Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 992: Each has an adventure



The cockroach that lost the Lingshi was smashed by Duan Hongyi, and the cockroach in the passage smashed the front chest of the piano pair, and then saw the body of the piano double dissipated.

That is the afterimage of Qin Double. There is a figure in the side of Duan Hong, but it is the double playing the flying phoenix dance.

"Two children!"

Duan Hong saw Qin double, not a surprise. Qin double looked at the face because of fear, Wu Jinsong, who had not recovered, and then told Duan Hong and others:

"You go back and adjust your interest, give it to me here."

"Double children, you are very strong, I..."

Duan Hong’s words have not been finished yet, and the cockroach in the opposite channel has already rushed out. The figure of Qin double disappeared around Duan Hong and instantly appeared behind the cockroach.


It was a brilliance, and it was followed by a shattering. The piano double blasted the middle of the ass. The backhand grabbed a Chinese stone, and the figure flickered again.

Everyone's eyes are bright, in the face of no enthusiasm, no Taoism, only the strength and speed of the shackles, the piano double-style fast sword, coupled with the incredible body, is undoubtedly a sly nemesis.


The shape of the piano pair is constantly flashing. After each crush is broken and the stone is obtained, it leaves the hole and puts it out. And when you want to come out later, you must first smash the shackles that have lost your ability to move and stand in front of it. At the moment when it flew the scrapped scorpion, the piano pair will play the flying phoenix dance, cut into the back of the cockroach, and smash a sword in the middle of its ass. In this way, in the entire hall, the piano is the most relaxed, and the fastest one is the middle stone.

Qin Shuang's heart is full of joy, but she knows that the spiritual power and purity of Zhongpin Lingshi are hundreds of times lower than the lower stone. That is to say, a Chinese spirit stone is equal to one hundred lower spirit stones. And between these dozens of breaths, Qin double has already got ten Chinese spirit stone.

Looking at the piano double to easily get Lingshi, Duan Hongxin breathed a sigh of relief, immediately swallowed the medicinal herbs, adjusted the interest, the rest of the warriors eyes mixed with envy and jealousy, but also have to adjust interest rates, only Wu Jinsong’s eyes are not A trace of envy is full of killing. Looking at the piano double-grained to harvest the Chinese spirit stone, and then think of the piano double storage ring there are 100,000 down the spirit stone, he looked at the piano double eyes is like watching a dead person.

"Ha ha ha..." Xu Kaitian said with a loud laugh: "Little sister, good skill!"


The answer to him was the intensive swordsmanship of the piano. Xu Kaitian and others saw that the piano pair had acquired the Lingshi so quickly, and one of them could not help but explode, and more fiercely rushed to the embarrassment.

In a valley.

A two-legged snake lay on the grass, a long snake hoops a man, but the snake's head has been cut down, and the snake's blood is flowing out of the body, flowing on a man's face, that The man was in a coma, but he still instinctively opened his mouth and sipped the snake blood flowing into his mouth. There were still a dozen bodies lying around this snake. At first glance, there was a big battle, people Only the man survived with the snake, but he passed out.


A figure fell from the sky, but it was the moon, and saw a dozen bodies and the snake in the valley, and the color of surprise appeared in the eyes.

"Golden snake!"

I took a step forward and stopped again. The heart flashed through the golden snake.

The golden armor snake is a treasure, especially its inner dan, which can be made into gold methadone. Taking this medicinal medicine can make a qualitative leap in the physical strength of the military. The second treasure of the golden snake is the blood. The blood of the golden snake is not the strength of the military. The improvement is the martial arts repair, but the blood of the golden snake has a sequelae. The blood of the golden snake will make people Can not control the desire, if you drink the blood of the golden snake, can not immediately meet, it will explode and die. This is the reason why the moon is too dim. The blood of the golden snake is very overbearing. Even if it smells only the blood, it will not control itself. In the moment when I saw the golden snake, the moon was closed and the breath was closed, but she was somewhat embarrassed at this time. If she collects the golden snake now, it will be stained with the blood of the golden snake. The look hesitated, but decided to wait for the blood of the golden snake to dry before going to collect the body of the golden snake. Although the blood of the golden snake is a good thing, she does not want to explode and die.

When the moon was closed, the breath was closed, and when it was swept, it came to a dead body, and the storage bag on the body was collected, and the weapon was collected again, and then the second body was swept. When she plunged to the eighth body, she was suddenly hugged from behind by a pair of big hands.


She screamed and then smelled a **** smell.

"not good!"

Her mouth screamed, so that the blood smell of the golden armor snake sucked into the body, and hurriedly closed her breath again. Then she used her strength to open the big hands, but found that the people behind her still clung tightly. Live her.


Her clothes were torn, just as the clothes were torn apart, and the moon was taken off, and the sword was quickly taken out. It was a sword.


Her wrist was caught, and she felt a rush of energy from her wrist into her body. Half of her body was numb in an instant, and the long sword in her hand fell to the ground. At this point, she had already seen who the opposite person was, the man who was lying under the snake and covered with snake blood, and she had already recognized the other person and could not help but exclaim:

"Li Linwei, what are you doing?"


Answering her is a big hand to tear her clothes off, revealing the skin inside the ice-snowing game, Li Linyi made a beast-like voice, pressing the moonlight under the body, and the moon is struggling to struggle. However, it was not Li Lin’s opponent at all. Li Lin’s face came together, and a big mouth blocked the small mouth of the moon.


The moon was smothered, but in the end it was opened by a big tongue, and the tongue reached into her small mouth, swaying arbitrarily, sucking, the blood of the golden armor snake flowed into her mouth, and the throat And next. Her lower abdomen began to heat up.


She lost her mind and left only the desire of the body. She was no longer struggling. Instead, she clung to Li Linwei, greeted Li Linyi, and screamed with excitement in her mouth...

In another valley.

Godsend stood under a cliff and kept a still position, looking out over the cliff. On the poor cliffs, there is a shadow of blurry dancing, as if a person is constantly dancing swords. At this time, Godsend was completely caught in that mood. It’s just that his breath is very unstable, and his eyes are also a look of disappointment.

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