Supreme Martial God Art

Chapter 1325 Vortex entrance, rigorous assessment

Chapter 1325 Killing! go crazy

It was dark all around, and even with the piercing pupil technique, Wu Yun could barely see the surroundings a few meters away.

At this moment, Wu Yun seemed to be in a cave space.

However, this cave has a lot of space.

It was pitch black, and the whole space was still filled with a depressing aura.

When I was in the outside world before, I didn't feel so obvious.

After entering this closed environment, this feeling gradually became stronger.

As if something terrifying was staring at him at any time, this feeling made Wu Yun's hair stand on end unconsciously.

"This feeling is coming again!"

Wu Yun whispered to himself while looking for a way to leave this dark space.

Suddenly, Wu Yun's face sank.

He exclaimed: "Xiao Jin, is it Xiao Jin?"

At that moment, he actually felt Xiao Jin's breath again.

If it is someone else, it may be an illusion, but if it is brothers like Xiaojin and the others, they will definitely not be wrong.

Suddenly, there was a cold and severe attack from the left.

Wu Yun's pupils shrank, and he flew to dodge.

With a bang, Qi Jin bombarded the ground and shattered a boulder.

Although Wu Yun easily dodged, his face was full of panic.

What he panicked was not the attack itself.

If this attack wanted to hurt him, whether it was a sneak attack or not, it would be too weak.

But just now Wu Yun noticed Xiao Jin's aura during this attack.

In other words, this attack was made by Xiao Jin.

what happened?

"go to hell!"

Just when Wu Yun was surprised, suddenly, he heard a cold scolding.

I saw a figure emerge from the darkness and quickly rushed towards Wu Yun.

Wu Yun's face sank, he did not fight back, but flew to dodge.

Because it was none other than Xiao Jin who attacked him.

And, for some unknown reason, Wu Yun tried to remind himself that this was an illusion, and it wasn't real.

However, he never made a move.

Because the sense of reality is too strong, the person in front of him seems to be Xiao Jin.

In other words, he couldn't see any flaws that this person was not Xiao Jin.

Because of this, he didn't fight back.

But he didn't fight back, and the opponent's offensive became more and more fierce.

And, more than that.

Soon, in all directions, in the entire space, there seemed to be countless small golds.

They were all holding Heavenly Cudgels and pounced towards Wu Yun.

The attack was fierce and fierce, and there was no holding back.

Overwhelming, countless numbers.

Moreover, each of them is full of realism, making Wu Yun not know how to make a move.

Perhaps, this is a grudge in his heart, because he has always been a person who values ​​love and righteousness.

Even if he knew it was fake, even if he knew the other party was going to kill him, he couldn't do it, because this was his brother.

But what Wu Yun didn't know was that the level he was dealing with at the moment, including the level he had dealt with before, was already planned.

The first level is to let Wu Yun pass the level that kills ordinary civilians.

Until the heart is numb.

And this second level is to let Wu Yun pass the level of killing his brother with his own hands.

Until it kills without a hitch.

Whether it's the first or the second level, the experience is Wu Yun's mind.

Because what he wants to comprehend at this moment is the field of murderous aura, the master of killing!

Since it is killing, it is necessary to get rid of the emotions and desires in the heart. Of course, it does not mean that Wu Yun should be killed and become a waste without any feelings.

Instead, let him know how to choose between emotions and desires!

Moreover, this is also the only way to comprehend the killing field.

Only after he has passed the hurdle of cutting off the seven emotions and six desires with his own hands can he truly understand the realm of killing.

Only in the future can the real strength of the killing field be exerted.

However, Wu Yun didn't figure it out, or, even if he figured it out, he probably wouldn't be able to make a move.

He couldn't do anything to his brother.

At least, not currently.

bang bang...

In the darkness all around, countless figures of Xiaojin came to kill Wu Yun.

It was almost fatal, and even Wu Yun almost died under the stick several times.

There were also several times when Wu Yun almost couldn't resist shooting back, but he still resisted and didn't shoot!

"Illusion, is this a test for me?"

Wu Yun whispered to himself while dodging.

"What is the test for taking action against my brother? Is it to test my mind?"

"But how can I do it? Even if I know it's fake, can I kill Xiao Jin with my own hands? Even if it's just a phantom!"

Wu Yun asked himself over and over again in his heart.

Can it be done?

Can't do it?

Suddenly, Wu Yun seemed to have made some kind of decision and gritted his teeth.

"No, I have to do it, since it's fake, then I don't need to be obsessed with this false illusion, my feelings with Xiao Jin, I know enough in my heart, I didn't kill Xiao Jin, I killed just his It's just a phantom!"


A blood-colored blade of light flashed in the air, and a trace of the angel's blood blade appeared in his hand.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Three words of killing came out of Wu Yun's mouth, and the angel's blood blade danced like a dragon.

One after another, the blood-colored light blades were beheaded in the air, and the heads fell from the air.

One after another, the figures of Xiaojin were soft to the ground.

Rivers of blood!

All this is too real, there is blood, screams, and howls of pain.

Even before his death, the same voice as Xiao Jin cried and prayed to him.

Several times, Wu Yun almost didn't feel ruthless.

But he still carried it.

After nearly half an hour of beheading, Wu Yun's entire body was dyed red with blood.

Even the space within his sight was filled with a pungent bloody smell.

Somehow, Wu Yun's mind seemed to be invaded by something again.

His heart was almost numb, and he was about to kill the red eye.

In this endless killing, he even felt infinite pleasure.

Especially when he realized that he had killed his brother, this sense of pleasure made him even more excited.

Somewhere, there seemed to be a voice subtly reminding him.

Kill, kill everything, kill everything in the world!

"Yes, I want to kill, I want to kill everyone in this world!"

At this moment, Wu Yun's hair was disheveled, and his whole body was already dyed red with blood.

The eyes are scarlet and the face is hideous, this is definitely not a normal state.

Wu Yun didn't realize that during the killing process just now, he had been invaded into the sea of ​​consciousness again by some mysterious force.

If it goes on like this, there is only one consequence, going into the madness and falling into the madness of endless killing!

If you can't get out of this state in time.

Once he falls in completely, he will never be able to look back!

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