Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1000: I'm late

The first thousand chapters are late



Bing Lingfeng sacrificed the plaque in his hand, and the air instantly became frosty. The giant python was frozen, fell from the air, fell into a smash, and a trace of blood and blood sank into the ground and disappeared.


The sarcophagus trembled, and the emptiness of Xu Kaitian was defeated. The plaque flickered above the stone and then returned to calm.


Xu Kaitian and Bing Ling Fengxin looked at each other with a sigh of relief, and then Bing Lingfeng suddenly called out with a heartache:

"That's my last sign!"

Xu Kaitian silently looked into the depths of the space, and Bing Fengfeng bit his teeth and looked at the depths.


Xu Kaitian made a big stride toward the depths, and Bing Lingfeng immediately followed. The two no longer dared to move the stone sarcophagus, walking through the rows of stone crevices.

"So many stone scorpions!" The two men were surprised as they walked through the line: "How many hearts does this seal?"

Both people are very clear in their hearts, such a huge heart is definitely not a human race, but a Yaozu, maybe the heart of a big demon, what secrets are hidden here, need to strip so many big demon heart blood?

The huge space was filled with stone sarcophagi, and there was a half-hour between the two people, and suddenly they stopped. A scent that makes them both body and mind cool, just sniffing, and two people have the feeling of breaking through to the gods.

When the two men stared at each other, they saw that there was a pool outside the kilometer, and they felt it quietly. It seemed that there was no danger. The two men glanced at each other and suddenly speeded up and swept away toward the kilometer.

The distance of kilometers is instantaneous.


The two men's bodies fell on the ground, and in front of them there was a pond with a radius of 100 meters. At this time, they stood on the edge of the pond. When the eyes of the two men fell on the pond, they saw that the pond was white, and the rich fragrance was floating from the water surface of the pond.

The two men took a deep breath and their eyes lit up like two little suns. Just standing in the pond and taking a deep breath, they both felt that there was a slight loosening of the barriers in the Yuan Ying period.

When two people stared at each other, they saw a mysterious pattern on the edge of the pond. A trace of **** red blood infiltrated into the pattern, and as the flow of the pattern began, it turned into a pure white liquid. Come out and flow into the pond.

The two men looked up and looked around, and they saw a layer of stone sarcophagus rounded around the pond. At this time, both people understood that each stone sarcophagus was probably the heart of the big demon. The array removes the blood of the big demon's heart and then transforms it into an unknown energy through the pond's array, and the body in the pond is the unknown energy.


Who is gathering this unknown energy?

where is he?

The entire cemetery was quiet and there was no sound. There is no such thing as a dangerous perception. Two people look at each other and show a meaning in the light:

Was it a large array of cemeteries, people who gathered unknown energy or big demon, but eventually left here, or died outside?

The eyes of both people were beating the fire of surprise, but neither of them dared to stay here for a long time. Xu Kaitian and Bing Lingfeng quickly took out a gourd and sacrificed it to the air. The white liquid in the pond Flowing toward the gourd mouth. It was only less than two quarters of an hour, and the white liquid of that pond was absorbed by two people. The two did not speak, immediately turned and madly flew, rushed into the passage into here, do not stay in the slightest, as if to fly away.


There was a huge roar in a passage.


The figure of the piano double rushed out of the passage, the hair was scattered, the clothes were soaked with sweat, and it was close to the body. It was extremely embarrassing, the chest was violently undulating, and his face was extremely pale. His eyes swept swiftly around him, and he was shocked. His right hand was on the hilt and his left hand quickly took out a symbol.



Qin double can hear his heartbeat.

Her eyes slowly moved, as if afraid of alarming something dangerous. She saw a row of stone sarcophagi that could not be seen in the head, and a layer of extremely pale blood was floating in the air.

“Is this a cemetery?”

"Blood! This is blood! Big things, I want these blood!"

Knowing the **** piano in the sea, he screamed wildly and jumped up and down in the sea of ​​Qin. Then it suddenly stopped in the sea, and the whole body became a big mouth, suddenly sucking.


In the field of Qin double, I saw that the very thin blood color gathered toward myself. It seemed to be a rotating black hole, but in less than a quarter of an hour, the layer of blood in the entire cemetery was The blood piano is sucking.

"Fast, fast, open the stone." The bloodqin roared in the sea.

Qinqin looked hesitant, and finally came to the front of a stone sarcophagus. She could already feel the **** piano absorbs those layers of extremely pale blood, and the breath became stronger.

In this Taikoo space, a strong blood piano is naturally important to her.

Qin double came to the front of a stone sarcophagus, one hand held in the corner of the stone sill, a force in the hand.


On the stone raft, a layer of embossed floats, and the glory is released.


Qinshuang’s body was blasted out, and the impact was on the stone wall behind him. The muscles on his face were twitching, and he was bounced back from the stone wall and landed on the ground, taking a few steps.


The piano was shocked in the heart, and at this time the plaque on the stone sarcophagus was hidden in the stone sarcophagus and disappeared.

Carefully came to the stone sarcophagus again, staring at it, and saw the dense and mysterious pattern on the stone sarcophagus. Qin double looked at the side and looked for the symbols he saw in the inheritance of Gongdebei. Half-sounding, the voice is shocked:

"This is the ban and the detachment."

"Breaking, hurry up!" The bloodqin jumped up and down in the sea.

Qin double shook his head: "My character is not enough, I can't break the ban."


The bloodqin snorted, and then a **** light was seen through the sea of ​​the piano. The light condensed into a symbol in the air and was printed toward the stone.


The sarcophagus vibrates, and the pattern floats and flows, eventually blasting.

"I..." Qin double airway: "You can crack the ban, and let me go?"

“It’s good for young people to get started!”



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