Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 1167: Sacrifice

Chapter 1167 The Sacrifice Technique

Huoshengtian and Lin Bao are like two huge stars colliding with each other fiercely. As soon as they fight, they burst out with powerful power. The entire platform is filled with endless red light, sometimes the thunderstorms, sometimes the sword The air is filled with air, and the sky is constantly filled with fire and clouds. The entire platform is shaking constantly. It seems that there is a possibility of collapse at any time. It can be seen how fierce the two are on the platform.

At this time, everyone's eyes were firmly fixed on the ring, looking at the two astonishing figures on the ring.

The speed of these two figures is really too fast, exceeding the limit that everyone's eyes can capture, and only seeing the two faint shadows constantly interlacing and confronting each other.

Of course, some powerful people can still barely see clearly, but the more clearly they see, the more shocked they are, and even some warriors have left their hearts after watching this battle Devil, nowhere to go in life.

In the same way, there are also some persevering generations. After watching this war, they have learned a lot, broke through the bottleneck, and repaired it by leaps and bounds.

At this time, on the ring, Huo Shengtian and Lin Bao both had blood on their lips, and their strength was comparable ten years ago. Today, ten years later, they are still in the middle of Bozhong, and no one can help each other. Who.

Lin Bao looked at Huo Shengtian, and was extremely surprised. He knew how great his progress had been in the past ten years, but now it seems that his opponent has not stopped still in the past ten years.

Huo Shengtian is also shocked by Lin Bao's cultivation. This Lin Bao is indeed a genius named by the rising sun, and his strength is indeed not to be underestimated.

Under the ring, Chen Lei watched the two fight and nodded slightly. Both of them were called Tianjiao. Their strength was indeed several times stronger than that of ordinary warriors. The ordinary warriors looked extremely mediocre in front of them.

However, Chen Lei has seen too many geniuses. The two can only be regarded as Chen Lei's eyes, but it is impossible to make Chen Lei feel amazing.

In a blink of an eye, Lin Bao and Huo Shengtian confronted each other nearly a thousand moves, and they were evenly divided.


After another violent confrontation, Lin Bao and Huo Shengtian separated, and a ray of blood ran down the corners of their mouths.

Lin Bao's eyes became extremely cold, saying: "Sacred Fire, I didn't expect that you could force me to this step. It seems that there is no way to beat you without taking out the top-level box, but, I can only make this move but not accept it. Once it is used, it will never end. I urge you to give up now, and you may leave a life. Otherwise, you must die. "

After listening to Lin Bao's words, Huo Shengtian laughed and said, "Lin Bao, if you have any skill, just show it, I'm afraid you won't succeed."

Lin Bao sneered and said, "Since this is the case, don't blame me for not being emotional."

After speaking, Lin Bao muttered something in his mouth, and suddenly a huge handprint was formed. Then, a blood light was sacrifice from the handprint and fell into the void.

With this blood-light sacrifice into the void, as if there was a huge will coming down, attached to Lin Bao's body, Lin Bao's entire popularity changed instantly.

Lin Bao's eyes closed slightly, and suddenly opened, two cold and ruthless glances made the fire holy sky slightly surprised. He was sure that he had never seen such an indifferent look, this kind of look, as if human beings should not have Yes, but high above, only the gods who view beings as ants are common.

Afterwards, the fire holy sky felt a huge crisis coming, and a sudden warning came to mind.

However, the warning sign in the heart of Huoshengtian just rose, and a huge pain came from his body. Then, the whole body flew up involuntarily, and hit the forbidden light curtain on the edge of the ring.


After the loud noise, the light curtain on the ring can't help shaking for a while. Huo Shengtian felt that almost all the bones in his body were broken. He opened a mouthful of blood and looked at Lin Bao in shock.

At this time, Lin Bao was still expressionless, his eyes were indifferent, his body was so fast that he could not even capture the consciousness, and once again appeared in front of Huoshengtian like a teleportation, and he blasted with a punch.

Huo Shengtian was shocked. This time, he still did not capture the trajectory of Lin Bao's punches, but relied on his keen instincts trained over the years to avoid the key points while destroying all the true power of the firm Protect yourself.


Another punch, fiercely banged on Huo Shengtian. Huo Shengtian felt like he was hit by a sledgehammer. The deep true power was penetrated for the first time, and then, that one The heavy and quick fist smashed him severely, and flew him out again.

This time, Huo Shengtian clearly felt the sound of a broken bone in his body.


Huo Shengtian fell fiercely on the ground of the ring platform. He was seriously injured and could hardly climb.


Suddenly, the countless warriors watching the battle, exclaimed one after another, looking at this scene incredibly.

"How can this be, Heavenly King is undefeated ..."

Everyone couldn't believe it, and the Holy Fire was so easily defeated.

And Chen Lei saw more than others. He could clearly feel that Lin Bao had an extraordinarily violent power in his body.

This power does not belong to him at all, but by virtue of external power. Although it can explode great power in a short time, it also has endless consequences. In the end, Lin Bao I am afraid that it will be directly controlled by this huge and violent force, becoming inhuman and ghostless and losing self.

"What kind of power is this, it is so evil."

Chen Lei knew that what Lin Bao used was probably an evil sacrificing technique, paying a certain price in exchange for powerful power.

However, this power, like the fruit of the devil, once used, will sink into this power and can no longer look back.

At this point, Lin Bao's eyes had glowed a reddish light slightly, and flashed again, appearing beside Huo Shengtian, and stepped on with one foot.


When Lin Bao stepped down, the many martial arts on the sidelines exclaimed. If this is down-to-earth, I am afraid that the fire holy sky can be directly stepped into the flesh.


In the end, Lin Bao stepped down, but he didn't step on the fire holy sky, but was blocked by a red light.

At this time, a set of extremely gorgeous armor was added to the fire holy heaven. The surface of the armor was engraved with exquisite and intricate patterns, with fiery red energy flowing along these patterns, emitting a red glow. This red light helped Huo Shengtian block Lin Bao's inevitable blow.

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