Some people around him suggested to him that it would be unlucky anyway.

It's better to hijack Luo Qingtong and escape.

There was also a fierce tremor in his heart, and then he sold the opponent with a backhand.

Said that the other party encouraged him to escape.

I don't know why, when he looked at Luo Qingtong's eyes, he always felt that there was great terror in the other's eyes.

Lu Hongwei, really didn't even dare to put a fart.

And Lu Jiaojiao, looking at Luo Qingtong's eyes, was also full of panic.

The other party was standing in the line of the chief secretary, and it seemed that he hadn't done anything.

But in fact, she controls everything in the entire training ground.

From the arrival of Lu Hongwei and others, to the troubles of the Lu family, to the reactions of the Lu family...

All are formed by the opponent's single-handed manipulation.

The other party seemed to have done nothing, but all of them were her marionettes.

During the whole incident, the quarrel between Wang Xiuya and Lu Jiaojiao happened by itself.

But this is also the fuse of this series of things.

Lu Jiaojiao didn't know if Luo Qingtong had already worked out all this at that time, and then controlled them in the palm of his hand.

If this is the case, it would be too scary!

When Lu Jiaojiao's heart was shuddering, the Wang family and Wang Xiuya on the other side came to apologize personally.

They are not stupid either, it can be seen that the series of things inside are all controlled by Luo Qingtong.

The treasure of the Wang family was also given by Luo Qingtong, and Wang Xiuya had also told the Wang family privately.

Therefore, the people of the royal family, looking at Luo Qingtong, were full of excitement and gratitude.

They knew that Luo Qingtong did what he did.

However, even if it is a knife in Luo Qingtong's hand, the reward given by the other party is too generous!

The treasures of their royal family, I don't know how long they have been searching for, the entire royal family, don't know how much it has paid for it, has completely fallen out of the eight families.

At this time, Luo Qingtong returned this treasure to them, that is, he gave all of them a life!

All the people of the royal family!

In this way, small use is nothing.

What's more, if Luo Qingtong said from the beginning, if the people who helped her calculate the road family could be of great benefit, I was afraid that the people of the Wang family would come to help one after another.

This is beyond doubt!

Therefore, the people of the Wang family are very grateful to Luo Qingtong!

When the Wang family expressed their gratitude to Luo Qingtong, Feng Jun on the other side was sour about it.

"How come this benefit is not for me?!"

How to say, that the treasure of the Wang family, there is a bit of credit for him, right?

Okay, no!

That was brought back by Luo Qingtong...

I'm so angry!

How to say, he also helped to take it, oh, mention it!

Why did Luo Qingtong only think of the benefits of others, but not him? !

Did he use his strength just now?

He just scolded people so hard!

Also deliberately rushed in front of her!

Why didn't she think of giving herself a little benefit? !

Feng Jun's heart was sour, and Luo Qingtong glanced at him, thinking that he was indeed very hard just now...swearing, and then said: "The benefits of the Lu family, you can cut to 30%!"

This is the benefit Luo Qingtong has given to Feng Jun, and it can be regarded as a unilateral promise.

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