Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1026: The first floor of the town demon tower


So eighteen days have elapsed. Under the combined force of the bloodqin and the tortoise, the fourth layer of the demon tower was finally banned. When Qin double left a brand, he knew that he had been able to open the first floor of the nine-story town demon tower, but only the first floor.

At this time, in the sea of ​​Qin double, the town demon tower is not completely degraded, and the whole body exudes golden light. When the piano doubled his mind, the whole person entered the town demon tower, and in the hood of the piano double release, a golden 90-inch pagoda appeared.

As soon as I entered the first floor of the town demon tower, I saw that there was about a hundred meters in the square, and it was a decline. The foot was not golden, but the appearance of the land, but the land cracked like a turtle, and it was dry and broken. Looking up, the gray clouds in the sky are floating, as if the end of the day.

"This... is a space fairy?"

"Crap!" Knowing the sound of the **** piano in the sea: "Isn't it a space fairy, is it still attacking the fairy? This is a tower, not a sword."


Hearing the sound of the **** piano, the piano couldn’t help but sink the consciousness into the sea, looking at the bloodqin and the turtle, and seeing the **** piano converge on his own breath, and the turtle is the head. They all shrank back and the body was still shaking.

"What's wrong?" Qin double asked strangely.

"This town demon tower seems to accept only the Terran, and it is extremely malicious to other races." The bloodqin said cautiously.

"You are also scared?" I can see that the **** piano of the burdock has been scared, and I can't help but make the piano heart cool.

"Hey!" The blood piano was very uncomfortable and snorted: "I just didn't recover, if I recovered half of the strength... No, as long as I regained the strength of one tenth, this broken tower, I It will shatter it at once."

Qin doubled to take care of it and began to communicate with the town demon tower. Now she has not completely broken the prohibition of the town demon tower, so she can only sense the current situation of the town demon tower.

The town demon tower was severely traumatized, and it closed its ban and was in the stage of self-recovery. It’s just that the recovery is extremely slow, and because I don’t know why, it’s lost in the apocalyptic place of the warrior’s mainland, and it’s not recovering much now.

Feel the spiritual power here, but now it is only a third of the outside, but the piano double can feel that the aura here is still increasing.

"It seems that this town demon tower has been absorbing the outside aura to restore itself, but the concentration of the aura of the military is really too low, so that it has almost no recovery. Now came to the Taikoo space, only to get some recovery. Just some recovery In a few months, it has reached one-third of the outside world. It should be known that the space here is too old. One-third of the aura concentration here is already more than three times the concentration of the aura in the mainland. If it can be restored The same aura concentration in the space of the Pacific, so even if I returned to the mainland of the warrior, I also have a cultivation holy place, and it is still a practice holy place to carry with you."

Qinqin couldn't help but ecstasy, but when he thought that he could stay in Taikoo space for a few months, he couldn't help but feel depressed.


"The town demon tower! Do you know if the body of the demon animal has any effect on the restoration of the town demon tower?"

Qin Double immediately moved all the monsters in the blood piano space together with the demon Dan to the town demon tower.


Then I saw the town demon tower trembled, and then I found out countless chains from the gray air of the sky. Those chains are composed of a single pattern, but all the monsters and demon entangled in an instant.


The double heart of the piano is overjoyed, and the eyes look at the monsters and demon stalks that are entangled in the chain. They see that the monsters and the demon dan quickly lose their brilliance. About a time, the demon and the monsters They were all turned into powder and spilled from the air.


The town demon tower hummed, and then the piano double sensed that the speed of the town demon tower to absorb the outside aura increased by twice as much as the original, and the gray cloud in the sky also became lighter, the earth under the foot, the original piece Cracks, also began to connect to one place little by little, slowly recovering.

Qin double 砸 砸 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"It seems that this is also a foodie! I hope that after I leave the space of Taikoo, the concentration of Aura here can be the same as that of the Taikoo space."

"Shantou, we should have black inflammation in." The voice of the blood piano came from inside the sea.

At this time, the piano double hesitated: "Predecessors, those black inflammation will not destroy the town demon tower?"

"No! Untied the four-layer ban, this town demon tower is already a fairy, and there is no problem in suppressing those black inflammation."

"Okay, I will try!"

Qinshuang first explored the power of the sea from the tower of the town, and saw that the shield had not collapsed. When he thought about it, he came out from the town demon tower and then sacrificed the light of the town demon tower. Outside the cover. The mind re-moved, the first floor of the town demon tower will open the tower door, a huge attraction came from the inside of the tower, the thick black inflammation will be like a tributary, and will gather toward the tower door. . After the black inflammation in the local space was absorbed, the black inflammation in the passage was poured into the town demon tower like a black torrent. When the black inflammation in the passage was also absorbed, a huge black ice appeared in front of the piano. From the huge black ice, black inflammation continued to emanate, but how much was emitted, and how much was absorbed by the town demon tower.

Looking at the huge black ice in front of me, the piano screamed: "You can hear me talking about the seniors inside?"


The tortoise also came out of the body of the piano, toward the huge black ice road: "Fire Phoenix, you are not dead."

However, there was no sound in the inside of the black ice. The turtle was anxious, and the head slammed back, and then the body swiftly swung like a shield, cutting toward the huge black ice.


On the black ice, the pattern was expanded, and the tortoise was bounced out and slammed against the rock wall.


The turtle's mouth spurted blood, and the whole turtle was languid. Originally, it broke the prohibition of the town demon tower and made its gods very weak, and only fell asleep. Now it is desperately trying to hit the black ice, making it even weaker.


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