Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 991: puppet


The figure of Qin double has suddenly increased. After entering here for so long, she has already figured out the situation here. She knows that the cockroaches in these passages should be almost swept by the people in front, and there are not many left. Even if she meets one more, she can handle it.


The body of the piano double jumped out of the passage, and the look was a glimpse.

The underground hall is very large, full of square kilometers, and has nine channels in a fan shape. At this time, more than one hundred warriors or monks were divided into nine teams, blocking nine passages.

At the entrance of the nine passages, two people suddenly attracted the eyes of the piano pair. It was a man and a woman, two monks, each standing alone in a hole. The man held a broad sword in his hands. Each sword drove the surrounding space to shake, and the opposite side was hard and hard, so that the cockroach was inside the passage. Can't get out.


There was a crack in the body of the cockroach. The man raised his sword in his hands. From top to bottom, it seemed like a sword in the sky. The swordsman with a five-color brilliance slammed into a ha, Then, with one hand, I grabbed a Chinese stone in my hand.


A cockroach rushed out of the cave and fought again with the man.

Qin double can understand, the size of these nine passages can only allow one to enter and exit, so these people blocked the hole and avoid more shackles. Although these people are strong, if they are surrounded by many cockroaches, they are definitely not The opponent, the way it is today is undoubtedly the best solution.

Qin Shuang’s gaze looked at the other woman who was only blocking a passage. The woman made a fine sword, standing tall with a tall cockroach, with a cold atmosphere. Did not stab a sword, the body of the cockroach will be covered with a layer of frost, the gradual thickening of the frost, so that the action of the cockroach gradually become dull.


After the shackle became dull, the scorpion smashed the sly body out of countless holes in succession. Eventually the cockroach became a piece of debris and scattered on the ground. The woman reached out and made a trick. She was taken up by her.


Another rushed out and struggled with the woman.

Qin Shuang's gaze continually beats. This man and woman are actually the true peaks of the ninth-level martial arts of the King of Wu, and they are the ninth-level peak of the Emperor Wu of the Emperor who can defeat the martial arts.


Qin Shuang's gaze removed from the two men's bodies, swiftly swept through other holes, his eyes were a condensation, she saw Wu Jinsong and a empire of the Frost Empire, the ninth layer of the late peaks, two people are leading a dozen The Warriors of the Great Qin Empire and the Frost Empire joined forces to block a hole. Beside them, the ninth layer of the Wuwangdian martial arts leader led nearly 20 martial arts martial arts to block a passage. On the other side, the Wanxingda 6 people blocked two holes, and the remaining three holes were blocked by the numerous warriors of the Cangwu 6 and the Antlers. One of the holes was led by Yan Xinghai.

Only in an instant, the piano doubles can see that the person who came to the military is the weakest. As it is said by Qin Lie, in the Taikoo space, the strength of the Warrior 6 is the bottom of the existence.

"Duan Hong can't stand it!"

In Wu Jinsong's team, there is Duan Hong, who is familiar with Qin, but he has not seen other familiar people. At that time, there was already half of the body that had forced out the passage, and the big Qin Empire and the Frost Empire were also unable to resist.

"Waste!" At this time, the man who blocked a hole and held a broad sword shouted: "If you dare to take a step back, I will kill you."

The woman with the sword is thicker and colder, and she sighs coldly: "The waste of the big man of the martial arts, dare to let it out, my ice phoenix must kill you."

"Two!" Wu Jinsong was sweating and shouted: "We don't want to, it's really we can't stand."

"You can't top it!" Xu Kaitian screamed and smothered him.


Duan Hong took out a sword and sweated like a pulp. Although his face was full of perseverance, his body was full of war, but his body began to shake.


Taking a step forward, the whole figure has already stepped out of the passage. Everyone has even seen a flaw in the gap behind it, waiting for this step to take another step, and the second one can rush out of the passage.

Everyone was shocked. Now they can kill the cockroaches and capture the spiritual stone relatively easily. That is because they block the passage and always face a cockroach. Once a team with a blocked passage collapses and a large number of rushes come out, they are bound to suffer from enemies and suffer siege. Even the strong players like Xu Kaitian and Bing Lingfeng did not dare to stay in that situation.

Xu Kaishan and Bing Lingfeng’s faces are full of anger, and the Chinese spirit stone is also rare for them. These cockroaches are a steady stream of Chinese spirits for them, but now they are because of the vastness of the sky. The 6 warriors collapsed and lost this opportunity, which makes them not angry?

That is only because of the strength and ferocious power of the body, and there is no such thing as swords or tactics, but even so, the great power is not something that any warrior on the sky can resist. If not everyone joins hands, They have already died under the shackles. However, after several consecutive smashes, the spiritual power in their bodies is consumed very quickly. Although they continue to take back the lingo, they are also constantly flowing, and the effect of taking them is far less than that. Bring them the impact. The ultimate defeat is also inevitable.


The slammed fist slammed out, although there was no enthusiasm, but the powerful power and degree made the air hit a black hole, and bombarded the past with Wu Jinsong. Then Wu Jinsong’s eyes were horrified, and his body shape flicked away. He flashed and revealed Duan Hong behind him. The section of Acer’s eyes burst into tears, and the big sword in his hand bombarded the fists with his fists. He saw death in his eyes. He knew that he could not resist the blow.


A figure flashed through the air, pulling out a vague picture of the phoenix and phoenix, and fell behind the cockroach.


A sword screamed, and a brilliance was shining in the air. A cracking sound was heard in the ear. The middle of the sly **** was smashed by a double sword. The squat was halfway out and stopped. The piano double-handedly grasped and grabbed the middle-aged stone in the hand. At the same time, Duan Hong’s swordsman bombarded the already destroyed body behind the piano double, and in front of Qin double, a 傀儡A punch burst into the front chest of the piano.

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