Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 385: Demonic Pig (Second update, next update before

The vast white sea is calm.

The little black pig retreated its limbs, leaned back, and its back hair stood up high. It stared at Luo Chuan, with grief, anger and unyielding in its eyes.

"Luo Chuan! How did you find this emperor!"

The Bone Mage's unwilling cry came from the Bone Furnace.

Luo Chuan's eyes narrowed and he sent a message: "How do you know who I am?"

"Hmph! My divine wisdom has long been restored! Although I am trapped in a pig body and have lost my cultivation! But I have many magical skills and secrets! I can perform them without cultivation! I want to find out your name! It's easy! The little black pig jumped on the sea and roared triumphantly: "Why do you think that sea spider wants to stop you! It's all because of my magic control! It can only obey orders!"

Seeing Luo Chuan deep in thought, the little black pig jumped even more happily: "Luo Chuan! Although this emperor has lost his cultivation! But as the master of the White Bone Heavenly Prison, I can summon the White Bone Heavenly Prison with just one order! All the bone guards in the palace can also activate all the killing arrays! It’s not just a matter of ticking your little finger to kill you!”

Luo Chuan continued to meditate, looking at the little black pig with a slightly solemn look.

Seeing this, the little black pig became more and more proud. He raised his front hooves and spit from his mouth: "Luo Chuan! You only know that I am the old Bone Mage! But you don't know my true identity! Three thousand years ago! This Emperor! Before falling into this small realm! But if you obey me obediently, I will teach you the supreme magic! Maybe! But if you offend me, the consequences will be serious!"

"How serious is it?" Luo Chuan raised his head.

"How serious is it?" The little black pig grinned, showing its fangs. His face was full of anger, and he made a ferocious look: "I'll scare you if I say it! Listen carefully! This emperor..."

The little black pig didn't have time to finish. A black shadow flew in front of my eyes.


The little black pig was kicked in the face by Luo Chuan. His face was covered with flowers and his nose was bleeding. It whirled and flew towards the far end of the sky.

"Go and catch it back." Luo Chuan said.

The masters on the Green Immortal Ranking looked at each other, their swords flew out, flickered a few times, grabbed the little black pig that had flown several miles away, and carried it back to Luo Chuan.

Luo Chuan kicked the little black pig so hard that stars appeared in its eyes. Its lips were cracked and its nostrils were bleeding. It was so painful that it rolled on the sea with its head in its hands, screaming repeatedly.

"Luo Chuan! Are you really not afraid that I will cast a spell to summon the Bone Leader of the fifth and sixth floors? Okay! Just wait for me!" After a long while, the little black pig stopped, staring at the swollen blue eyes, panting. With Luo Chuan. He had a fierce look on his face and muttered words.

Luo Chuan looked at the little black pig with a playful look.

Seeing that Luo Chuan was unmoved, cold sweat began to break out from the top of the little black pig's head, and the cold sweat was like beads, rolling down in big drops. There was a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

"You took the body of a pig, how can you learn any secret skills, let alone summon the leaders from the first to the sixth floor."

"If you really summon them here and see the former boss of the White Bone Temple reduced to a pig, how will they let you go? By then, you, the mighty White Bone Mage. The former Demonic Heaven Emperor, will not even have this last bit of spiritual charm. Will not be able to keep it.”

"The reason why you know my name is not a secret method at all. It's because your life is connected with the Bone Furnace. Every time I turn on the Bone Furnace, you can hear me."

Every time Luo Chuan said something, the helplessness in the little black pig's eyes became more intense, and his expression was no longer as fierce as before. He couldn't help but retreat, becoming more and more cowardly.

"Luo Chuan! You have been playing tricks on me before! You are lying!" The little black pig shrank back, his nostrils were still bleeding, and his eyes were averted.

"So what if I'm playing tricks on you. As I said before, if I find you, the consequences will be serious."

Luo Chuan laughed evilly and reached out to grab the little black pig.

The little black pig's face changed greatly. He kicked his hind legs wildly, swung his forelimbs, screamed like a slaughtering pig, and resisted desperately: "Luo Chuan! Have you forgotten that land keel! I have already found it! And hid it!" It’s somewhere in the Bone Celestial Prison Palace that you can’t find! If you let me go, I will take out the Earth Dragon Bone and give it to you!”

"Where is it hidden?" Luo Chuan lifted the little black pig in front of him and asked close to him.

After being tortured by Luo Chuan for a long time, the little black pig's head was broken and bleeding, and his face was covered with blood. At this time, he looked at Luo Chuan, and his arrogant look returned: "If this emperor's guess is correct! That land keel must be very important to you. ! If you are willing to let me go! And cooperate with me! I will tell you the location of the Earth Dragon Bone!"

Luo Chuan thought for a while: "What cooperation?"

"Of course I will teach those idiots a lesson! When I left the White Bone Celestial Prison, I set many rules! One of them was that you were not allowed to collude with human monks! The leaders of the fourth, fifth, sixth and third floors actually listened to a human monk. Nonsense! This emperor is so angry!" The little black pig snorted: "That's right! You and the human monk are the enemy! The leader is so easy! When the time comes, all the white-bone creatures in this Bone Heaven Prison will be at your disposal! The human monk’s trap will be in vain in the end!”

Luo Chuan showed his heartbeat: "Then how should we cooperate?"

"After I fell to the Tiannan Territory, I once refined three white-bone demon frames, which are equivalent to my Dharma Body. They contain the fourth-level magic power of the Infant Transformation. They are specially used to hide the emperor's soul and charm."

The little black pig looked up at the sky, letting two streams of blood flow into the sea, with a face full of resentment: "The first skeleton was more than 800 years ago! It was broken up by that big devil! The second skeleton was more than two years ago! It was broken up by you! This emperor has the last skeleton left! But it needs to use the skeleton furnace to smelt 365 high-quality bones! To be successful!"

"You mean, you need a skeleton furnace?" Luo Chuan asked.

"That's right!" The little black pig turned to Luo Chuan and grinned: "Only this emperor can personally control the skeleton furnace! To refine that skeleton! Restore mana! Command the skeleton creatures in the skeleton prison hall!"

"You mean, I need to refine the skeleton furnace again, cleanse the connection, and then return it to you?"

"That's right!" said the little black pig.

"When you recover your mana, the first person you deal with is me." Luo Chuan said.

"So you are afraid of this?" The little black pig sneered: "Why don't we just sign an alliance agreement?"

"No need to be so troublesome." Luo Chuan smiled slightly: "Since I know how to restore your magic power, I just need to let you refine the white bone magic frame in the white bone furnace, and then use the white bone furnace to refine you, all problems can be solved."

The little black pig was stunned, looked up at Luo Chuan, with a trace of panic in his eyes: "What do you mean! Don't you want that piece of earth dragon bone!"

"Since I know that the earth dragon bone is in the White Bone Prison Hall, how can I not know where it is hidden. The White Bone Prison Hall is really a big treasure house, the location and method of unlocking each treasure, They are all clearly imprinted in my mind. "Luo Chuan held the sweaty little black pig and leaned closer again: "The White Bone Prison Hall has no trial significance for me. The only thing to be solved is you white bone leaders."

Looking at Luo Chuan's approaching face, the little black pig's face became uglier and snarled while shaking his trotters: "So you have been trying to trick me before! You are so mean! You must have lied to me! How could you know where the earth dragon bones are hidden! Unless you, you, you..."

Gradually, the little black pig's body trembled. It seemed to have thought of something. Looking at Luo Chuan who was getting closer and closer, his eyes were full of fear, and the originally coagulated nosebleed flowed again.

"You, you can't be him... You are Jiulong Jun!"

The former White Bone Emperor, the White Bone Magician a thousand years ago, the little black pig now huddled up and stared at Luo Chuan in fear, as if he began to recall something, and a gleam of light flashed in his originally turbid eyes: "No! You are not Jiulong Jun! According to Jiulong Jun's layout! And the growth progress after reincarnation! The White Bone Prison Hall should be just suitable for him to conduct trials! But the White Bone Prison Hall can't achieve the effect of trials for you! Your growth progress is much faster than Jiulong Jun calculated! Your words and deeds are not like him! Who are you!"

To be able to roam in a world, he must be a person of great intelligence.

Unfortunately, the White Bone Emperor was first wiped out by Jiulong Jun. He had just recovered a little, and was trapped in a pig's body. He had divine wisdom but could not operate, and his IQ was less than one thousandth of the past.

At this time, in order to figure out Luo Chuan's true identity, the White Bone Emperor forced the pig brain to operate the divine wisdom, which naturally hurt so much that the brain was about to split, and the pig's head felt like it was about to split, and it screamed like a pig being slaughtered.

"From now on, you will be the White Bone Demon Pig."

Luo Chuan's hand shadow flashed, took out the White Bone Furnace, threw the little black pig into the furnace, and operated the White Bone Furnace with his hands.

The White Bone Furnace was originally a magic weapon refined by the White Bone Demon Master when he was in the Infant Realm. Although Luo Chuan could use it when he was in the True Dan Realm before, he could only play one-tenth or one-twentieth of its effectiveness. Now that Luo Chuan has broken through to the Infant Realm, his magic power has penetrated into the White Bone Furnace, and he can use it as if he were using his arm.

In the middle of the sea, Lu Daoran and others were curiously watching Luo Chuan.

The conversation between Luo Chuan and the White Bone Demon Master was transmitted through the White Bone Furnace. Lu Daoran and others could not hear anything. They only saw Luo Chuan and the little black pig living in the belly of the tiger dragon flirting for a long time, and then throwing it into the furnace without mercy.

Is Master Luo... stewing pork soup?

The masters of the Qingxian list exchanged glances, full of absurdity.

"Master Luo, what are you doing?" Lu Daoran couldn't help asking.

Although he was optimistic about Luo Chuan, and after breaking through the Nascent Soul Realm, he stood firmly on Luo Chuan's side, but this did not mean that he was not afraid of the little monster.

Before meeting Luo Chuan, the little monster of Tianhua Palace had always been the most talented person Lu Daoran knew, known as the first person in the sect in Tiannan Territory in the past three hundred years.

Seeing that he was about to reach the sixth floor, Luo Chuan not only did not make any preparations, but also stewed pork soup leisurely, and Lu Daoran was secretly anxious.

As soon as Lu Daoran finished asking, the sea under him shook.

Between the sea and the sky, in all directions, those powerful white bone creatures, dragon whales, sea snakes, squids and giant crocodiles were shattered one by one, turned into white bones, and flew into the white bone furnace in Luo Chuan's palm.

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