Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 1168: Rescue

Chapter 168 Rescue

Sacred Fire Armor, this is a sacred artifact that has been integrated into the spirit after the Sacred Fire inheritance. It is a set of flame ring, one main attack and one main defense.

However, with the current practice of the Holy Fire Heaven, it is still not possible to fully exert the full power of the Holy Fire Armor and the Holy Fire Ring.

Nowadays, the Holy Fire Armor feels the threat of life to the Fire Holy Sky, and then protects the Lord automatically.


However, Lin Bao ignored it and stepped down again, shaking the light curtain turned by the flame of fire, and the rain was shining, but in the end, the flame of fire still perfectly took Lin Bao's blow. .

Chen Lei can see that the violent power in Lin Bao's body has been reduced by nearly 30%.

Obviously, this borrowed power cannot last for a long time. Of course, if this power dominates Lin Bao, it will exist forever and will not disappear, but at that time Lin Bao will only It will be nothing more than a puppet.

"Boom ..."

As if Lin Bao didn't have any reason, he only knew that he could attack the Holy Fire with mad power. Each strike was so powerful that he would step into the flesh.

The fire armor on the fire holy sky was attacked one after another, the light rain splashed, and the light curtain became thinner and thinner.

And the fire holy sky, can not help vomiting blood, although there are holy fire armor to help him stop the attack, but still some of the power of the attack, rushed into his body, shocked his internal organs and broken.

Had it not been for the protection of the Holy Fire Armor, I am afraid that under the first blow, the Holy Fire would be stepped directly into the flesh.

At this point, even with the guardianship of the Holy Fire Armor, the Fire Holy Sky has passed out.

A moment later, the violent power of Lin Bao disappeared completely in him.

At this time, the feelings that belong to humans rose from Lin Bao's eyes, but the light in Lin Bao's eyes was much colder than before.

At this time, Lin Bao was sweating all over his body, as if he had just taken it out of the water, and the whole person was almost collapsed.

However, Lin Bao was barely able to stand, but Huo Shengtian fainted on the ring, motionless, life and death unknown, who wins and loses, at a glance.

"嗬 ... 嗬 嗬 ..."

Lin Bao laughed a few times, trying to say something, but at this time, he opened his mouth and could not make out a word. The strength of his whole body was overdrawn.

At this time, above the ring, the light curtain dispersed, and a referee directly declared Lin Bao's victory. As for Huo Shengtian, the soldiers had carefully lifted the ring to find the best doctor for treatment.

And the crowd around the crowd also dispersed.

In the palace, Chen Lei and Huo Huanghuo Li Tian were in a room and looked at Huo Shengtian lying in bed.

At this time, the whole body of the fire holy sky was almost broken, all the internal organs were broken, and even the frontal bone was almost cracked. With such a serious injury, it was able to retrieve his life, and he had to say the vitality of the fire holy sky. Really exuberant.

At this moment, Huo Litian looked at Chen Lei and said, "Brother Chen, please take the shot and save my emperor's life."

Huo Litian knows that the imperial doctors in the palace face such a difficult injury, and it can be said that they are helpless. You must know that if such injuries, those imperial doctors can save the life of Huoshengtian, and his repair will be lost.

If it were such a result, it would be better to die.

Huo Litian knew that only Chen Lei was able to save the fire.

Chen Lei did not evade, nodded, and directly carried the Qinglong rejuvenation tactics. The intricate mists of spirits gathered from all sides and poured into the body of the fire.

The injury in Huoshengtian suddenly began to stabilize, and then gradually improved.

There is an extremely violent force in the Fire Saint Heaven, which has been constantly destroying the vitality of the Fire Saint Heaven. This is the most important reason for the difficult injury of the Fire Saint Heaven.

However, now that Chen Lei uses the Qinglong rejuvenation method, he has expelled this violent force from Huo Shengtian's body. Once this force is gone, Huo Shengtian's injury naturally calms down.

And once the injury in Huoshengtian calmed down, Chen Lei wanted to heal Huoshengtian, but it was easy.

Under Chen Lei's treatment, Huo Shengtian's injury slowly improved, and finally healed completely.

After healed from the fire, Shengtian looked at Chen Lei with a complex look. Eventually, he sighed and stood in front of Chen Lei with a deep respect. He said, "Thanks to Brother Chen for his life-saving, Heaven will never forget."

With the ritual of Huoshengtian, all previous grudges with Chen Lei were written off. You should know that Chen Lei helped Huo Litian to obtain the Fire God Stone and obtain the title of Emperor of Fire. Whether it is Huo Ditian or Huo Shengtian, everyone knows that the person who contributed the most was Chen Lei.

Without the help of Chen Lei, the fire emperor's position would not be the turn of the fire anyway. Therefore, whether it is the fire emperor or the fire holy sky, Chen Lei naturally has a great grudge against him.

However, this time Chen Lei's shot saved his life. All the mustards in Huo Shengtian's heart were naturally eliminated, and Chen Lei was grateful.

Naturally, Chen Lei can feel the sincerity of Huo Shengtian. Haha smiled and said, "The king doesn't have to be courteous. This is also a reparation that Chen Mou had offended before."

The two of them felt like a grudge against each other.

"Brother, please tell me what the **** is going on, and why it was so miserable."

At this time, Huo Litian asked Shengtian, who was listening to the fire. He listened to the reports of his men, but he didn't know why Lin Bao's strength would be so rapid in a short time.

After listening to the words of Huo Litian, Huo Shengtian became extremely serious and dignified. He said, "I don't know exactly what happened to Lin Bao. I only know that he destroyed the kind of mysterious surgery. , But I can feel that at that moment, Lin Bao seemed to be a different person, no longer himself, but another person. "

Chen Lei nodded, and told some of the things he saw. After confirming with the information provided by Huo Shengtian, he concluded that there should be a horrible existence behind the rising sun. Blessing the power of these masters of the rising sun, but again, such an existence will not bless the power out of thin air, but will ask for huge benefits.

"I seem to have seen some records from the Royal Treasury. This method is somewhat similar to the methods of some powerful people in the Middle Kingdom." Huo Litian said.

After Chen Lei and Huo Shengtian heard each other, they looked at each other and knew nothing about what Huo Litian said.

"Let's go to the Royal Vault."

After seeing the appearance of Chen Lei and Huo Shengtian, Huo Litian knew that it was difficult to explain for a while and a half, and took Chen Lei and Huo Shengtian directly to the Royal Treasury.

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