of the ruins palace.

Although the contact between Bai Yiqing and him was temporarily cut off, Luo Chuan knew that the person who "took" Bai Yiqing away, the woman who was closely related to him, would never harm Bai Yiqing. But even so, Luo Chuan did not allow that woman to use Bai Yiqing as a bargaining chip to make conditions to him, especially those kind of conditions... Fortunately, Luo Chuan had found Bai Yiqing's current location after several heart-to-heart contacts.

"Ancestor? If you want to see me, why bother to hide it? If you want to negotiate peace terms, you don't need to use this method...I'm here."

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang... Ancestor Kunpeng, who was happily "teaching" his former disciples and subordinates, glanced at Luo Chuan, smiled faintly, and a gray light flashed in his eyes. He caught up with Luo Chuan's soul and thought first, and escorted him. Before Luo Chuan's soul thought, the gray light struck, and the restrictive arrays along the way closed and collapsed.

"Luo Chuan, haha, he is indeed my sworn brother, the great sage. He found that woman's training place so quickly."

"That woman... I, the Great Sage, will succeed and fail this woman. I originally swore never to see her again for the rest of my life... Well, my sworn brother, I will leave her to you."

"The remaining two old friends, you all already know that this great sage is back. Why do you still dare not show up and continue to be a coward? Haha, I beat four great hermits and you still don't come out. Do you have to? This great sage will teach the hermits a lesson before you are willing to come out?"

Great Sage Kunpeng looked into the depths of the Ruins Palace. His eyes flickered and he murmured softly.

As the founder of the Xu Palace, he is not only unparalleled in strength and magical power, but also unparalleled in wisdom and strategy. He no longer pretends to be crazy and acts stupid when he plans, and he can be called a monster. Ever since he met Luo Chuan at the Heavenly Star Holy Gate, he had been plotting against the Xu Palace. Before, he relied on Luo Chuan's talent to successfully pass the test, but even though he successfully entered the inner palace of the Xu Palace. Even if he beat the great hermit masters half to death, he wouldn't be considered accomplished. No matter how many years pass, and no matter how many years pass, the foundation and core of the Anti-Holy Alliance will always be the ancestors who personally created this giant force in Fang Xingyuan. Even if the Great Hermit and the Hermit Group are completely wiped out, as long as the ancestors are around, the Anti-Holy Alliance can still create a group of high-level powerhouses in the shortest possible time that can compete with the forces of the Nine Heavens giants.

The four ancestors of the past. Although the ancestor Kunpeng is the leader, there are other three ancestors. They all also have the ability to create the world and change the world!

Just like Kunpeng's ancestor possesses the moral principles of chaos and can create a body of chaos, the other three ancestors can also create talented monks who are not inferior to the body of chaos.

If not for this, even a powerful sage like Kunpeng would not have left the ruins palace that he had put so much effort into building.

Returning to the Xu Palace this time, at first he just wanted to find his lost soul. From then on, he completely drew a clear line with the Anti-Holy Alliance and his former companions. But after beating the Black Dragon Lord and the three hermits, Kunpeng's anger still lingered. Only then did he wake up, it turned out that it was from a long, long time ago. The unwillingness and resentment were deeply buried in his heart. Even if she was still in the Anti-Holy Alliance, the Great Sage Kunpeng could not deviate from his original intention.

His heart told him that he was only going to do one thing when he came back this time.

This thing is very similar to the thing he did many years ago, but it is completely opposite - deep down in his heart, what he really wants to do is to destroy the Anti-Holy Alliance!

"Kekeke... hahahaha... If you don't come, fine, then you don't have to come out anymore."

"Starting from today, the Anti-Holy Alliance of Xu Palace will be completely removed from Xingyuan!"

"After today, there will be no anti-holy alliance in the Nine Heavens Realm!"

Great Sage Kunpeng laughed loudly, and the laughter caused the river to boil and melt. The prohibition arrays in the inner and outer ruins palaces all appeared, crumbling under the laughter of Great Sage Kunpeng.


A giant shadow rose from behind the Great Sage Kunpeng.

It was a giant monster that looked like a fish but not a fish, and looked like a bird but not a bird!

There is a fish in the North Sea, its name is Kun. It soars upwards, flies without wings, swallows the sky and eats the earth, bullies the sun and suppresses the moon. It roars for nine days and sweeps across thousands of territories. It is the great sage Kunpeng.

When he was with Luo Chuan, Great Sage Kunpeng never showed his true strength.

But now, the Great Sage Kunpeng, who could no longer suppress his true nature, finally burst out with more than 70% of his power. This power once destroyed nine realms ranked below the thousandth place, and even caused a medium-sized realm ranked in the top 300 to collapse. The cultivation civilization of the world has been cut off for five thousand years. This is a force that can truly destroy the heaven and the earth! With the emergence of this power, the Ruins Palace in Xingyuan, which had a lifespan of tens of thousands of years, began to shake for the first time. Everyone in the Ruins Palace had complicated expressions.


The Black Dragon Lord, who was pretending to be dead, trembled, quickly got up, and looked at the Great Sage Kunpeng in a panic, with fear on his face.

"Ancestor doesn't want it!"

"Ancestor, this is the home you created with your own hands in the past! How can you bear it... Ancestor, please calm down!"

"Ancestor! These disciples are all innocent! If the ruins palace is destroyed, they will all be buried here! Ancestor, they are all your descendants! Ancestor, how can you bear it!"

The three great hermits, demons, Buddhas and demons, who were beaten with bruises and swollen noses and faces, whose appearance could not be distinguished for a long time, also noticed the intention of the ancestor Kunpeng. They were panic-stricken and knelt down one after another, praying hard.


The frightened monks of the hermit group also reacted and knelt down one after another to ancestor Kunpeng, begging for mercy.

It was okay not to listen, but when he heard it, the Great Sage Kunpeng became furious.

"Hahahaha... What are you talking about? How can this great sage not bear it? Innocent? Hahaha... Who is not innocent in this world? Was this great sage really at fault in the first place? This great sage was detained by you and forced to When you left the Xu Palace, how could you bear to conspire with me when I treated you like that, Black Dragon!

The Great Sage Kunpeng was so angry that he screamed, his eyebrows were plucked out, his hair was rising, and his whole body instantly fell into a state of hysterical rage.

Seeing this, the Black Dragon Lord and the other four great hermits secretly thought that something was wrong. Before they could think of a countermeasure, the Great Sage Kunpeng had already pointed out, and a wave of light enveloped the Black Dragon Lord and the four of them.

"A bunch of ungrateful and ungrateful people! They actually dare to speak shamelessly and talk about conscience with this great sage here! Okay, okay, okay, in that case, that's it!"

Under the light wave, the four figures of the Black Dragon Lord were distorted, and their appearance and body shape also changed accordingly.

Although the four of them were all injured by the Great Sage Kunpeng, they were all the strongest men in the Nine Heavens Realm. They had strong stamina, and they were trying their best to resist at this moment. However, just two moments later, the mask of light dispersed and the four people fell to the ground. To be precise, the ones who fell to the ground were four dogs, three male dogs and one female dog.

The leader of the black dog was covered with a layer of fine "fish scales" and his eyes were confused. It took him a while to react. There was a look of horror in the dog's eyes. After a period of panic barking, he lay down at the feet of the Great Sage Kunpeng, wagging his tail and begging for mercy. Begging for mercy. The golden, green and red dogs incarnated by the three great hermits of Buddha, Demon and Demon also ran over and crawled at the feet of the Great Sage Kunpeng, begging bitterly.

"Hey, you people with wolfish nature and dog lungs should all become dogs. What this great sage has blessed you with is a ten-thousand-year seal! In ten thousand years, unless one day your strength can surpass this great sage, Otherwise, you will never be able to return to your human form. Although this great sage has deprived you of your right to speak, I still allow you to retain your consciousness, which can be regarded as a small amount of tolerance. "

The Great Sage Kunpeng laughed loudly and kicked the four hermits who had transformed into dogs into the air.

The four dogs, black, gold, green, and red, swirled in the air, flew out upside down, and happened to land not far from Luo Chuan's body.

Looking at Luo Chuan, the eyes of the four hermits all brightened up, and they rushed over as if they saw a savior. They crawled down at Luo Chuan's feet, wagging their tails, begging for mercy, and making fun of him.

The Great Sage Kunpeng has made up his mind, and even the sages cannot change it.

The only one who could change his mind was this young "sworn brother" of the great sage.

Not far away, Yin Lao stared blankly at the four great hermits who had been turned into dogs, with a dazed expression on his face and wandering eyes. Even though he was known as the Legend of Nine Heavens, he was filled with fear and luck at this moment. If it weren't for Because of his relationship with Luo Chuan, how could Patriarch Kunpeng let him go? From the beginning to the end, Patriarch Kunpeng never looked at him, and obviously did not forgive him. The only reason why he did not turn into a dog was Luo Chuan.

The members of the Hermit Group were already dumbfounded. Even Taoist Kongkong, Demon Lord Tianhai, Cannon Fodder Battalion, the Young Masters, Lan Xiaosheng and others were also dumbfounded.

These four dogs are the high-ranking Xingyuan giants, the great hermits of the Anti-Holy Alliance who have a higher status than the ten major sect masters of Tianchen Continent! Who would have thought that one day they would crawl like dogs, wagging their tails in front of a young monk who was less than half a century old, begging for mercy? What's more, they really turned into dogs.

"Little Plum, I still remember how you were able to make delicious dog meat hot pot." Zhou Buchen looked at the black dog among the four dogs and smiled sinisterly.

"Ah, the second master still remembers!" Li Quanfu swallowed subconsciously and said.

"Dog meat hot pot, that's a great supplement." Nan Li came over and smiled sinisterly as well.

"Hmph, a group of juniors who have never seen the world." Kunpeng Ancestor curled his lips: "That's all, a bunch of brats, their bodies are so weak, they should be repaired. Especially you, pretty boy."

Hearing this, the four hermits all trembled and surrounded Luo Chuan even more attentively.

"Still not coming out?"

"Hahaha, okay, okay, today's Xu Palace will be my last farewell to you."

"Chaos, destroy!"

The black shadow of the Great Sage Kunpeng was about to break through the sky. At this time, two voices sounded one after the other. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

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