Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1025: Samseong


"That's it!" The **** piano said faintly: "My condition is that waiting to break the ban on the town's demon tower can allow me to leave a mark on it."

“A fairy can still leave two different brands?”

"Yes, but the first person who left the mark agreed."

"Why are you leaving a brand?"

"That black inflammation has a great effect on my recovery, but I need to absorb refining a little. I want to leave a brand, just to facilitate me to extract black inflammation."

Qin double thought about it and thought that black inflammation had no use for himself. He did not lose anything. As long as he received black inflammation, he could see the heavenly pattern on the fire phoenix, and he decisively nodded:

"Good! Tell me how to get rid of the ban."

"It's very simple. You can't get rid of the ban on the town demon tower. That's because your power to know the sea is too weak. You can let the turtle crack the ban."

"Yeah!" Qin double spirits, and then thought of the blood Qindao: "Predecessors, you can also help me crack."

"Why do I crack it? It's not the last side I want to see the fire. You said to the turtle, if you want to see the last side of the fire, you will come over and break the ban. If you don't want to see it, let's go now. ”

"Oh..." There was a sigh in the heart of Haoran, and then I saw that the tortoise entered the sea of ​​Qinqin and suffered a bitter face:

"I come!"

The tortoise was also simply. After the decision, there was no hesitation at all. After entering the sea of ​​knowledge, he said:

"Taro, take back your brand."

When the piano doubled his mind, he took the mark of his own left on the town demon tower and then saw the power of the turtle's gods rushed to the town demon tower.

“How long does it take?” asked the two-way bloodqin.

"The power of the turtle's **** is not weak, it should be very fast."

Qin double looked at the town demon tower with a circle of the power of the gods from the bottom to the top, and then slightly thought about it:

"Predecessors, then you gave me some of the refining of the Innocent Flower and the Terran Element. I took this opportunity to polish and purify the Golden Dan."

"it is good!"

The blood piano is very much appreciated for not saving a little time to improve the cultivation of the piano. Immediately, it unleashes a seal, so that the humanity of the magical flower is infused into the body of the piano.

Qinqin immediately felt extremely rich and pure energy blasted in his body, hurriedly regained consciousness, and began to concentrate on guiding the pure enchanted flower energy into Dantian with the power of the soul, and then this rich energy It has been turned into four shares, and they have been recognized by the sea, the heart of Haoran, the Yinshen and Jindan.

Soon after, Qin double began to condense the mist in the sea, and at the same time, he gave a glimpse of the force of the sea to pay attention to the release of the shield. When the shield is about to collapse, it will immediately release a symbol.

Once immersed in cultivation, I don’t know the years, and the time passes by in the silence.

Beyond the lonely peak.

A young man sits on a rock, and when he opens his eyes, the eyes are like stars in the sky. Looking at the crack in the middle of the lonely peak, the face showed a difference in color.

"It’s been seven days, that person hasn’t come out yet, is it already dead inside?”

This man is the monk that Qin double met in the passage. At this time, his cultivation has been completed, but he is not willing to leave. He wants to see if the piano has benefited from it. But after seven days, Qin double still did not appear, which not only made her confidence somewhat shaken. After all, the things inside are nine to nine. He thinks that the piano is impossible to get, and maybe it is already dead inside. Waiting here, it is a waste of time to find other opportunities. However, there was always a slight disappointment in my heart, and my face was tangled for a while, and I finally decided to wait.

These seven days, the harvest for the piano double is huge. The quality of each of her golden dragons has increased to 28%, which is very close to 30%.

At the same time, the turtle finally broke the second layer of ban, the blood piano immediately informed the Qin double, Qin double heart happy, hurriedly stopped cultivation, the consciousness into the sea of ​​knowledge, immediately stay in the town demon tower I have a brand. Then the mind was moved, the town demon tower appeared in the hands of the piano double, looking at the town demon tower in the hand, the face of the piano double appeared happy, but then the face was a stiff, because she found that she can only move the town Demon Tower, as for the rest of the function of the town demon tower, she is completely ignorant and unable to control. In other words, this town demon tower for the Qin double, can only be like a stone, holding to swear.

"It seems that we still need to break the third layer of ban." There is a faint sound of blood in the sea.

If the piano can't, then the town demon tower will be taken back to the sea and erased the brand. The tortoise also sighed exhaustedly, once again began to break the ban, and Qin double began to polish another round of pure gold.

So it has passed nine days.

There was a figure in the passage leading to the underground, but it was the young man waiting outside. When he saw the black inflammation in the passage far away, he immediately turned around and fled.


The young man rushed out of the passage all the way, flew directly to the peak, fell on a rock, looked down the crack, and saw that the black inflammation did not catch up, these gave a breath.

"Black inflammation is still there. So, even if there is a treasure inside, the warrior does not get it. Then he is dead inside, or is there enough symbol, still looking for ways to get rid of that black ice? I want Don't wait any longer?"

After thinking for a while, the young man took a slap-sized scorpion from the storage ring, and once again, he fell into the hole and looked at it. He put the cockroach in a crack. Then the figure flew up into the air, looked around and finally swept away in one direction. At a crack in the hole, a mouse looks like a hole, looking at the hole not far away.

At this time, Qin double was experimenting with the town demon tower. After breaking the third layer of ban, Qin double found that he could control the town demon tower to become bigger and smaller, but it was limited to this. Just continue to let the turtle break the ban. And at this time the turtle is not only tired, but has begun to become weak. In this way, the refining of a group of bloodstones of the British magic flower had to join in, and together with the tortoise, cracked the prohibition of the town demon tower.

The piano pair is also eager to continue to polish and purify the golden dragon with the blood of the enchanted flower. Now her Jindan has been purified to 30%. In her view, this is her greatest harvest in the Taikoo space, even if it is no longer harvested in the future, Qin double is satisfied.

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