Supreme Pupillary Master: Peerless Eldest Miss

Chapter 6686: Is it really exposed? !

When Elder Tan's heart was shocked, Luo Qingtong on the other side, with the corners of his lips already slightly curled, stared at him again.

"How can I catch it, I believe Elder Tan knows better than me, isn't it?"

The things Tiangan Shengzi and the others did, although it is impossible to report everything in detail, like Elder Tan's report.

But to use the power of Mo Lin to deal with the Fu family's affairs like this must be in the original plan of Elder Tan.

After all, what they want is the power of heaven in that mysterious place!

As Luo Qingtong's voice sounded, the heart of Elder Tan on the other side was shocked.

His gaze looked at Luo Qingtong in amazement, wondering, how could she be so clear about the matter between them!

Could it be said that their affairs in the secret realm of Tianque were really exposed?

And the goddess of heaven and others, really something happened? !

No, it's impossible!

Elder Tan was very clear in the heart of how seamless his own plan was.

He tried his best to calm his mind.

Luo Qingtong might just be lucky, and luckily solved some of his things.

Although I don't know what's going on, this Demon Lin doesn't seem to be part of his main plan.

But when dealing with a small family at the bottom of the Xuantian Divine Palace, I just borrowed the strength by the way.

Elder Tan thought for a while, that family seems to be called the Fu family.

At that time, when making this plan, he was particularly dismissive in his heart.

I didn't take this matter seriously. After all, it was only a small family. If it weren't for worrying that others would pay attention to themselves and others because of this, and ruin his plan, there would be no need to use Yuan Beast's power to deal with each other.

But since the decision was made, Elder Tan didn't take it seriously.

Only at that time, I vaguely remembered that it seemed that it was because of this family that I took some effort, and I also found two families to help.

Those two families happened to be opponents of each other, and could borrow each other's superiority.

Therefore, this matter involved Demon Lin, and he only remembered a little more.

Otherwise, he hadn't noticed it at all.

And Luo Qingtong, this will take out the Demon Lin.

Although he didn't know how the opponent got Demon Lin.

And **** them, what went wrong because of this.

But the other party must not know his real purpose and plan.

Therefore, Tan Ming should have known something because of fate, so he mistakenly thought that he had colluded with Jiyuan Beast and wanted to be unfavorable to their elders?

If this is the case, then this matter is right!

Elder Tan thought about this, and he was immediately relieved.

After all, he really didn't want to be caught.

The most important thing is that the deeds of Tian Qian and others were arrested, which is equivalent to his ambition and great cause, all exposed to others.

The charge that Luo Qingtong arranged at this moment was even more terrifying!

This will hear that Luo Qingtong has dealt with him for this reason, and because of this, the arbitration meeting of the Divine Palace was held. On the contrary, he felt relieved.

Seeing a ghost too.

The other party dealt with him, intending to kill him, but he was relieved instead.

Elder Tan was rarely depressed because of his emotions. Then, he looked at the place where Luo Qingtong was, and said coldly: "Funny!"

"Even if you brought this Yuan Yuan beast back, what can you show?"

"Can it prove that I colluded with it?!"

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