Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 896: On the Ancient Star Road, there is a lot of mur

In the dark passage, Luo Chuan and Zhou Buchen moved forward at full speed. . .

Along the way, they encountered another six waves of interceptors, ranging in number from five to nine. Relying on the foresight of Luochuan Tianmen Dao Nian, the fate of the six waves of interceptors was exactly the same as that of Shuijian Zhenjun and Bo Qiuji. Those who died in the passage were all killed by Zhou Buchen.

After listening to Luo Chuan's words, Zhou Buchen seemed to have realized something. When fighting, he no longer focused on frontal combat, but sneak attacks, assassinations, deceptions, layouts... Zhou Buchen used all means of killing, and waited until the moment of killing. After six waves of about forty Tianchen monks, Zhou Buchen's temperament also changed. He was still arrogant and domineering, but gradually gained a calm and heavy mood.

Luo Chuan looked at the scarred Zhou Buchen beside him. From the beginning to the end, he did not help again. He knew that Zhou Buchen was studying his own fighting ways and tactics, which were different from those in the Tiannan Territory. This is the battle path that will truly enable him to dominate the Tianchen Continent in the future.

"Luo Chuan, that foolish prince hasn't caught up with him yet? Why do I feel that he seems to be deliberately falling behind us and doesn't want to show up?" Zhou Buchen said.

"Haha, as you can imagine, he doesn't seem to want to see us." Luo Chuan "looked" at Yu Youxi who was hanging far behind in the Tianmen Taoist Thought, and said calmly.

"Luo Chuan, why do I feel that you are not worried? It stands to reason that your opponent is a genius himself and the son of a big boss in Tianchen Continent. He is admired by stars everywhere. If he discovers your identity, it will be terrible. It's just bad." Zhou Buchen said.

"Let's put it this way, I concealed my identity just to prevent Donghua Sect. As for Yu Youxi, it doesn't matter even if he finds out, because he has something in my hands." Luo Chuan said with a smile.

"Oh? It sounds interesting. Let's talk about it." Zhou Buchen showed great interest.

"He also has the Hongmeng Dao Fruit that you and Ning Tianxing got. It was given to him by my old man. In order to get the Hongmeng Giant Tree, he, I, and some other people did something. This thing If the most powerful people in the world know about it, even if he is the Great Arctic Emperor, they will not be able to protect him. "

Luo Chuandao thought of the Outland two years ago. Everyone killed the Holy Infant King. A scene where they join forces to cover up the secret.

Two years later, Luo Chuan returned to Tianchen Continent. In less than a month, he met Yu Youxi again. But I don’t know where the White Dragon Emperor, Xitian Bohou, Fusheng Emperor, and Nanli are now. An act of the past. And whether it has been noticed by the sages.

"The strongest people in the world..." Zhou Buchen murmured, with a trace of inexplicable hope and expectation flashing in his eyes.

After Luo Chuan and Zhou Buchen killed the seven waves of interceptors, there was no more obstruction along the way. The monks in Tianchen Continent are not fools either. Seeing how powerful Zhou Buchen was, he consciously chose to turn a blind eye.

After passing three more incense sticks, the passage finally ends.

What appeared in front of the two men was a huge cave entrance shining with purple stars. The stars in the cave were not as bright as the starry sky outside the ancient world. In comparison, they looked more dim and ancient.

"We're finally here." Zhou Buchen had a smile on his face.

"After this star path, we will reach the ancient world further ahead." Luo Chuan did not smile. His goal was to find the Yin-Yang Dao Fruit, not to mention that there was still a long star path from the ancient world. Even if he entered the ancient world, World, it is still unknown whether the Yin-Yang Dao Fruit can be found.

"Luo Chuan, we have reached this point." Zhou Buchen seemed to have guessed Luo Chuan's thoughts, patted Luo Chuan on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Let's go. Fight out of the Star Path first." Luo Chuan smiled and took the lead in rushing forward.

After walking out of the cave, Luo Chuan and Zhou Buchen saw a dry sea. More than fifty monks gathered in front of the only crossing of the dry sea.

Most of this group of monks were covered in blood, including their own and others'. Compared with the monks Luo Chuan and Zhou Buchen met along the way, their aura was obviously higher. It was obvious that they had experienced hardships and dangers. The winner who fights his way through a passage.

Seeing Luo Chuan and Zhou Buchen approaching, some of the monks looked surprised. Apparently they did not expect that these two ancient monks could walk through the first passage alive. There were also some monks who had already arrived at what Luo Chuan and Zhou Buchen were doing in the first section of the passage. When they saw the two approaching, they showed a slight fear, especially when they looked at Zhou Buchen. What's more, Luo Chuan was ignored.

"This sea...there is such a sea in the world."

Zhou Buchen looked up and murmured.

What appeared in front of him was a dry sea pool, but this sea pool did not lie flat in front of him, but filled the entire space from top to bottom. It is not difficult to imagine that if there is sea water in the pool, it will be overwhelming and piled up to fill the whole square.

However, at this time, there were only pieces of broken star fragments and cores floating in the dead sea pool. The big ones were as big as mountains and islands, and the small ones were only as big as fingernails. The dark starlight poured over them, and the whole sea pool showed a mysterious appearance. Dark purple. Purple light spreads in all directions, and there is an eerie silence in the vast tranquility.

"The spiritual energy is so thin." Zhou Buchen frowned.

"Haha, every time the ancient world is opened, the spiritual energy in the four ancient world passages will always be enough for ten monks. This is a fixed number." A monk glanced at Zhou Buchen and smiled faintly: "Fellow Taoist, it seems that the ancient world passages are not enough. I don’t know anything about it, so it’s rare to get here. I must have just ascended to the sky.”

After the monk finished speaking, Zhou Buchen and Luo Chuan had not yet reacted. Among the crowd, a white-haired old man of the third level of Dao Lun looked thoughtful. He glanced at the crowd quietly, and when the other monks were not paying attention, he suddenly jumped out, Rush into the stars.

Most of the monks looked at that man with playful and sarcastic expressions on their faces.

"Another person who fell into the trap, this must be his first time to participate in the ancient world competition. Fellow Daoist Li, your trick is really a way to kill people without being seen."

A cultivator turned his head and said to the cultivator who had spoken before.

At this moment, a huge shadow flew out from under a piece of star fragments in the dry sea. The shadow looked like a human figure, but it was not quite like one. It was ten feet high, and there was a black and purple light behind it.

"Hum!" The figure uttered the ancient sound of Taoism and reached out to press the white-haired old man.

The white-haired old man was not a weakling either. He had been prepared. Three circles of divine light wheels floated up behind his head, and the light flowed, covering him in an instant. Whoosh! The white-haired old man turned into a stream of light, and his body was fast. He passed the figure in an instant and escaped.

But before he could be happy for too long, a black shadow turned out from behind a broken star flying mountain in front of him. The black shadow exuded an ancient and vast aura, and fell from the sky to the white-haired old man.

The white-haired old man was caught off guard and was smashed to pieces. His body turned into flesh and fell into the ancient world's star road.

"The ancient meaning of the stars." Luo Chuan murmured, "Is this the guardian of the Dao?"

This was not the first time that Luo Chuan had encountered the strange figure in the ancient star's dry sea. In the memory of Jiulong Jun, he had memories of his past experiences in the ancient world, but Jiulong Jun had never chosen the star road. No matter which channel, there is a guardian of Dao. The guardian of Dao is the remnant of Dao before Nirvana. After hundreds of thousands of years of sedimentation, it has become a guardian of Dao without consciousness, guarding the ancient ruins.

The reason why the spiritual energy in the ancient channel is limited is also controlled by the guardian of Dao.

The reason why Luo Chuan chose the star road is that the number of people entering the star road is the least, and the fighting is not so fierce in comparison. If it were a trial upgrade, Luo Chuan would most likely choose the other three ancient roads, but the ultimate purpose of this trip is just to find the Yin-Yang Dao fruit.

"You all saw what happened to that fellow Taoist just now."

At this time, a black-faced monk wearing an ancient yellow Taoist robe said, "In this Star Road, there are all guardian spirits transformed from the star morality of ancient times. They are so powerful that each of them is above the realm of the heavens, and there are even guardian spirits at the level of sub-emperor and emperor. Their strength can often be judged by their size. I have participated in three ancient treasure hunting competitions, and I chose the Star Road twice. The reason why I was able to succeed was all thanks to the unity of fellow Taoists to deal with the guardian spirits of morality together. Only when we join forces can we safely and smoothly pass through the ancient Star Road."

As soon as the monk finished speaking, a sneer sounded in the crowd.

"Huang Yunlang, you are talking nicely. The spiritual energy in the ancient Star Road is only enough for ten monks at most. There are a total of fifty of us. If we do as you say, none of us can enter the ancient world."

Spiritual energy is to monks like air is to ordinary people. Once it is exhausted, it is difficult to survive. Unless the cultivation reaches the realm of the heavens, it can merge with the heavens in all directions. This is also the reason why there are so many manned magic weapons of all sizes. After all, in the depths of the void, there is no spiritual energy and origin required by the cultivators. Even the cultivators of the True Dao and Daolun realms cannot fly in the depths of the void for a long time.

"Yes, without enough spiritual energy, even if we join forces, we cannot reach the ancient world."

"But if we don't join forces, each of us will die."

"There are only two ways now, one is to join forces and move forward, and the other is to return by the original route."

"Unfortunately, none of us practice the Star Dao. I heard that in the territory of the Tianxing Holy Gate in the south, the female Taoists of the Holy Gate always choose to go the Star Dao when hunting treasures in the ancient world. Among them, those who practice the Ancient Star Dao can also get the help of the guardian spirit."

The cultivators talked a lot, and many cultivators who had lived in the Nine Kingdoms Alliance for a long time began to recruit friends and prepare to join forces. Not long after, more than fifty cultivators had formed six or seven small teams, and each small team was defensive and vigilant to each other.

"Tianxing Holy Sect... Luo Chuan, I remember you said that the sect Xiaobai had joined was called Tianxing." Zhou Buchen glanced at Luo Chuan, his eyes were mysterious, and he said in a voice transmission: "Could it be that you have already made some plans?"

Luo Chuan smiled, but did not speak. His eyes fell on the cave entrance not far away, but he did not see Yu Youxi appear.

Luo Chuan and Zhou Buchen stood aside, cold and quiet, and soon became the focus of everyone's attention.

Those monks who had formed a team looked at Luo Chuan and Zhou Buchen one after another, their eyes were stiff and indifferent, and the murderous intent in their eyes was looming. (To be continued...)

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