Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 155: Li Xuangan's Layout

You guys are still a good story? It's a joke.

Luo Chuan secretly complained.

He suddenly understood why this street was so deserted and the only two or three shops left were still in a semi-closed state.

There must be some bored young men who want to imitate Li Xuangan and come here to duel with others. Once or twice is fine, but if they come often, it will definitely affect business.

The reason why my aunt chose to open a shop here is not only because of the cheap rent, but also because she heard about the legend of Li Xuangan's duel. As Tang people, it is reasonable to want to get some good luck.

Luo Chuan thought to himself.

In a blink of an eye, two young men in the second stage of foundation building started fighting.

Luo Chuan just felt bored and was about to look away.

It was evening, the sun set in the west, and at dusk, the remaining clouds sprinkled into the huge lake outside Baishazhou.

The lake surface was sparkling, like pieces of floating white jade, and it did not change because of the reflection of the setting sun.

Luo Chuan felt a little strange in his heart.

There is something strange in this lake. Could it be that there are some treasures hidden?

Luo Chuan immediately shook his head.

Where is this! Tianqijing of the Great Xia Dynasty, the territory of the first giant force in the Tiannan Region, even if there are really treasures, how could it be his turn?

At dusk, the day and night are divided, and the world is about to turn from yang to yin.

Since Luo Chuan practiced the Nine Deaths and One Life Skill, every time when the day and night alternate, he can always enter a very wonderful state and perceive some existence that he can't usually perceive.

At this time, Luo Chuan is feeling that there is something at the bottom of the lake that is attracting him, and there is a hint of familiarity.

Luo Chuan secretly thought it was strange. He had just arrived and had never been to Tianqijing before. Where did this faint sense of intimacy come from?



Although Jiulongjun has a layout in the Tiannan Region, it is all concentrated in the four great forbidden areas. He did not visit the Great Xia Dynasty a thousand years ago, otherwise the Great Xia Dynasty would not have been prosperous until now.

Luo Chuan calmed down and experienced it carefully.

At this moment, he vaguely felt that one of his methods suddenly produced a slight fluctuation. If Luo Chuan had not calmed his mind, it would be almost unnoticeable.

That method was none other than the Seven Methods of Escape.

Li Xuangan!

Luo Chuan's eyes lit up.

Li Xuangan had certainly been to Tianqijing, and he had fought with people here.

If there was anyone in the Tiannan cultivation world who could hide treasures under the noses of the strong men in Tianqijing, among the people Luo Chuan knew, Li Xuangan was the only one.

Tiannan Emperor Master Sword, Dongyou Zhenxian Dynasty.

Li Xuangan, that guy, was the only one who survived among the strong men he fought against when Jiulongjun massacred the Tiannan cultivation world a thousand years ago, and he also fought with Jiulongjun for dozens of rounds in a very despicable and wretched way.

Even if his fighting power was not at the same level as Jiulongjun, it was very close to that level.

In the attic by the lake, Luo Chuan's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Suddenly, a memory flashed through his mind, or to be more precise, a paragraph of text. It was almost two years ago. He accidentally broke into the cave of He Jun in Baiyujing. On the wall of the cave was a message from Li Xuangan:

"At the end of Yan and the beginning of Tang, the world was in chaos. A green snake descended from the sky, causing trouble and wreaking havoc on the world. It demanded 100 boys and girls to practice evil skills. The King of Tang sent 1,000 strong men to kill the snake, but they were killed by the green snake. He asked the monks to come out of the mountains, but they were all defeated... I knew that my hometown was in trouble, so I traveled thousands of miles to return. I wanted to kill this monster, but I felt sorry for its thousand years of practice, so I taught it for a hundred days and sealed it for a thousand years to set an example. To prevent such monsters from appearing again, I left the "Seven Methods of Escape" here... After my deduction, it has become a high-grade immortal method. Those who are destined to practice it can travel 30 million miles to the northeast and enter the immortal family at the bottom of the lake... Written by Li Xuangan."

From the cave of He Jun until today, Luo Chuan always thought that the focus of Li Xuangan's message was the "Seven Methods of Escape".

Until today, Luo Chuan knew that the key point of Li Xuangan's message was the last sentence: "Go northeast for 30 million miles and enter the immortal home at the bottom of the lake."

Nine out of ten, it was the Great Xia Dynasty, Tianqijing, and Baisha Lake!

Luo Chuan didn't know how far Tianqijing was from Baiyujing, but he knew that the Great Xia Dynasty was located in the northeast of Tang. As for the immortal home at the bottom of the seems that Li Xuangan left a "duel holy land" here, and he also had a hidden purpose.

This guy, why did he say it so obscurely.

Luo Chuan was slightly excited.

Every time he went on an adventure, he would gain something to varying degrees.

As described in Jiulongjun's memory, adventures are also cultivation. There are all kinds of life and experiences, as long as there are gains, they are all adventures. Jiulongjun, as the lord of a fairy court and a hero who traveled across the world, often hid his identity, mixed into cultivators of different levels, and participated in various trials and adventures.

Not everyone will have adventures in trials and adventures. But if you have more experiences and more adventures, you can naturally cultivate "luck". Others may think it is luck, but in fact, it is because in the trials and adventures in the past, he gradually developed a far superior insight, so he could naturally reap adventures.

For example, Luo Chuan at the moment.

The next moment, Luo Chuan disappeared in the attic, swept to the long street, and passed through the two fighting young men in a water shadow, and fell into the lake in the blink of an eye.

The two young men were pushed away by the Qi force driven by Luo Chuan's body movement, and they all retreated ten steps, stood firm and looked at each other from a distance, thinking that this round of fighting was evenly matched, and looked at each other affectionately, and sympathized with each other.

After a blink of an eye, a young man was stunned and reached out to touch his face.

"Hey! What's going on? Why are you licking my face!"

"Who licked you? You spit on yourself."

"What the hell!"

Luo Chuan performed the Water Escape Technique and dived into the bottom of the lake.

The lake was very deep, and white light emanated from the bottom of the lake. Luo Chuan opened his eyes in the water and could not see the end at a glance.

Performing the Water Escape Technique to sneak into the water was like a fish in water, nearly ten times faster than on land.

Not long after, Luo Chuan vaguely saw the lake bottom emitting a bright white light.

In the center of the lake, there stood a mountain pillar with a radius of ten miles, which extended to the lake surface. Luo Chuan knew that this was actually the sandbar where Danqizhai was located.

Looking at the sandbar from the pier, it didn't seem very big, because Tianqijing was originally vast, comparable to a country.

But looking up from the bottom of the lake to the vast sandbar that was like a towering mountain, Luo Chuan was secretly surprised.

Under the reflection of the water waves, the white light at the bottom of the lake was extremely dazzling.

Luo Chuan subconsciously looked for the source of the white light.

Gradually, Luo Chuan discovered that the entire lake bottom was shrouded in white light.

Finally, Luo Chuan found the source of the white light.

The next moment, his heartbeat accelerated involuntarily, and he was shocked.

The whole lake bottom under his feet was crawling with a giant white bat!

Compared with this bat, the white bat sandbar was like the hump on a camel's back.

"Such a big bat is hidden in Tianqijing, and no one cares?"

Luo Chuan murmured, and soon he found that this bat did not look like a living thing. But from the glow emanating from the back of the bat, it seemed to still have a trace of life.

Luo Chuan squatted down, his fingertips ran over the bat's back, feeling it inch by inch.

"Seal the demon?"

Luo Chuan frowned.

The white light around the bat came from the white jade stone that sealed it, and the principle of sealing was very similar to the principle of refining the demon.

However, the demon is to absorb the soul of the strange bird and beast, seal it into a specially refined stone sculpture, and suppress the soul of the strange bird and beast with the origin in the stone sculpture.

Whether it is Luo Chuan's Dragon Turtle Sealing Demon or Daxia Daozunyuan's Flood Dragon Sealing Demon, the same principle applies.

After absorbing the memory of Jiulongjun's Sealing Demon, Luo Chuan concluded that the reason why Sealing Demon is so popular in Tianchenbuzhou is just because of one word: lazy! In order to save the trouble of feeding spirit beasts, the large sects of Tianchenbuzhou extracted the souls of the captured exotic birds and beasts and refined them into Sealing Demon. It can not only save the spirit beasts from running around in the sect, causing chaos, but also save time, effort and resources.

When the cultivation civilization develops to a certain level, more and more immortal positions are born.

When Sealing Demon is fighting, it is not much different from living things. The higher the rank of Sealing Demon, the closer it is to living things. When sleeping, it is like a dead thing.

But the giant bat under Luo Chuan's feet is different. With his mind rising to the Heavenly Gate, Luo Chuan saw a giant bat sleeping with its body intact through a thick layer of jade.

Refining a living creature and its body into a demon seal, what is Li Xuangan thinking?

Luo Chuan complained in his heart.

But soon, Luo Chuan felt something.

The Seven Methods of Escape seemed to be attracted by something and started to run autonomously, and it was not that each method was running separately, but that the seven methods were added together and ran at the same time.

Luo Chuan was stunned at first, and then he was ecstatic.

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