Supreme Pupillary Master: Peerless Eldest Miss

Chapter 6685: A crime that is "surprise and shocking"!

The faces of everyone were shocked.

And the elder secretary behind Luo Qingtong murmured what they hadn't finished speaking and finished.

"Jiyuan Beast..."

When his voice sounded, the elder Si's eyes were fixed on the body of the Yuan Yuan beast.

The figure of the other party was curled up in a small cage. At this moment, there was obvious hatred and sharpness in the eyes of everyone around him.


Its voice, furiously.

It was originally a beast roar without any language, but all the people who heard its roar were shocked.

Because they clearly heard the meaning of the voices in the other party's words.

"Huh! A group of people from the profound world who are benevolent and righteous!"

"let me go!"

"You dare to catch me, my clan will not let you go!"

And when its beast roar sounded, the arbitrators on the seat couldn't help standing up.

"Mo Lin!"

One of the arbiters couldn't help crying in surprise when he stood up.

His eyes looked suspiciously at the Yuan Yuan beast in the cage.

It turned out to be the devil? !

The original beast king?

When his voice sounded low, Feng Jun on the other side was dumbfounded.

Foggy grass Foggy grass Foggy grass!

In his mind, he only swiped these two words back and forth, and he didn't know what to do!

When did Luo Qingtong get this cage?

Moreover, what's the matter with Molin? !

How could Luo Qingtong meet such a murderous thing? !

This guy, but the king of the elementary beasts, one of the few powerful kings!

Foggy grass!

When Feng Jun's heart was shocked, the elder Secretary and the others felt like they were getting worse.

Especially the elders.

Tan Ming said, she has a way, is this her way?

The real Nima...what a surprise!

When the crowd was so horrified that they didn't know what to do, Luo Qingtong's eyes on the other side narrowed slightly.

These high-level people in the Xuantian Divine Palace really have a way to understand the words of these primordial beasts.

Luo Qingtong's eyes swept over the people in the Xuantian Divine Palace present.

I found that with the ability, everyone standing in this hall can basically understand the words of the original beast she made.

That's right, this Yuan beast was made by Luo Qingtong.

She had seen Demon Lin before, and directly extracted it from her memory, and then stuffed it into this cage.

That's why Feng Jun didn't know when she had a cage.

I don't know how she got Demon Lin out.

Are you kidding me?

She was able to get the devil lin out, and the original beasts had already been used by her.

However, Mo Lin had fought her before, and Luo Qingtong directly copied it from the occasion of his memory, which was not a difficult task.

Although it is only its power clone, its strength is not a part of its own.

But here, who can know?

Luo Qingtong's gaze swept over everyone present.

Especially focus on the arbitration envoys.

And when Luo Qingtong's gaze looked over, those people hadn't made any movements yet, and Elder Tan on the other side was already incoherent with horror.

"This is impossible!"

"how can that be?!"

"How can you be able to catch the devil?"

"No, no, it's impossible at all, how could Mo Lin be here?!"

"How did you bring it back?"

"This little thing, the breath of Demon Lin?!"

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