Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 897: Who is the poor creature?

"Another fight is about to start... but this time, there seem to be a lot of people. ()"

Zhou Buchen smiled, looking relaxed, but his eyes were red.

Slaughtering all the way, he killed seven teams of monks in a row. When Zhou Buchen arrived in front of the Desolate Star Sea, the murderous aura he had accumulated along the way had reached its peak, and his eyes swept towards the monks on the Star Sea were even more domineering.

Cultivator Tianchen, who was still a little eager to move, was swept by Zhou Buchen's eyes. Thinking of his previous bloody battles, and looking at his white Taoist robe that had been stained with blood bubbles, he couldn't help but feel scared. His eyes gradually fell on Luo Chuan, with some ill intentions.

"Let's go."

Luo Chuan smiled, patted Zhou Buchen's shoulder, and took the lead in entering the Desolate Star Sea. Zhou Buchen glared at those monks with cold eyes, turned around and followed Luo Chuan into the Desolate Star Sea.


A thirty-foot-long black and purple giant shadow flashed out from under a floating island of broken stars and rushed towards Luo Chuan and Zhou Buchen. Luo Chuan and Zhou Buchen did not stop, their movements were unrestrained, and they twisted their bodies at the same time, drawing an arc, passing the black and purple giant shadow one after the other, and soon disappeared in the vast sea of ​​stars.

"Another two fools, hum, these two ancient venerable domain cultivators were taught a lesson by Prince Yu before, but I didn't expect that they could reach the Desolate Star Sea."

"You know what, although the white-robed cultivator only has the third-level cultivation of the True Dao, he killed several waves of masters who blocked his way along the way. His sword cultivation seems to be much stronger than his physical cultivation."

"In that case, let's find the ugly man next to him first. That person didn't make much moves along the way, so his strength must be average."

"Helpless. The spiritual energy on the star road is limited, and the weakest will naturally be eliminated first."

By the Desolate Star Sea, the cultivators whispered.

Not long after, seven groups of monks swept into the sea of ​​stars one after another, guarding against each other. After breaking up several of the weakest Daoyi guards, they quickly disappeared into the desolate sea of ​​stars.

Two figures appeared on the sea of ​​stars.

Yu Youxi stood on the shore, with his hands behind his back. He looked at the vast sea of ​​stars. His eyes flickered.

"Sure enough, he is a swordsman. It seems that his appearance and body are just disguises." Lou Xuanyin stepped on Qingluan and came to Yu Youxi. He smiled faintly: "I wonder if the two people I'm looking for are the ones that Prince Yu is looking for."

"You know what I'm looking for." Yu Youxi said coldly without looking away.

"Oh? It turns out that Prince Yu doesn't know who he is looking for, that's great. I thought I would have a conflict with Prince Yu later." Lou Xuanyin smiled. There was a hint of suspicion in his eyes when he looked at Yu Youxi.

She has reported the matter of the two cultivators in the Tiannan Territory to the Donghua Sect. The Donghua Sect has already listed the two Territory Realm cultivators who killed You Daoting and Sister Fang as the top ten wanted criminals. The list will be released to the entire territory soon, and cultivators have been sent out to search everywhere.

As for Lou Xuanyin coming to the Ancient Territory, it was because of a private statement made by her ancestor - if you want to save the Yin-Yang Witch, you need at least the Yin-Yang Dao Fruit, and the Yin-Yang Dao Fruit can only exist in the Ancient Territory.

Lou Xuanyin originally came to try her luck, but she didn't expect to see two Territory Realm cultivators with extraordinary strength and unique temperament. Although their appearances are very different, Lou Xuanyin watched from afar and closely watched Zhou Buchen's killing all the way. The more he looked, the more he felt that it was possible. He was sure in his heart that these two people were most likely the two Tiannan Territory cultivators.

But Lou Xuanyin never expected that Yu Youxi would also be interested in them. The two monks were from the domain realm and had never appeared in Tianchen Continent before. It was obviously impossible for Yu Youxi to know them. The only possibility was that Yu Youxi saw that the two were gifted and had great potential, so he wanted to recruit them as his subordinates.

"What are you going to do after you find those two people?" Yu Youxi asked.

A gleam of light flashed in Lou Xuanyin's eyes, and he became more certain of his previous guess that Yu Youxi really had his eyes on the two monks.

Before Lou Xuanyin could speak, Yu Youxi suddenly sneered: "To be fair, the strength of those two is above yours. Fairy Lou, don't capsize in the gutter and lose your life. When the Lou Guardian asks about it, I will not admit that we have met."

As soon as the voice fell, Yu Youxi turned into a divine aura and swept into the desolate sea of ​​stars.

Three Daoyi guards appeared in front of Yu Youxi, but they were all shot through one by one by Yu Youxi's North Pole Divine Light and jumped through.

"As the legend says, the genius who is least sympathetic to women is this Prince Yu. Since I'm here, I'm fully prepared. The four ancient roads and the four Daoist guardian spirits will only obey me when they meet me." Lou Xuanyin murmured, reaching out to touch the Qingluan under his seat: "Let's go."

The Qingluan flapped its wings and flew into the sea of ​​stars.


A Daoist guardian spirit as tall as 40 feet appeared in front of Lou Xuanyin. Just as he was about to attack, Lou Xuanyin turned his palm and a white jade token with innate mysterious patterns appeared in his palm.

"Xiantian Daoling, you still don't return to your position after seeing the Yu Dao Baozun!" Lou Xuanyin shouted.

The Dao sound fell, and the dark light surged from the white jade token, covering the Daoist guardian spirit. The Daoist guardian spirit shrank, bowed respectfully to Lou Xuanyin, and sank under the withered star again.

The vast withered sea, the stars fell.

Luo Chuan and Zhou Buchen flew quickly in the endless star road, passing by the star road guards, and soon came to an old nebula without any star fragments.

Looking at the broken stars covering the sky and the earth, the two of them felt a sense of desolation in their hearts.

"Luo Chuan, you said that before the annihilation, the once arrogant Shangdao civilization was destroyed because of the falling stars. In hundreds of thousands or millions of years, will our current Shangdao civilization encounter any problems? The same disaster." Zhou Buchen suddenly asked.

"Maybe, maybe not. I always feel that the rise, evolution, prosperity, and decline of Shangdao civilization has its own laws and causes and effects." Luo Chuan said lightly.

"Then tell me, are there any monks who came to the Taoist civilization and are still alive today?" Zhou Buchen asked.

"Perhaps some people were lucky enough to survive the great catastrophe of Nirvana, but are they still alive today?" Luo Chuan shook his head: "In different eras of Taoism, it is difficult to maintain Taoism. Even if there is a inheritance, it has been evolved and improved. Inheritance. People of that era will probably not survive today.”

"But you said that the strongest people in the world are already so strong that they are beyond belief. Since they can control the way of heaven, they may be able to hide it from the outside world, and it has continued from that era to this era." Zhou Buchen His eyes flashed.

"Probably not." Lord Jiulong's fragmentary memories of the sages flashed through Luo Chuan's mind. He shook his head slowly, but then smiled and said: "But who knows. There are too many secrets hidden in this world. The path to enlightenment is endless, wait for some day. , we may be able to find out if we reach the level of challenging them.”

"Challenge them. Luo Chuan, you have such big ambitions." Zhou Buchen laughed: "But it's just what I want."

After Luo Chuan said those words, he was stunned. I don't know when he started to have an idea of ​​challenging the sage's will in his heart. He didn't realize it until he said it out loud today.

Jiulongjun's challenge to the sage does not mean that Luo Chuan also had this intention. At least some time ago, Luo Chuan's goal was only to pursue the path of enlightenment, and he had no intention of inheriting Jiulongjun's last wish.

When did it start? Jiulongjun's memory flashes back again and again? Or have you discovered that today's world of enlightenment is like a chessboard, but it is a cage used by the superior sages to restrict the monks of the Nine Heavens? Or was it that he single-handedly led the conspiracy to kill the Holy Infant Protector and cover up his traces during the chaos in the outer region two years ago?

No matter what, when the sages realize the life and death of the Holy Infant King in the future, they will definitely not give up.

"Yes, challenge them. The six strongest people in the world."

Luo Chuan's eyes sparkled, and he smiled at each other with Zhou Buchen.

At this moment, a burst of unbridled laughter sounded in his ears.

"Okay, okay, okay, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, but he actually utters arrogant words and wants to challenge the sage... It's a pity that such monks who have high ambitions and low abilities often die the earliest."

Luo Chuan and Zhou Buchen turned their heads and saw ten monks.

The ten monks looked at Luo Chuan and Zhou Buchen with both amusement and ridicule. Among the ten monks, the leader was none other than the black-faced monk Huang Yunlang.

"If any emperor said this, it would be just a joke at best. But when it comes from your mouth, it's not even a joke. It's simply ridiculous." Huang Yunlang changed his previous righteousness on the shore of the Star Coast and was full of laughter. Staring at Luo Chuan with a mocking face: "You are disrespectful when you say that. If there were no sages to maintain the order of heaven and earth, there would be no achievements like you have achieved now. Based on your words, neither emotion nor reason can be condoned. "

"Why, are you and that sage related, are you related? Is that sage your mother or your father?" Zhou Buchen gently held the empty scabbard and sneered.

"How dare you slander the saints!" a monk yelled angrily.

"A bunch of pathetic people are in a prison and don't know it." Luo Chuan looked at Huang Yunlang and said calmly.

Huang Yunlang's eyes suddenly became sharp, he stared at Luo Chuan, and after a while he uttered: "I don't know how high the sky is! Come on!"

Swish, swish... Ten monks rushed towards Zhou Buchen and Luo Chuan, with murderous intentions on their faces.

"court death."

Zhou Buchen snorted coldly, dodged, pulled out the empty scabbard, and jumped towards the ten monks.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Huang Yunlang's mouth, and with a flash of his hand, a huge water curtain flew out, covering Zhou Buchen.


Zhou Buchen hit the giant shield with his sword. The giant shield swayed slightly, and the water shadow rippled, but it did not break.

Looking at the ten monks passing by, Zhou Buchen realized that these ten were pretending to attack him, but the one they really wanted to kill was Luo Chuan.

In the water cover, Zhou Buchen slowly turned around and looked at the ten monks who were killing Luo Chuan, with an inexplicable smile on his lips.

In the blink of an eye, ten monks had surrounded Luo Chuan.

"You dare to say that I am a pathetic person. Now, who is the pathetic person?" Huang Yunlang stared at Luo Chuan, who was trapped in the killing array and isolated and helpless, and laughed loudly. (To be continued...)

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