Supreme Martial God Art

Chapter 1324 Examination of the Immortal Mountains

Chapter 1324 The second level, Xiaojin asks for help

After leaving the house, the scene in front of him changed again.

Completely different from before.

The originally dilapidated village no longer exists, and the mansion behind it also disappears at some point.

And the pungent bloody smell has disappeared.

However, the coercive power that permeated the air still existed and never disappeared.

Looking around, Wu Yun found that this place seemed to be a wilderness.

Except for some low and barren mountains that I happened to see, there is a flat river!

Although the scene has changed, Wu Yun's feeling is still not much different from the dilapidated village before.

Silence, dead silence!

There is no breath of life.

Even those plants that seem to grow green cannot feel any vitality.

However, there is no doubt that there is still a feeling of falsehood here.

But Wu Yun, who had experienced it before, was already prepared, always vigilant, reminding himself that this is an illusion, and it is impossible to confuse his consciousness.

"Desert Illusion? Is this the second level that senior said before?"

"Could it be that every illusion in this forbidden area is a checkpoint?"

"The broken village is the first level, so how do you pass the second level now?"

"What is the difficulty? After passing it, will the reward I get is still the murderous aura that condenses the murderous aura field? Or other rewards?"

Various questions emerged in Wu Yun's heart.

Although there is no danger here, Wu Yun knows that there must be some kind of huge danger hidden at some point.

He will never take it lightly as before.

The first level was so difficult that it almost cost him his life, and this second level is bound to be more dangerous.

After pondering for a while, Wu Yun used the eye-piercing technique to keep an eye on the surroundings, and at the same time, he kept his consciousness clear at all times to prevent himself from being confused by some kind of power.

Go forward.

In fact, Wu Yun didn't even know where to go. He had no goals and no one to discuss.

Before there was Xiaojin, the two could still accompany each other!

Thinking of this, Wu Yun thought of Xiao Jin again.

He murmured to himself: "Xiao Jin should have passed the first level, right? I don't know what the reward he got!"

And just when Wu Yun had this idea, suddenly, he felt a landslide.

The ground beneath his feet trembled violently.

Heart-pounding cracks criss-crossed, making the ground that was flat just now turned into a spider web in an instant.

Each crack is several meters wide, spreading endlessly toward the distance.

Wu Yun hurriedly flew up and stood up in the air, because it was hard to find a place to land on the ground.

Even if there is, it will accidentally fall into the crack due to unstable standing.

Beneath these cracks lies a bottomless darkness.

Deep and dark.

Looking around, Wu Yun wanted to see if there was something hidden in the darkness.

However, even his piercing pupil technique could not see through the darkness under this crack.

"The earth that suddenly cracked, could it be that this second test of the power of illusion has something to do with this crack?"

Wu Yun's pupils tightened slightly, thinking in a low voice.

Looking around, looking for a place to stay.

However, it seems that as long as he can see, it is covered by the torn crack.

Moreover, the trembling of the earth still did not stop.

But when Wu Yun looked up, his face suddenly turned normal.

He looked back, staring at the dark crack under his body.

"Brother, is that you, I see you, come down quickly..."

Vaguely, there seemed to be a vague voice coming.

"It's Xiao Jin's voice, Xiao Jin is below? Is he calling me?"

Wu Yun squinted and muttered to himself, with excitement in his eyes, and he almost threw himself down.

However, just as he was about to leave, he suddenly reacted.

He said to himself: "No, no, just like before, this is probably another trap. Xiaojin went to other space forces, how could he appear here!"

"Brother, come quickly, come down!"

Xiao Jin's voice came again, and at the same time, along with the voice came the familiar aura that belonged to Xiao Jin.

Wu Yun immediately recognized it and exclaimed, "This breath is Xiao Jin's breath. Could it be that Xiao Jin is really below?"

At this moment, Wu Yun's skeptical attitude suddenly faded a lot.

If it was just the sound, he who had suffered a loss would naturally not believe it.

But at this moment, the breath that pervades the air is clearly Xiao Jin.

This illusion can create illusions, can create auditory hallucinations, can it even create breath?

Although his skeptical attitude has begun to shake, there is still no action, and he does not fully believe.

"Big brother, save me, these bastards are too strong, I can't beat them, save me, big brother save me!"

What really made Wu Yun give up his doubts completely was this call for help.

For Wu Yun, his brother's cry for help was undoubtedly his weakness.

Not to mention that he could not be sure of the truth at the moment.

Even if he knew it was fake, Wu Yun decided to go this time.


The wind whistled, and the dragon steps unfolded.

Wu Yun's body flashed like a sharp arrow, and it flew directly towards the crack below.

"Xiao Jin, is that you?"

In the dark crack, Wu Yun shouted loudly.

But the moment Wu Yun shouted this sentence, his expression froze again.

"No, it's fake!"

Because, he can no longer perceive Xiaojin's breath, and even the sound does not exist.

At the same time, the shaking of the ground above has stopped.

And when Wu Yun wanted to fly out of the crack, he found that the upper exit had been closed at some point.

Those criss-crossing cracks that were originally crisscrossed no longer exist.

"Sure enough, it's another trap."

Wu Yun gritted his teeth and whispered, below, he has gradually adapted to the darkness, standing on the ground below, looking around, barely able to see in the dark.

Although it was a trap, Wu Yun did not regret it. For the sake of his brother, it was okay to step on this trap.

Now that Xiao Jin's cry for help came, what if it was true?

If he gave up because of doubts, causing Xiaojin to have any consequences, wouldn't he regret it for the rest of his life?

Even if you step wrong thousands of times, you will never miss an opportunity.

This is Wu Yun's bottom line on brotherhood.

In other words, make sure that this is a trap, not Xiao Jin after calling for help.

To some extent, Wu Yun was relieved.

At least, he can be sure that Xiao Jin is not in danger!

He pondered for a while, shaking off the messy thoughts in his mind.

Now that you have fallen into this trap, the next step is to solve the problem. It is useless to think about other things.

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