In this way, when the people of the secretary's line come to divide the benefits, Feng Jun and the others will be able to get 30% of the benefits!

Feng Jun thought about this, and his smile immediately bloomed.

"Tsk tusk tusk, brother Tan, you are really too generous!"

"If it weren't for me to be a man, I want to ask you to take care of it!"

Really gave too much!

In Feng Jun's heart, Luo Qingtong's complexion was faint, and he glanced at him.

Even if she likes men, she doesn't look down on him!

Moreover, her child is still at home!

Luo Qingtong thought so, and suddenly smiled slightly.

When Ye Qianji sees her going out for a trip, will she be able to get so many benefits, will she be very surprised?

After all, she is in the enemy camp!

Luo Qingtong thought so, and immediately felt very proud.

The corners of her lips rose slightly, then pressed down again, and then couldn't help but rose again.

When Feng Jun saw her move, he was a little surprised.

"You have such an expression, who did you think of?"

"What little girl?"

At this point in his words, Luo Qingtong couldn't help but break his skills.


"Indeed, very cute little girl."

"Oh, no, it's still very beautiful!"

What Luo Qingtong said was really proud and ostentatious.

When Feng Jun listened, he laughed again and couldn't help rolling his eyes.

He suddenly remembered, this guy... Tan Ming, he has a wife!

Oh, it's great to have a wife!

You can show off and laugh at them as single dogs!

Feng Jun's face was expressionless.

When Luo Qingtong looked at him like this, he suddenly got his idea, and then couldn't help but show off: "Haha, of course, a single dog like you can't understand a married person like me. Happy!"

Simply put, people who don't have a wife can't experience this kind of happiness!

Feng Jun immediately turned and left!

Bastard, even if the other party gives him 40% benefits, he doesn't want to listen to these mortal words here!

It's a crime!

It's great to have a wife!

When Feng Jun left with anger, Luo Qingtong on the other side smiled slightly, and then went to see Si Rumeng and the others in a good mood.

After all, if things are done here, they can leave.

At that time, she can go back to find her "wife"!

The feeling of someone waiting at home is really wonderful!

Luo Qingtong thought so in her heart.

On the other side, Si Rumeng and others were still entangled with the Lu family.

Later, someone from the other side reported that the Lu family had surrendered.

They tried to take action against Tan Ming and others to take away the treasures of the king's family.

This will have all pleaded guilty.

As the culprit, Lu Hongwei and others have also been handed over by the Lu family.

Now, all the staff are waiting for the disposal of the people in the department.

Si Rumeng: "..."

A group of family members who are still working hard to drag Si Rumeng and others, as well as those from other forces who are helping them: "..."


Are the Lu family crazy? !

And when they were shocked in their hearts, Si Rumeng on the other side had already responded very quickly: "Okay."

"Now, we can discuss the Tao with the principals of many forces and the people of the Lu family well!"

"How should this benefit be distributed!"

I like the Supreme Pupilist: Miss Peerless, please collect it: ( Supreme Pupilist: The literature of Miss Peerless is the fastest to update.

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