Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1001: a turtle


There was a sudden sound of knocking in the stone sarcophagus, as if there was something in it that was hitting the stone cover and wanted to rush out. , :. The shape of the piano double can not be reversed a step backwards.

"Returning!" The **** piano in the sea replied: "Hurry up and open the stone."

"Are you sure?" Qin's **** 'color' is hesitant.

"Of course, hurry up!" Bloodqin urged.


Qin double took a step and came to the stone shovel again. He reached out and held the stone shovel and lifted it up.


She saw a huge heart in the stone sarcophagus, which had almost completely dried up. Less than one percent of the blood was still beating. At the same time, a **** 'color' floated from the huge heart, condensing a giant wolf and rushing toward the piano.


I haven't waited for the double response of the piano. The giant wolf, which was made up of a suffocating blood, deformed its body, and then it turned into a suffocating blood. 'Shooting' into the eyebrows of Qin double, was blooded absorb.


From the double eyebrows of the piano, the ray of the eye is shot, but it is the **** piano that rushes out from the sea of ​​the doubles of the piano, and turns into a big mouth in the air, sucking in the stone. In the eyes of Qin double, I saw the dry heart, and instantly dried up completely. The remaining blood was instantly absorbed by the blood, and turned into powder and scattered in the stone.


The body of the bloodqin releases a pattern of streaks that rotate around the body. Qin double hurriedly said:

"Predecessors, what are you going to do?"

"I want to open the stone sarcophagus here, absorb all their 'fine' blood, absorb light, hahaha... absorbing the 'fine' blood here, I can at least recover to the peak of the Mahayana period, hahaha... ”

“The peak of the Mahayana period?”

"It is the realm of your Wusheng peak here."

"Oh..." The **** words fall, and the quotations around the body are going to be 'excited' and 'shooting'.

"Slow!" Qin double hurriedly shouted.


The plaques that were spurred and spurred were collected and rotated around the body of the bloodqin. Let the piano be amazed.

"Good control!"

"Predecessors, don't worry first." Perceived the eager emotion of the blood, Qinqin hurriedly said: "We will look around and see if there is any danger."

The blood of the bloodqin could not stop surging, and finally turned into a **** ray "shot" into the sea of ​​the piano.


The piano double spread the power of his soul, and found a pit with a radius of 100 meters in the distance. The figure flew away there.


Qin double fell on the side of the pit, they felt a scent of inhalation into the heart and lungs, but this silk scent made her have the impulse to break through the realm of Wu Wang. She hurriedly suppressed the breakthrough and refining the unknown energy. Gazing into the pit. Then I saw that the pit of the 100-meter radius was full of characters, and a trace of 'precision' blood infiltrated into the symbol, and then was transformed into the unknown energy of the 'white' color, and flowed into the pit.

The eyes swept through the pit and found that the circumference of the pit was still wet, and the heart was a move.

"It seems that the liquid in this pit has been taken away by Xu Kaitian and Bing Lingfeng. I am finally taking a step late."

"This is a tribute to the patriarchal!" The voice of the blood piano came from inside the sea.

"Wanliuguizong? What is Wanliuguizong?" Qin asked.

"It is a kind of matrix. This pit is set up with a radius of five meters."

"What is the use of Wanliu?"

"It is to infuse the energy here into the body that will die. This is a superb healing method. It seems that this strong guy has suffered a very serious injury and is recovering in this way. He suffered a very serious injury and should have lost his ability to repair himself. After laying down this party, he passed out. He used the tens of thousands of people to force him to inject vitality into his body to recover. Look, now he hasn't woken up, in a state of fainting. It's just cheaper for me, and I will pour into his body's 'skill' blood absorption."


A blood light shot from the eyebrows of the piano pair, and then condensed the appearance of a **** old man in the sky above the pit. One hand was drawn in the air, and a sinuous pattern appeared in the air, which was printed toward the bottom of the pit. Go on.


The sign was printed in the center of the bottom of the pit, and a dense layer of characters appeared on the bottom of the pit, competing with the one released by the blood.


The intensive characters smashed away and turned into spiritual power to dissipate.


There was a crack in the center of the bottom of the pit. The crack quickly spread and it was only a moment of work. The whole pit was cracked like a turtle.

"Give me out!"

The **** piano stretched out with a big hand and the earth flew. A huge stone sarcophagus was caught by the blood piano from the bottom of the pit. The **** piano slammed into a bullet, and the lid of the stone scorpion was bounced. The piano doubled and looked at it. Then he saw a huge palm scorpion carrying a palm-sized tortoise, like a 'jade' carving, just the 'jade' carving. Full of cracks, it is a trace of **** 'color'.

"Who is it? Who dares to destroy the plan of the deity?" An angry voice came out.

Two **** light blasted out from the eyes of the bloodqin, swept away on the turtle's body, and said coldly:

"It turned out to be a beast!"


The slap-sized turtle's body grew up suddenly, suddenly a hill, opened a big mouth, biting toward the blood. The **** music turned into a **** light, and it was drilled into the mouth of the tortoise. The turtle suddenly felt stiff and stood still.

Qin double has retreated far away, looking at the turtle from afar, my heart is very strange how the turtle does not move, the blood hammer into the turtle's body, how did not move. Then she was at a loss.

In addition to the attack of the soul or the gods, this blood piano has no other attack power. At this time, I am afraid that I want to swallow, or erase the turtle's god, but the invisible battle, the piano can only wait, do not know what the situation inside the battle.


The thoughts of Qin double have not dissipated, and I saw a blood rushing out of the turtle's body. Qinqin hurriedly looked at it, but it was the blood piano. And at this time, the blood 'color' on the blood piano is dimmed a lot.

"The blood piano is not the opponent of the turtle!"

The heart of the piano is a tight one, and each hand holds a master class. Today, there are only 96 masters left in her body, and the rest of the characters have been exhausted.

"Ha ha ha..." A smirk of laughter came out from the mouth of the tortoise: "A small instrumental spirit dares to offend the deity. Today the deity has destroyed your instrumental spirit, and then drained your master's 'fine'. Blood, hahaha..."

Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!

Giant 'hip' demon 'yan' ‘female’ star exposure large scale ‘bed’ photo! WeChat public: mei‘female’gu123 You know me and understand!

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