Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 526: Dreaming back to ancient times, witnessing the

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, on Tiandao Peak, Luo Chuan walked in the long river of time, with his back to the ancient Tiannan Region, and followed the way home to the Tiannan Region after the Great Silence.

Behind him was the old man Wudao with a complicated face.

"The past and the present are a river, and reincarnation is a circle. If you observe reincarnation in the river, you can prove the origin."

"You have crossed the river and seen through the circle... Even the long river of time can't trap you."

As he spoke, the sky suddenly changed, and a star fell from the sky and fell in the middle of the sea.


The old man Wudao shook his white beard, looking surprised. He looked deeply at the six stars in the sky, and then counted with his fingers.

"Wait... the secret of heaven has changed again! How is it possible that he actually changed history!"

The old man Wudao's face changed uncertainly. After a while, he stretched his hand to the sky and grabbed a starlight.

"Fortunately, he couldn't change history. He only changed the fate of one person... Ziyun? Could he also escape the calamity of annihilation?"

The expression of the old man Wudao was extremely complicated, with both relief and sadness.

"Forget it, the children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. The annihilation of heaven and earth is about to begin, and the new world of Shangdao is about to begin, but as long as the spirit of my Tiannan Shangdao and the six-star origin can be passed on, the Shangdao of this land will never be cut off. Maybe one day, it can reproduce the glory of hundreds of thousands of years ago, that is, today."

The old man Wudao talked in a nagging manner, with a lot of sadness in his tone.

He is also a free-spirited Shangdao supreme cultivator. He is happy when he is happy and sad when he is sad. He shows his joy and anger on his face but not in his heart. He follows the way of nature.

In the distance. Luo Chuan's figure has disappeared, and the long river of time has gradually closed and disappeared into the void.

"I don't know what kind of fame and popularity he will have in the Tiannan Region in a few decades. I think it will be a great success... Hehe, Luo Chuan, don't embarrass my Tiandao Peak lineage."

The old man Wudao smiled faintly, turned around, and was about to leave.

At this moment, another star fell from the sky. Pulling a long tail, it cut the sky into pieces.

The old man Wudao trembled, staring at the sky, and counted with his fingers for a long time. The more he counted, the more he frowned, and gradually. His face turned pale.

"How is it possible... Tiannan Region will perish... Hundreds of thousands of years later, Tiannan Region will be destroyed..."

The old man Wudao's lips moved, and his face became more and more ugly.

"It won't be long before the great calamity of extinction. Although the Tiannan region will be reduced to the lowest level of the domain after the great calamity of extinction, it has been preserved. It even escaped the great calamity of extinction, so why will it be destroyed hundreds of thousands of years later?"

"Hundreds of thousands of years later... Isn't it exactly Luo Chuan's era... What will happen in that era?"

"No! It must not happen! The spirit of the superior way of the Tiannan region. It must be passed on! Until eternity!"

The face of the old man Wudao showed a resolute look. He bit his tongue fiercely, spit out a blood essence, and urged the vitality of life. In a blink of an eye, a ten-thousand-foot protective vitality magic shield was generated from his body, and it was still rising... Not long after, it was level with the sky.

"What happened hundreds of thousands of years later?"

"I calculate!"

The old man Wudao used the morality of heaven and earth to calculate frantically.


Hundreds of thousands of years later. Tiannan region, at the bottom of the glacier cave, Luo Chuan looked at the memory picture that flashed in his mind, and suddenly felt a breathless feeling.

"Hundreds of thousands of years later, the Tiannan region will be destroyed."

"Decades later. In the era I live in? The Tiannan region will be destroyed... How is this possible? There is no sign at all."

Luo Chuan curled up in the icy sea, feeling both absurd and nervous.

He knew how powerful the old man Wudao was. If the old man Wudao calculated that Tiannan would die, he would not be wrong. But at least until now, the Tiannan region is still in a stable state. How could it suddenly die?

Luo Chuan took a deep breath and continued to feel the memories in the Zishui Glacier.


In the memory picture, the old man Wudao sat cross-legged in the square in front of the temple, and he had been calculating for three years.

In these three years, countless meteors passed through the sky.

In the sky, the clouds were crumbling, and in the deep sea, the earth's crust was shaking.

As more and more meteors fell from the sky, chaos occurred frequently in the Tiannan region. The signs of the end of the world were obvious, and the entire Tiannan region fell into chaos.

However, on Tiandao Peak, the old man Wudao remained motionless for three years, calculating the cause of the destruction of Tiannan hundreds of thousands of years later.

Hundreds of thousands of years apart, even the most powerful immortals, demons, gods and people do not have the ability to calculate the events hundreds of thousands of years later.

But as early as three years ago, the most powerful beings in the ancient Tiannan region had announced to the public that they were in seclusion, leaving behind all the big and small things in their hands, connecting their qi with each other, and relying on the Tiannan Dao, they worked together to calculate the cause of the destruction of Tiannan region hundreds of thousands of years later.

Another half a month passed, and finally one day, when the sky and the earth alternated between day and night and turned from yang to yin, the old man Wudao suddenly raised his head and opened his eyes!

"So that's it! The reason for the demise of Tiannan Domain is actually this!"

"No wonder! No wonder Tiannan Domain escaped the calamity of annihilation, but could not escape the calamity of annihilation hundreds of thousands of years later!"

"It turns out that one day hundreds of thousands of years later, the old Tiannan Domain will be discovered by the new Tiannan Domain. The old and the new cannot coexist. After the new Tiannan Domain discovers the old Tiannan Domain, it can just send out three or four talented strongmen to destroy the old Tiannan Domain."

"The one who wants to destroy my Tiannan Domain is the domain under the new Tiannan Six Stars in the new Shangdao world after the annihilation of heaven and earth."

"The new Tiannan Territory will be strong in the upper realm, while the old Tiannan Territory will be reduced to the realm of the Last River... There is a huge disparity in strength. What should we do?"

The ignorant old man was so anxious that he walked in circles under the peach blossom tree.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Another five rays of light flew from the sky and fell on the Tiandao Peak in the blink of an eye.

These five rays of light transformed into five monks with extremely powerful auras. The aura of each statue was no less than that of Old Man Wudao, and the murderous aura of some of them was even worse than that of Old Man Wudao.

"Everyone, you are all here too." Old Man Wudao chuckled and cupped his hands towards the five monks.

"Now that we have figured out the cause of Tiannan's demise. Brother Wudao, what should we do next?" asked a monk with white hair and a boyish face.

"Pindao is also thinking about this problem. I wonder what your plans are?" the old man Wudao sighed.

Several monks looked at each other, and finally, their eyes fell on one of them.

The man was wearing a gray robe. Wearing an imperial crown on his head, dragging seals with his left hand, and holding a knife in his right hand, there are blood-colored runes between his eyebrows, and his whole body is surrounded by a gloomy and ghostly mood.

"Lord Emperor Yinhuang, you seem to have something to say." Old Man Wudao said calmly. It can be seen from his tone that he does not have a very good relationship with this person.

"Is there any need to think about it?" The Yinhuang God Emperor glanced at the old man Wu Dao indifferently, rolled up his sleeves, and faced the distance: "Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. There is really not much we can do. Except for one thing. That is inheritance. …”

As soon as the Yinhuang God Emperor finished speaking, loud laughter rang out from the sky, and another figure descended from the sky. This was a majestic, unrestrained and unrestrained swordsman, full of alcohol.

"Jiu Sword Immortal, you are finally here." The Yinhuang God Emperor glanced at the sword cultivator lightly.

"You are all here, how can I not come? Haha, I just did one thing." Jiujianxian said leisurely.

"What's the matter?" The old man Wu Dao glanced up and down at Jiujianxian. Suddenly he said: "Old Jiu, where are your whetstone and scabbard?"

"It's lost." The Jiujianxian took out a pot of fine wine from his arms and drank deeply. Then he wiped his mouth and said, "They were all thrown into the East China Sea. Hundreds of thousands of years later, there will be an incomparable genius in the Tiannan Territory. I was destined to be a swordsman, and I found Pindao’s sword sharpening stone and scabbard in the land of the East China Sea, and by the way, I accepted Pindao’s inheritance.”

"Pindao didn't know what kind of person he would be. Good or evil, male or female. But one day hundreds of thousands of years later, when he found the whetstone and pulled out an empty scabbard, Pindao's The mantle will be passed down in the new era of enlightenment.”

"As for whether he can defend the dignity and survival of Tiannan Territory in the name of our swordsmanship, it all depends on himself. Pindao can no longer control that much."

"I'm exhausted. I've been drunk for so many years, and I'm really exhausted this time. Everyone, take care."

The Jiujianxian burped, laughed, and left drunk.

"This emperor will also seal Emperor Yin and the Yinhuang Divine Sword for hundreds of thousands of years. Hundreds of thousands of years later, there will be a life-breaking monk who will be inherited by this emperor."

"He has unparalleled luck in being able to inherit this emperor's legacy. Therefore, he will be lonely throughout his life, with no relatives, no lovers, and only a few friends."

"This will be the price he pays for gaining strength. Even if one day he pulls out the blood-battered sword of this emperor and fights for Tiannan, it will not change his destiny in this life."

"Who calls him the descendant of this emperor?"

The Emperor Yinhuang sneered and left without saying goodbye. Compared with the others, he seemed out of place.

"If you don't have the Tao, why don't you just leave the inheritance. Although after the Nirvana, the skills and methods may not be used, and the moral principles will no longer be the same, but the essence of the Tao will never change." A red-haired old Taoist said to Wu The old man smiled and said: "Pindao will leave behind a cave and an ancient palace, which contain the six-star origin and some novelties of the new era. It seems to be called the Divine Weapon Dao Palace... Pindao realized the secret of heaven a few days ago. Easy to catch.”

"You...Sky Fire Evil God, you are really hard to change." The innocent old man smiled bitterly and shook his head.

In the blink of an eye, except for Old Man Wudao, the six strongest monks in Tiannan Territory left one after another to seal and set up their respective inheritances.

Only old man Wu Dao was left, standing silently under the peach blossom tree, his brows constantly furrowed, thinking hard about what inheritance to leave behind.

After a long time, the old man Wu Dao smiled casually and shook his head: "Pindao is really an old fool. The six of them have left so many inheritances, which is enough. Instead of leaving inheritance, it is better to leave one who is enough to protect Tiannan Territory. The big killer!"

"Ziyun, since your destiny has been changed by Luo Chuan. As a teacher, I will help you to go to the Tiannan Region hundreds of thousands of years later!"

"With you here, with your talent and potential that surpasses Tiandao Peak, you will definitely be able to keep Tiannan Territory..."

PS: This chapter is actually the continuation of Chapter 302 of Volume 8. In that chapter, Luo Chuan’s enlightenment was primitive and he left the long river of time, leaving behind the innocent old man who was chattering to himself... The plot of a long time ago, please remind me, If you don’t remember, you can scroll forward.

Soon we will enter the big era and the big universe...well, it's the big world, and the real evil geniuses are about to make their debut. Luo Chuan and his friends have been fighting monsters and upgrading for so long, and it’s time to go out and hang out~ Please give me a monthly ticket, please subscribe, please give me everything

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