Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 527: Recast! A brand new body!

"So that's it! The reason why Xiaoyun ended up here today, hundreds of thousands of years later, is all because of Old Man Wudao."

"In order to prevent the destruction of Tiannan Domain hundreds of thousands of years later, the seven people including Old Man Wudao left their own inheritances."

"The Yinhuang Emperor Seal and Yinhuang Divine Sword of Yinhuang God Emperor are now in the hands of Ning Tianxing, and his successor is Ning Tianxing! The Sword Grinding Stone and Kongkong Sword Sheath of Drunken Sword Immortal fell into the hands of Zhou Buchen, who inherited his swordsmanship! That Skyfire Evil God, he was the ancient strongest who left behind the Seven Star Abyss Wild Ancient Cave Mansion and the Qingchuan Ancient Dao Palace, and he stole the Divine Weapon Dao Palace."

"As for the other three people, it seems that Tiannan Domain does not have a suitable successor for them... Also, hundreds of thousands of years, long years, even the strongest cultivators cannot guarantee that their inheritance can continue for hundreds of thousands of years."

At the bottom of the glacier, Luo Chuan sat cross-legged, quietly "watching" the pictures in Zi Hai's memory, muttering.

Soon, as the next memory picture appeared, Luo Chuan was stunned.

In the picture, the old man Wudao stretched out his left hand to the sky, as if he wanted to do some kind of calculation. His hand just stretched out halfway, and then stopped halfway.

The old man Wudao sighed lightly, turned around, and looked at a shadow under the peach tree that almost no one could see.

"You have been here for so long. Why don't you show up?" asked the old man Wudao.

A black-robed monk walked out from under the peach tree. He was very thin and indifferent. There was no trace of the breath of a strong man on his body... To be precise, there was no breath of a living person on him. It was as if he had just walked out of the netherworld, as light as a stroke of plain ink, drawn out of thin air.

Such an expression, such an aura, Luo Chuan had seen before.

"Wudao, you know that it is not a good thing for the ghost traveler to show up. Since it is not a good thing, why show up." The black-robed monk said lightly.

"The world is about to be destroyed, what else is good in this world." The old man Wudao smiled lightly.

"Yes. Of course. Otherwise, I wouldn't have come." The Youyou Envoy said.

"What's the matter?"

"My inheritance."

"Youyou also want to protect Tiannan with us?"

"Wudao. You think too much. My Youyou lineage is inherited from the Nine Heavens Realm and does not belong to the Tiannan region. What does the survival of the Tiannan region have to do with my Youyou lineage?" The Youyou Envoy glanced at the old man Wudao. He said lightly.

Without waiting for the old man Wudao to say anything. The Youyou envoy waved his hand: "However, I also want to preserve the Youyou lineage in the Tiannan region. I came here only to borrow the source of immortal star water. Hundreds of thousands of years later, in the new world of Shangdao, even the skills and methods of my Youyou lineage will lose their effectiveness and can no longer be used."

"What do you want?"

"Of course, change. Borrow the source of my immortal star water to help me survive the moment when the stars are extinguished. I will create a new era of Youyou skills in the gap between the times. Regarding the new era of skills, I have already calculated it for a hundred years, and it is basically the same as before the extinction... However, to practice this skill, you must taste loneliness for a lifetime, because no matter who is related to him, they will die in misfortune, especially Blood relatives... can only be broken if you have the power of Tao. "

Speaking of this, the Youyou Envoy shook his head and sighed: "Why are there so many words today? Sure enough, the deadline is approaching, and there will be many words... Wudao, in return, I will do you a favor, you just need to ask. "

"Just right." The old man Wudao nodded slightly: "I do have a favor, and I need the help of fellow Taoists. Although I will also leave a lineage of inheritance, I also want to leave a big killer and send him directly to the Tiannan region hundreds of thousands of years later. "

"Wudao, this is not possible. The calamity of extinction is so terrifying that anyone with the power of Tao will find it difficult to escape this calamity. You are just wasting your efforts by doing this. "The Youyou Envoy waved his hand.

"So I will suppress his cultivation below the realm of the True Dao, and his talent and potential will be cultivated to the top level. The only thing I am worried about is his state of mind. Forcing his way through the long river of time, or a long river of hundreds of thousands of years, is extremely difficult for even my state of mind to bear, let alone him. You Youyou people are said to monitor yin and yang, seize the proof of life, go down to the nine underworlds, and go up to the nine heavens... I know that you Youyou people have a method to cultivate your state of mind. I hope that fellow Taoists can help and use this method to protect his state of mind. Help him cross the long river of time." After the old man Wudao finished speaking, he looked at the black-robed Taoist.

The Youyou messenger was silent.

The old man Wudao looked up at the sky, his eyes locked on the six stars that had begun to shake, and sighed: "The stars are about to die, and these six stars will also fall. Hundreds of thousands of years later, without the six stars of Tiannan shining on the Tiannan region, the creatures will become ordinary. Unable to absorb and refine the six-star origin, there will be no more stunning innate geniuses among humans."

"Even if the inheritance is left behind, the inheritor's own talent and potential are insufficient, and it is impossible to maximize the power of the inheritance and the Taoism. In the end, it is still no match for the geniuses of the new Tiannan region and cannot escape the fate of destruction."

"Unless a genius with top talent and potential is sent hundreds of thousands of years later, there is hope of reversing the defeat."

"Youyou, I have made up my mind. If you want to obtain the immortal star water origin, help me."

After speaking, the old man Wudao looked at the Youyou messenger indifferently.

The Youyou Envoy looked up at the six crumbling stars, and after a while, he said, "In that case, let's start. After traveling through hundreds of thousands of years of time, and experiencing one reincarnation nightmare after another, I cannot guarantee what kind of severe damage his state of mind will suffer, whether he will go crazy, and whether he still remembers the mission of traveling through time... I can only guarantee that his spiritual wisdom and memory, including his mind, can be preserved."

"Mind... Luo Chuan said that the mind of the practitioners of this era can no longer adapt to the mind of the practitioners of the new era. Ziyun's mind... That's all! I'm just doing my best and leaving it to fate..." The old man Wudao turned to the Youyou Envoy: "Daoyou, let's start now."

"Good." The Youyou Envoy did not say much, watching his nose and mouth. Waiting for the old man Wudao to cast a spell.

The old man Wudao's eyes flashed, and he counted with his fingers: "Ziyun, that kid, is now training in a wild place. Well, let's take that place as his seal place... Tens of thousands of years later, that place will be called... Qingchuan?"

After the voice fell, the old man Wudao made a seal with his hands, stretched out his right hand to grasp the starlight, and swung his left hand horizontally, rolling up the water of the chaotic sea of ​​stars. Then pushed it out to the distance.

The purple sea rolled down from the top of the sky to somewhere in the Tiannan region.

Along the chaotic sea of ​​stars. Luo Chuan saw the shirtless boy Ziyun who was fighting monsters in a wild place in the ancient Tiannan region...



Deep in the cave under the glacier, Luo Chuan opened his eyes and cut off the memory picture in his mind.

In the memory of Zihai. Contains too much information.

Seven Tiannan's strongest. Plus the mysterious Youyou messenger. A total of eight people, all left their inheritance in the Tiannan region.

Except for the three inheritors who are missing, the rest of the inheritors. Luo Chuan, Zhou Buchen and Ning Tianxing have all gathered in Qingchuan, and... Daddy?

"The new Youyou technique... To master it, you must experience a lifetime of loneliness, because no matter who gets involved with him, they will die, especially blood relatives..."

Recalling the words of the Youyou messenger in the memory scene hundreds of thousands of years ago, Luo Chuan's heart was filled with inexplicable emotions.

In this world, there has never been an unsolvable knot. The past is gone with the dust, just like the ice in this glacier, gradually melting in Luo Chuan's heart, without a trace.

As the last knot was untied.

Luo Chuan's state of mind rose again, from the second perfect state of mind, to the third perfect state of mind!

Everything is ready.

Just waiting for Luo Chuan to move his mind and recast his body!

A bright white light suddenly appeared from the depths of the glacier!

Then, the strong light began to rotate rapidly, gathering into a tall water dragon at the bottom of the ice sea. Next to the water dragon, a giant beast appeared. It looked like a horse but not a horse, with a single horn on its head. It was the dragon beast's natural enemy, the 犼!

Luo Chuan's body was cultivated with the dragon 犼 body technique, which was the root of the body.

With this dragon and 犼 as the origin, thousands of waters flowed in frantically, and even the purple star water in the distance rushed to the glacier cave.

These six-star origins, which came from hundreds of thousands of years ago but have been tempered by hundreds of thousands of years, gradually gathered into a vortex. On both sides of the vortex, dragons coiled and 犼 stood, as if guarding something.

The origin of the world, the ethereal nature, the dispersal of the body, and the Tao of one life.

Luo Chuan's life and Tao had already merged into one at the moment when his last body collapsed.

His Tao is the Tao of the six stars of the south of the sky, which evolves the Zhoutian and creates endless creation, and the Tao of immortality that survives nine deaths. Now, his life has become the life of the six stars in the south of the sky and the life of immortality.

The so-called Tao is like this, mysterious and mysterious, and infinite. If you understand it, you will understand it. If you don’t understand it, it will be in vain even if you think hard for ten thousand years.

Under the glacier, the light and shadow flickered.

Occasionally, a ray of sunlight came, but before it reached the depths, it was like an ice sword burned by a raging fire, turning into powder and scattering.

In the purple vortex at the bottom of the ice sea, suddenly, a human figure appeared.

It was no longer a human figure made of ice and water, but a nine-foot-five-inch tall, flesh and blood body.

This second body, with long hair hanging down to the buttocks, white skin and knotted muscles, seemed very ordinary at first glance, but when you look at it again, this skeleton and muscles suddenly give people a kind of explosive and ostentatious power! Impacting the eyes and the mind!

An inexplicable force, it is hard to tell where it comes from.

His body did not move at all, just floating calmly above the vortex, but the entire purple sea, and even the entire emotional river, seemed to be centered on him, running and evolving with every breath he took, every expansion and contraction of his pores.

Finally, he opened his eyes. (To be continued. Please search for Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

PS: The pits that have been buried for more than 200 chapters are finally starting to be filled. More and more pits will be filled, and every plot twist has a foreshadowing in the front... However, many keywords on many pirated websites have been blocked or replaced, and there are often very disgusting typos throughout the text, which may cause people to feel abrupt when seeing a certain plot. So everyone should try to read the genuine version, the subscription is really cheap, much cheaper than the Internet fee.

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