Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 384: The Lord of Bones (Updated, please give me a mo

"As soon as I broke through the first level of Huaying, I used the opponents of the second level to hone my strength." Xia Yuanji sighed.

"Look at that cyan sword light, which is nearly a thousand feet long, reaches the sky and reaches the earth, exceeding the scope of Xuanyuan's magic power. Master Luo's sword is definitely a top-grade magic weapon!"

"Yes, and it is a treasured sword that does not exist on the Tiannan Immortal Weapon List! He is indeed Master Luo."

The rest of the masters on the Green Immortal Ranking were also amazed. Recalling what happened on the fourth level, they all had lingering fears. They were able to reach the fifth level alive, but they only felt that their fate was high.

"It's strange that Master Luo doesn't even look at the corpses of so many second-level white-bone monsters. Those bones are good materials for refining weapons!"

"Have you forgotten the Qingmu Yuying on the fourth floor? Master Luo must have found some rare treasure again!"

"Yeah, hurry up and catch up and take a look! Pick up these bones by the way, Master Luo doesn't want them anyway."

The masters on the Qingxian Ranking were collecting bones from the sea while speeding up to catch up to Luo Chuan.

The line between the sea and the sky is as frosty as snow, and the long sword is ruthless, tearing the sea and splitting the island.

Luo Chuan stepped on two streams of light and flew close to the sea. It seemed that he was close to the waves, but the distance between his feet and the sea was always three inches, neither too long nor too short.

Although the bone guards in the sea are powerful, with their highest cultivation level reaching the middle level of the second level of Huaying, they are as vulnerable as tofu blocks to Luo Chuan's three-foot-long green sword.

Lu Daoran followed closely behind Luo Chuan, also flying against the sea on two streams of light.

With his superb eyesight, he could naturally tell that Luo Chuan did not fully use the cyan sword to cross the sea, or it could be said that the cyan sword only played a supporting role. What really allowed him to destroy everything and move across the sea was his extremely weird movement!

Lu Daoran still remembers being in the Sifang Immortal City in Zhou Jing. Luo Chuan had used this movement technique before when he faced Gu Yuefeng. It was a very skillful movement technique.

Along the way, Lu Daoran also thought about stealing from Luo Chuan. However, with his talent of being able to enter the Six Divisions of Daozang, he was unable to find a clue, which made him very frustrated.

A long column of blue light fell from the sky, chopping thirty white-bone flying fish in the distance into pieces.

Luo Chuan did not put away his sword and let the three-foot-long green sword drag across the sea. Mana flowed out, opening a deep trench.

Right in front of the trench, there is a tiger dragon swimming rapidly.

The tiger dragon's body tensed up, its tail flicked wildly, and it swam forward quickly without looking back.

Luo Chuan followed the tiger dragon leisurely, always maintaining a distance of three hundred steps, which was not too long or too short.

at this time. On the sea surface between Luo Chuan and Hu Jiao, bubbles rolled up. The bubbles were as big as ten people. They quickly flew away from the sea and rose into the sky. Immediately afterwards, more whirlpools appeared on the sea. The vortex turned faster and bigger, and spread to the feet of Luo Chuan in an instant.

Feeling the fierce and terrifying aura under the sea, Lu Daoran's face was serious, as if he was facing a formidable enemy. The Sun Blood Ax has fallen into the palm of your hand.


The pale sea water was pulled up into the sky by a strange force, forming a skyward water column. More than a thousand feet high. There are twelve such water pillars, pulled up by twelve giant long spiked legs. In the center of the twelve thousand-foot-high water pillars, there is a four-eyed white bone beast!

The white-bone beast has twelve giant pincers, shaped like a giant spider, but its body is as long as a snake.

As it appeared, lightning flashed and thundered over the sea on the fifth floor of the White Bone Heavenly Prison Palace. The purple lightning in the sky and the sea snakes in the sea complemented each other. The entire sky and sea seemed to be dyed deep purple, which was indescribably weird.

"That's the King of Sea Spiders! The Second Level Perfection of Transforming Infants! The leader of the fifth-level leader, with a status equivalent to that of a deputy lord!" Lu Daoran whispered behind Luo Chuan, with urgency in his voice: "Master Luo, it's better to avoid him first. Edge..."

Before Lu Daoran finished speaking, the sea spider king suddenly started to surge, jumped up from the sea, suspended in mid-air, and its three-thousand-foot long tail shook the sky and stirred up the sea! Twelve thousand-foot-long giant pincers cut across each other, creating tens of millions of streams of mana! At the same time, the Sea Spider King opened his mouth and spat out billowing black smoke. Lightning and thunder arose in the black smoke, shrouding Luochuan!

As the Sea Spider King made a fuss, the entire sea began to shake! The sea and sky were in turmoil. The creatures and ferocious beasts on the fifth floor of the Bone Celestial Prison were tossed around by the mining seawater. They fell into unrest. They roared and roared one after another, and their ferocity soared into the sky, staining the sky with black clouds!

Lu Daoran, eleven masters of the Green Immortal Ranking, including the Qiube capital far away on the shore, were affected. They could not resist the force of the shaking and were swept into the middle of the sea.

Only Luo Chuan remained motionless, stepping on the waves and standing in front of the Sea Spider King.

The roaring Spider King, the sky-high waves, the expanding whirlpool, the exhausted dragon whales and sea snakes in the whirlpool, the monks being swept into the middle of the sea... In this chaotic background, Luo Chuan was carrying a three-foot green sword, It is as majestic as a mountain and as motionless as a kun, forming a sharp contrast with everything in the background.

"You think this will prevent me from getting you?"

Luo Chuan raised his head and stared at the Sea Spider King.

In the sea of ​​bones on the fifth level, not only are there things he must obtain, but it is also a place of trial for him to integrate his cultivation in the Transformation Infant Realm and judge his current strength.

When he was still in the true elixir realm, after Luo Chuan entered Tianqi Capital, he encountered powerful enemies many times. Finally, in front of the Taoist Monastery, he defeated the Kongsi monk of the third level true elixir with his first-level true elixir cultivation, and established his true elixir. The qualifications of a strong person.

Later, in Daozunyuan, with the cultivation of the second level of true elixir, he defeated Ran Qingyi, who was at the peak of the fourth level of true elixir, and was promoted to the strongest person in the true elixir realm, almost invincible.

By the time Luo Chuan broke through to the third level of true elixir, at least among the true elixir monks in the Tiannan Region, he was already considered invincible.

While crossing the sea, Luo Chuan was also measuring his strength.

With his first-level Nascent Soul Xuanyuan magic power, it is not difficult to kill a first-level Nascent Soul peak beast. With a little skill, it is not difficult to kill a second-level Nascent Soul beast.

The second-level Nascent Soul peak Sea Spider King in front of him is Luo Chuan's next test subject.

With a shake of his body, Luo Chuan leaped out and pulled up a wave column like a hurricane on the sea.

The wave column became longer and longer, and in the end, it stood in the middle of the sea like a Dinghai magic needle, reaching the sky and the earth, correcting the chaos, and letting the turbulent sea gradually return to calm.

In the middle of the sea. Lu Daoran stabilized his body first, stepping on the magic power stream. He stared at the white wave pillar standing in front of the Sea Spider King, which made the Sea Spider King look up to it.

"With such skills, it's no wonder that Master Gu was very pleased even though he lost." Lu Daoran murmured.

Hearing the word "Master Gu", the head of the Qiu group beside him shook his body slightly, with a complicated look in his eyes.

Kong Yidao, Xia Yuanji and other masters on the Qingxian list were silent. Luo Chuan's strength was far higher than theirs by more than one level, and it was not something they could evaluate or discuss.

At this moment, the Sea Spider King roared. The twelve giant pincers wrapped in magic power and twisted madly towards the giant wave pillar.

Before the twelve giant pincers touched the giant wave pillar, the giant wave pillar collapsed from it, and thousands of water droplets flew out. Each water droplet was wrapped in Xuanyuan magic power, and it bounced like a meteor, densely shooting towards the Sea Spider King.

The Sea Spider King had never expected this. There was no time to block or dodge, and it was hit by thousands of water droplets, and it roared in pain.

Thousands of water droplets rebounded, recovered, gathered and compressed, turning into a rolling figure of a water shadow, and finally gradually became solid.

The masters of the Qingxian list who were watching the battle from afar could no longer hold back. They burst into cheers.

"Could it be that the wave column just now was Master Luo's body?"

"It shouldn't be. A wave column that high would require so much mana!"

"Unless Master Luo himself has practiced an extremely heaven-defying water channel method."

Before the masters of the Qingxian list could sort out their thoughts, Luo Chuan's figure flashed and he dragged his sword up. Man and sword became one, and mana flowed. He killed the Sea Spider King.

The Sea Spider King roared, his long tail supported the sea surface, his body hung in the air, waving twelve giant pincers, wrapped in mana, and slashed at Luo Chuan with murderous intent.

For a time, the wind and clouds surged, lightning and thunder, black smoke billowed, and blue and white lights!

Even with Lu Daoran's eyesight, he couldn't see the scene of a man and a monster fighting. He could only judge the fierceness of the battle from the loud sound of metal colliding!


Not long after, as a sharp thousand-foot green light fell from the sky, making a thunderous roar, the center of the sea returned to calm.

The black wind dissipated, and on the pale sea, Luo Chuan was floating in the air with a green knife on his back, and the Sea Spider King stood stiffly opposite Luo Chuan.

The dark clouds in the sky opened, and a halo fell from the sky, touching the Sea Spider King's eyebrows.


The Sea Spider King was like a collapsed mountain, collapsing from the highest point, and his whole body was shattered into 3,695 pieces, collapsing into the sea!

Nine hundred white bone beads flew out of its broken skull, and before they could escape into the sea, they were taken into Luo Chuan's palm and the white bone spirit was absorbed.

"Without the use of the method, you can kill the peak of the second stage of the Incarnation within ten moves. But the higher the cultivation level, the more powerful the method is. If you encounter a cultivator at the peak of the second stage of the Incarnation who uses the method, I am afraid it will take some twists and turns."

Luo Chuan murmured, the peak of the second stage of the Incarnation, the Sea Spider King still failed to test his current strength level.

Raising his head, Luo Chuan looked at the tiger dragon swimming fast in the distance of the sea, and raised the corner of his mouth: "Still want to escape?"

With a flip of his wrist, Luo Chuan slapped the sea with one palm.

Seven Methods of Escape, Water Method!

A wave rolled up under Luo Chuan's palm, and it rushed forward in an instant. In three or four moments, it caught up with the tiger dragon that was desperately fleeing, and turned into a magical hand at the end of the sea, and pulled the tiger dragon back.

At this time, Lu Daoran was holding Qiu Bu Shou, and eleven Qingxian Ranking masters flew over one after another. Their eyes were fixed on the tiger dragon caught in the air by Luo Chuan.

With the previous experience of Qingmu Yuying, how could they not guess that this tiger dragon that Luo Chuan had to toss for a long time to catch must be an extraordinary product!

Lu Daoran and Qiu Bu Shou were also nervous. One of them stood on Luo Chuan's side, and the other belonged to the little monster.

There was only one layer left to the place where the little monster was. The harvest in this fifth layer would also be Luo Chuan's last chance.

Under everyone's eager gaze, Luo Chuan waved his hand, and a stream of magic flew out, cutting open the tiger dragon's belly.

It turned out that the treasure was hidden in the tiger dragon's belly!

Everyone's eyes shifted to the tiger dragon's belly, and their heartbeats slightly accelerated.

However, the next moment, as the fat black shadow rolled out, everyone was stunned.

"This... a little black pig?"

Looking at the little black pig jumping around on the sea and grinning at Luo Chuan, Lu Daoran opened his mouth wide, and then a trace of bitterness appeared on his face.

As for the head of the Qiu group, after checking the little black pig over and over again and confirming that it was just an ordinary pig, she raised her head and showed a smile of victory on her face.

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