Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 386: The Fourth Level of Tianmen is Completed! (Thre

The bone furnace was suspended in Luo Chuan's palm, and the sky above the furnace was covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and the thunderclouds turned into a circle of storms.

The sucked bones rotated in the thundercloud storm, tempered, melted, and reorganized, until they were reassembled in the thundercloud into a brand new skeletal form, ethereal and transparent, crystal white, and then fell into the bone furnace.

In three or four breaths, nearly 30% of the bone creatures on the sea were sucked into the thundercloud storm, and fell into the bone furnace after reorganization. These bone creatures are all fierce beasts above the second level of Nascent Soul, and their bones are taken from powerful beings in the void battlefield outside the domain. After being tempered by the thundercloud storm, they are rejuvenated.

"It turns out that the White Bone Demon Master melted the White Bone Demon Frame he made, refined it into a mark and hid it in the White Bone Furnace. Dharmakaya mark? This method is novel, and there is not much explanation in the memory of Jiulongjun."

Luo Chuan's four Taoist thoughts flew into the White Bone Furnace, monitoring the fusion of the little black pig and the White Bone Demon Frame while studying the White Bone Demon Master's method of refining the White Bone Demon Frame in the past.

The White Bone Demon Master came from Ji Le Di Jia Tian, ​​an emperor of that heavenly realm. Like Da Bei Ku Han Tian who imprisoned the ancient snake lineage, Ji Le Di Jia Tian formed a world in the Nine Heavens and had an independent inheritance.

And the White Bone Demon Master's method of refining the Dharmakaya into a mark is also a method that Ji Le Di Jia Tian does not pass on.

Luo Chuan's heart moved, but he remembered the skeletons of Qin Mo Lao Zu and Miao Yu Tian Jun.

In the battlefield outside the domain, when Qin Mo Patriarch's body was destroyed, Luo Chuan promised to use Miao Yu Tianjun's skeleton to rebuild her body in the future. Now that I think about it, Miao Yu Tianjun's skeleton is not suitable for use as a body. But if it is refined into a Dharma body mark. It is a good choice.

The creatures in the sea were sucked into the white bone furnace one by one, and the sea water surged and overturned. The waves were as high as the sky, like a mountain abyss in the sea.

I don't know whether it was the violent struggle of the white bone creatures or the great power of the white bone furnace, the sea separated a waterway from it and continued to gather on both sides. The sea water on both sides became higher and higher, and the sea water in the middle became shallower and shallower. I don't know how long it took, and the pale sea finally bottomed out.

At this time, if you look at the sea from the sky. You will definitely see a wide seabed abyss, and on the surface of the seabed abyss, densely packed with twisted runes!

Lu Daoran, Qiu Bu Shou, and the eleven Qingxian Ranking masters were all shocked by the spectacular scene before them. They stepped on the waves and drifted with the current, but their eyes were fixed on the deep seabed.

They did not realize that not far behind them. Luo Chuan was floating upright in the air, holding the bone furnace in his left hand, holding the three-foot green knife in his right hand, lowering his head and silently chanting, his long hair fluttering in the wind.

A faint black line emerged from Luo Chuan's pupils, life and death. Life and death surround, like a dragon and a snake, endless!

"The fourth piece of earth dragon bone, and also the last piece of Tianmen Xuanshen Gongfa... If there were no memory instructions from Jiulong Jun, who would have guessed that it was actually the sixth layer of the seabed... the entire seabed!"

"In order to prepare this fourth piece of earth dragon bone. How big of an earth dragon did Jiulong Jun kill... Sure enough, he really killed the largest earth dragon in the Xuanhuang Yuanye of Tianchen East."

Luo Chuan lowered his head. Looking at the exposed "seabed abyss".

At this moment, he had a further understanding of Jiulong Jun's layout.

Jiulong Jun's layout was grand and majestic, but not particular about details, and was far less sophisticated than Li Xuangan's. Luo Chuan had always thought that Jiulong Jun's layout was repeatedly cracked by Li Xuangan because a thousand years was too long, making any layout no longer solid.

It was not until today that Luo Chuan realized that Jiulong Jun, who was so arrogant, did not care about others interfering in his layout. Because he knew that even if the layout went wrong later, his ability was enough to correct the chaos, turn the world around, and re-arrange the layout.

Take the last piece of earth dragon bone in front of him, even if Emperor Sword Li Xuangan came in person, he might not be able to find it.

Therefore, Jiulong Jun didn't care at all. As early as the first moment he set foot in Tiannan Territory, he had regarded the entire Tiannan Territory as his possession.

"If you understand this, you will be able to completely master the cultivation process of Tianmen Xuanshen."

Luo Chuan closed his eyes and opened them again. The four powers of wind, thunder, earth and fire were in his mind. The fire thought monitored the White Bone Demon Master, the earth thought learned the White Bone Demon Master's Dharma Body Mark, the thunder thought flew out of his body and patrolled the four directions to protect him, and the last wind thought went straight to the bottom of the sea, madly absorbing the fourth earth dragon bone.


As the sky spun, Luo Chuan seemed to have returned to the black stone sand two years ago, when he first opened the Tianmen Secret Realm.

Although it was not the first time he had browsed that memory, Luo Chuan was still a little excited when he saw the young man open his eyes and draw.

There are gods three feet above your head, and Tianmen opens to the Xuanshen.

When the innate Xuan patterns were drawn by the young man, the mountains and rivers were broken, the earth sank, and the whole world was trembling uneasy.


Above the sea, Luo Chuan's eyelids trembled, and the innate Xuan patterns in his pupils were scattered and gathered, reorganizing over and over again.

Every reorganization seemed to bring Luo Chuan to the edge of life and death, from life to death, and then from death to life, over and over again.

Even though Luo Chuan's state of mind has reached the realm of "immaculate heart mirror", he still struggles on the edge of life and death again and again! Reincarnation in the realm of life and death! Sweat began to roll down his forehead, and veins bulged out from his forehead!

The process of practicing Tianmen Xuanshen is not moving forward, but going back. Not only the whole process is like this, but also the practice process of each small realm is the same.

One of the reasons why Tianmen cultivators are rare is inseparable from the "backtracking" during practice.

The process of retrospection is often accompanied by unpredictable crises and dangers. Every retrospection is a process of fighting against the morality of heaven and earth. If you relax a little and lose control, you will fail, your mind will fall into a cliff, and you will be shattered.

At this time, Luo Chuan was experiencing this process when he was retrospecting the morality of life and death.

I don’t know how long it took, but the blue veins on Luo Chuan’s forehead gradually calmed down, and his breathing gradually returned to normal.

"If life and death can be solved, why bother to practice. Life and death have always been the most troublesome problems from ancient times to the present. My first mysterious pattern is the mysterious pattern of life and death, which is too difficult. If I hadn’t practiced the Nine Deaths and One Life Gong and experienced too many life and death, I’m afraid this time would be very dangerous."

Luo Chuan whispered, and the mysterious pattern of life and death in his eyes gradually faded, and his eyes were brighter than ever.

Above the sea of ​​thoughts, under the gate of heaven, the black true pill that was different from other Tianmen cultivators was spinning rapidly, and lightning and fire flashed all over his body. The thunder in the sky was fierce, the fire on the ground was surging, and the sea of ​​thoughts was like an oil pan, ignited in an instant!

At this point, Luo Chuan's Tianmen Xuanshen finally broke through to the fourth level of Zhendan, reaching perfection! The radiation range of Tianmen's thoughts also exceeded three hundred miles!

The practice of the life and death Xuanwen came to an end, and under Tianmen, above the sea of ​​thoughts, next to the original life and death Xuanwen, a new Xuanwen appeared.

This Xuanwen is exactly the cause and effect Xuanwen that Luo Chuan realized in the Great Zhou Immortal Mausoleum!

As long as he can comprehend the attack method of the cause and effect Xuanwen, Luo Chuan's Tianmen Xuanshen can break through to the first level of Nascent Soul.

Then the practice of Tianmen Xuanshen requires not only comprehension, but also huge resources. For Luo Chuan, it requires sufficient void origin.

Since entering the White Bone Prison Hall, Xiao Zhu has also fallen into a deep sleep and can't immediately get enough void origin.

A dangerous breath penetrated Luo Chuan's heart.

Through the fire path thought, Luo Chuan saw the snow-white skeleton that occupied most of the world in the Sumeru mustard seed world of the white bone furnace.

White bone Xumi world, the dark blood evil pool.

Just as Luo Chuan was comprehending the fourth earth dragon bone, the bone furnace was quietly filled with blood evil energy, just like the scene when Luo Chuan was first taken into the bone furnace in the Great Destruction Peak Cave.

The snow-white skeleton sat cross-legged on the blood evil, and his whole body was trembling slightly. In the rising blood evil, he endured the severe pain of the reorganization of the Dharma body and quietly tempered the bone Dharma body.

He was so careful and patient that he didn't want to alarm Luo Chuan.

When Luo Chuan came back to his senses and his thoughts came, he didn't get frustrated or angry. He raised his head from the blood evil and calmly watched Luo Chuan's fire thoughts.

While the White Bone Emperor was looking at Luo Chuan, Luo Chuan was also observing him.

Except for his particularly majestic and tall figure, the White Bone Emperor in front of him was not much different from the White Bone Magician in the Great Destruction Peak Cave in terms of body shape and appearance. He was just a skeleton.

Although it was just a skeleton, compared with the White Bone Demon Master at that time, the White Bone Emperor's temperament had changed drastically. He was as steady as a mountain, as calm as an ice river, and his eyes were filled with the chill of shooting down all directions.

"If my guess is correct, the Nine Dragons have died in your hands."

The first sentence the White Bone Emperor said was shocking.

"What do you mean?" Luo Chuan's fire thought asked.

"The Nine Dragons planned the Tiannan Region with the idea of ​​seeking refuge. With his temperament, he would never reveal the secrets of the Tiannan Region to anyone, even his successor. You know too much, so much that it's scary. There is only one possibility, that is, you have obtained the Nine Dragons' divine wisdom memory." The White Bone Emperor said.

Luo Chuan looked at the White Bone Emperor thoughtfully, without denying: "He has fully recovered his spiritual wisdom, and his thoughts are clear."

"Did this emperor really guess it?" The White Bone Emperor's body shook, and a fierce look burst out of his eyes. Then he raised his head and laughed heartily, and his bones creaked all over his body: "That's the Nine Dragon Lord, the first Dou Sheng of all ages! Hahaha, this emperor is laughing to death! He, the Nine Dragon Lord, will also have such a day, and his spiritual wisdom memory will be taken away by a small cultivator in a ruined realm!"

"You are the same." Luo Chuan sneered: "White Bone, you are all If I fight with Jiulong Jun in my prime, what will be the result? "

"How do I know if I have never fought before?"

"Can you survive three moves?"

"You... If I use my secret method and fight to the death, even seventeen or eighteen moves will be no problem."

"Seventeen or eighteen moves?"

Luo Chuan glanced at the somewhat embarrassed White Bone Emperor: "Among the seventeen or eighteen moves, at least ten are exaggerated. You have also recovered to the fourth level of Nascent Soul. If you continue to improve, you will inevitably break through the Return to Void Realm. Even if I have beaten you into the Mysterious Mark of Life and Death, you may have evil thoughts. It's better to turn back into a little black pig."

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