Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 156: The Secret of the White Bat

The Seven Escape Techniques is an immortal method derived by Li Xuangan based on the Seven Escape Techniques of Tang Dynasty martial arts. Unlike most immortal methods, its rank classification is not stable. Each method is cast separately, and its power is only equivalent to the seventh-grade lower talent method.

But if two or three methods are combined and performed, the power will be increased, and the rank of the method will also be improved accordingly.

At the Tang Dynasty's night banquet, Luo Chuan combined the three skills and defeated three geniuses.

While living alone in the red maple forest in the empty mountain world, Luo Chuan repeatedly tried to integrate all seven techniques, but every attempt ended in failure.

Luo Chuan could feel that the Seven Escape Techniques were not that simple. "Seven Methods of Escape" was created based on the five elements, wind and thunder, and is close to the original path of heaven and earth. Although Li Xuangan derived the fairy version of "Seven Methods of Escape", he did not fully develop the original version of "Seven Methods of Escape". The power it should have.

After countless failures, Luo Chuan just thought that his cultivation was not enough and stopped trying any more. Whenever he used the Seven Escape Techniques, Luo Chuan was also used to performing them according to the geographical and terrain requirements, and rarely added any additional techniques.

Luo Chuan's eyes flashed with unpredictable brilliance.

His figure gradually disappeared, first using the water method to escape, then the water method dispersed, and he used the fire method to escape, and then the earth method... On the back of the bat at the bottom of the lake, Luo Chuan practiced the seven methods one by one.

Whether in the empty mountain world or in the sea of ​​thoughts under the Tianmen, Luo Chuan had never felt like this before.

He was clearly on the back of a bat at the bottom of the lake, but he felt like he was in a vast ancient void. In the void, some of the stars in the sky are falling, while others are beginning to condense and form again. The world seems to be in a buffering period of chaos and stability, with all things dying. However, due to the death of all things and the chaos of rules, the origin of heaven and earth has increasingly revealed their immortal heritage as eternal existences.

Among them, there are seven almost immortal origins of heaven and earth, namely metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, and thunder.

Luo Chuan's thoughts gradually became so intense that he completely forgot that he was at the bottom of the lake in Tianqi Capital. His movements became more and more free and natural, and every escape technique he performed was natural and very close to its essence.

The seven methods began to be fused and added, first two methods were fused separately, then three methods, four methods, five methods...

Time passes quietly on the back of the sleeping white bat. Above the lake, the sun rises and the moon sets, and the moon rises and sets again. I don't know how many days passed before Luo Chuan finally opened his eyes.

His eyes shone with inexplicable brilliance, and his whole person's temperament became more and more ethereal, vaguely revealing the artistic conception of returning to nature. In an instant, the brilliance subsided, and Luo Chuan's temperament became restrained and complete.

"It's amazing!"

Luo Chuan looked down at the back of the white bat at his feet and murmured.

Standing on the back of a bat at the bottom of the lake, Luo Chuan opened his palms, and an upright water column spun and rose from his palms.

A flash of red light flashed in Luo Chuan's eyes, and the water column in his palm rotated faster, and streams of water flowed out from the water column, like arms, extending to all directions and corners of the lake.

Closing and opening his eyes, Luo Chuan's pupils were deep and blue, and there was no longer any human look.

The lake with a radius of thirty miles began to undulate, the tide on the lake rose and fell, and there was an undercurrent surging in the middle of the lake, and the rapids were dangerous! The boatmen traveling on the lake were shocked and used their skills to lift their boats from the lake and fly back to the shore.

As soon as they stepped ashore, they looked back and saw that the huge Baisha Lake had an unprecedented 100-foot-high tide, surging as if it was trying to hit the sky full of flames.

Both the monks on the pier and the immortals on Baibat Sandbank looked at the huge tide in horror and were dumbfounded.

At the bottom of the lake, there are faint water waves flowing around Luo Chuan, and his skin is almost transparent. He is like an ancient river king. Every time he breathes in and out, he can pull out rapids and undercurrents for more than ten miles in the lake.

As the rotation of the water column in his palm slowed, the lake finally calmed down.

After several days of practice, Luo Chuan's understanding of the Seven Escape Techniques has progressed further, and he is vaguely close to its true meaning.

As long as he is in the environment corresponding to the seven methods, he can use the seven methods of escape to integrate with each other and control the environment corresponding to this method in the palm of his hand.

Until today, Luo Chuan finally realized the true power of the Seven Escape Techniques.

It was such a waste to just use it as a body escape technique before!

Luo Chuan said in his heart.

If he had already understood the true meaning of the Seven Escape Techniques during the fight with the Monk of Kongsi last night, he might not need to be forced into a desperate situation and rely on sudden enlightenment to win.

Dispersing the water column in his palm, Luo Chuan suddenly shouted: "Seven Escape Techniques. Return to Origin!"


Six streams of light rise from the bottom of the lake, with different colors and completely different artistic conceptions. They are the six laws of gold, wood, fire, earth, wind and thunder.

The six methods merged into one and penetrated into Luo Chuan's body, which was as transparent as water waves.

Luo Chuan's temperament changed again, his figure became extremely ethereal, and his whole body exuded a return to nature and a pure and pure artistic conception.

The seven methods were combined into one, and Luo Chuan felt that his palm vaguely contained power that could level the mountains, the sky, and the sea. Even he himself was secretly frightened.

At this moment, Luo Chuan's feet shook slightly.

The huge white bat that occupied the bottom of the thirty-mile lake and had been sleeping for an unknown length of time seemed to yawn, and a dark ravine suddenly appeared on the west side of the lake bottom.

Luo Chuan understood in his heart that it was not a ditch, it was clearly the mouth of a bat.

"So that's it." Luo Chuan was overjoyed: "The bat's mouth must be leading to the Immortal Family at the bottom of the lake. Only the combination of seven methods can open the Immortal Family at the bottom of the lake!"

Luo Chuan still hesitated, his figure disappeared in the middle of the lake, and in the blink of an eye he was thrown into the mouth of the giant bat.

The Baisha Lake returned to calm, with sparkling waves.

Not long after Luo Chuan entered the bat mouth, a figure slowly appeared where he was originally. It was a woman wearing an ancient yellow robe. She seemed to have been there for a long time, looking at the bat mouth that looked like a lake ditch in the distance, with a hint of curiosity on her elegant face.

The bat mouth was about to close, and her figure flashed, turning into a stream of light and drilling into the bat mouth.

As soon as she entered the bat mouth, with a puff, the white bat closed its mouth and continued its long sleep for a hundred years.

Not long after, several more streams of light dived into the bottom of the lake. Each of them wore a high crown and wide sleeves, with a deep breath like the abyss, and a deep majesty. It was obvious that they had been in a high position for a long time. They scanned the bottom of the lake, not letting go of every corner of the thirty-mile lake, and each of them frowned and looked suspicious.

"What happened just now? Did it wake up?"

"Impossible. The person who sealed it was Li Xuangan. The national teacher also said that no one could lift the seal unless Li Xuangan personally took action."

"Maybe he just yawned."

The few people looked around a few more times and turned into flowing light and flew out of the lake.

Luo Chuan rushed in a dark corridor. I don't know which organ of the white bat it was. The corridor was filled with a strong fragrance. Every time Luo Chuan took a breath, he felt refreshed. On Huangting and Lingtai, the two virtual pills rotated faster, and his skills were increasing at a speed three or four times faster than before.

High-ranking exotic birds and beasts are also called spiritual beasts, not only because they can communicate with spirits, but also because they contain the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in their bodies, so they are often caught by cultivators for cultivation.

Generally speaking, the higher the rank and the older the spiritual beast, the thicker the spiritual energy of heaven and earth contained in their bodies.

Any organ of this white bat can have the spiritual energy comparable to that of the blessed land of immortals. Its high rank and long age can be imagined.

Soon, Luo Chuan noticed a faint light. There were three caves not far in front of him.

The three caves were far apart. Above each cave, there was a line of words engraved.

The font was very familiar. It was the handwriting of Li Xuangan.

Above the cave on the left, it was written: Enter this cave to understand the supreme truth.

Above the cave on the right, it was written: Enter this cave to achieve the supreme way.

Above the cave in the middle, it was written: Enter this cave to take the white bat mount. The three caves cannot be accessed at the same time. Once selected, the cave door will be closed.

Why can't they be accessed at the same time... Li Xuangan, what the hell are you doing.

Luo Chuan gritted his teeth.

Taking a deep breath, Luo Chuan inspected the three caves with a flickering look.

If it weren't for Zhou Buchen's incident, the cave in the middle would undoubtedly be the most attractive to Luo Chuan. If he could take a huge and terrifying white bat as a mount, it would be absolutely cool.

But now, Luo Chuan first ruled out the cave in the middle. Obtaining a white bat mount would not only not help rescue Zhou Buchen, but would cause great trouble. There are many masters in Tianqijing, and there must be a strong man in the Return to Void Realm. If he rides a white bat to rescue Zhou Buchen, he might be taken away by someone before he reaches the upper ring.

Looking at the two caves on the left and right, Luo Chuan pondered.

His most urgent task at present is undoubtedly to improve his strength. The key to improving strength is to improve his cultivation skills and break through the current realm.

But there is no mention of realm in the caves on the left and right.

Supreme True Dharma... Could it be referring to the Dharma? But why is it called the True Dharma?

Supreme Avenue... This is even more general.

Luo Chuan thought about it, and after a long time, he finally made up his mind and walked towards the "Supreme Avenue" on the right.

Just take a gamble and try your luck.

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