Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1027: Fire Phoenix gift


A blood light was transmitted from the eyebrows of the piano pair, and then turned into a blood robes old man, disdainfully licking the turtle and glance:

"This black ice is set up with a symbol, is it brute force to break?"

"Predecessors, can you get rid of it?" The tortoise raised his head and looked at the bloodqin with his eyes.

"It was still very difficult, but this character has been eroded by the years, but it has also been weakened. Otherwise, it will not be broken by a fire phoenix inside. I can break it, but then I can't decide. I will fall asleep, even if I don't sleep, I will become very weak. Shantou, you have to remember that I have to leave a mark on this town demon tower."

"You can stay now." Qin double replied immediately. She also wants to know the heavenly pattern on the fire phoenix.

"Then you don't want to reject my brand!"

The **** piano smashed the piano and began to leave its mark on the town demon tower. After leaving the mark, the blood piano began to look like a void, and then the ball was hit into the black ice. The method of the void painting made the piano look dazzling, and she also saw that the blood piano was rapidly becoming weak. .


Eventually, the black ice was released with a series of bursts of sound, and a pattern of streaks scattered over the black ice.


The huge black ice began to crack, and then it became a piece of fist-sized black ice falling down, revealing the fire inside.

When Qin’s eyes narrowed, he saw a huge phoenix phoenix lying on the ground, but a head had a mountain-like big eyes like the sun, just slightly opened his eyes and looked at the piano and gave it a look. Qinqin suffered tremendous pressure and instantly sweated.

Above her body, there is a huge vertebra, which is like the vertebra of a big bird, but the huge vertebra becomes a dark color, floating above the fire phoenix, constantly from the huge dark vertebrae There was a piece of black inflammation, like a black butterfly, but these black inflammation just came out of the dark vertebrae, and they were sucked in by the town demon tower.

"That is the vertebra of the Nether Dragon!"

The weak tortoise slowly climbed over and looked at the dark vertebrae, and then set his eyes on the phoenix, the tone filled with sorrow and despair:

"It hurts you."

The fire phoenix looked at the turtle: "Xiao Xuan, Qinglong, what about them?"

The turtle’s eyes left a tearful way: “I don’t know, the mainland was beaten in half, and the dragon and the white tiger disappeared with the other half. You”

"I" Feng Feng sighed a voice: "I and Huo Xuan encountered the ambush of the Mozu, although I eventually killed the Nether Magic, but I was also seriously injured, there is no power to fight again. And Huo Xuan Killed by the green teeth. In addition to the world, I can kill the Nether Magic, and only the Nether Magic can kill me. Even if others kill me, it is only temporary, I will be reborn. So, the blue teeth are extracted. The vertebrae of the phantom magic phoenix is ​​used as a glimpse of the eye, and then the dead silence is set to seal me. The vertebrae of the phantom phoenix match the dead squad, and it can really kill me slowly, and it is the real death, no more fire. Rebirth.

Moreover, what I didn't even think of was that after countless years, the vertebrae of the Nethered Demon phoenix actually gave birth to a god, so that my vitality passed faster, and it was already at the end of the oil. ”

Speaking of this, Huo Feng’s eyes are full of sadness and bitterness, and there is also a nostalgia for life.

"It’s the real oil, and the death will not be reborn. My life is being traced, but I didn’t think that three years ago, this dead silence was weakened by the erosion of the years, I will be the god. Incorporating with the spiritual power, I want to break through this deadly battle and seek a chance.

However, my vitality was not much left, and the vertebrae of the Nethered Devils gave birth to a god. Although this sacred consciousness is still in a state of paralysis, the two of us were originally born with each other, and it instinctively targeted I, although I finally broke the line of death, but it is not far from death, and the knowledge of the Nether and the Phoenix is ​​not guiding me to black inflammation all the time.

Until one day, I felt the appearance of a phoenix body, and I called in my heart. ”

Having said that, the fire phoenix looked at the Qin Double Road: "It's you."

"Yes!" Qin nodded.

I felt a sense of God entering my body and took a turn and took it back.

"It’s just two products, some are low."

Qin did not understand, he looked at the blood piano. At this time, the blood piano is also very weak. When I see the eyes of Qin double, I still say weakly:

"You were originally just a fire phoenix body, just because when you were robbed, it was upgraded to the second product fire and phoenix body by the thunderstorm. The power is strong, and no matter what kind of martial arts you use, it is no longer affected by the number of times, but But I can only hold on for a quarter of an hour, even if it is your body."

“How come?” Qin double said in surprise: “I was able to maintain a flame for a quarter of an hour.”

"That's because your phoenix body has improved the grade." Fire Phoenix said softly: "What is your name?"

"Qin double!"

"You and I can meet, it is a fate. Unfortunately, I have already died soon."


"You don't want to talk, I don't have much time."

When the fire and the phoenix fell, they saw that the body suddenly slammed up. A flaming flame rose from the body and then gathered toward its heart. It was only a matter of time, its body dimmed. It is even darker than before. Then I saw the fire phoenix open his mouth and spit out a flame. The flame of the group floated toward the piano and then entered the body of the piano.

Qinqin hurriedly looked into his body and saw that the flame entered the body and turned into a star. The piano double felt the heat in the body, and there was a feeling of being burned. The pain caused the whole body of the piano to start twitching, but she gritted her teeth and heard the extremely weak voice of the fire phoenix:

"This group of Jingyuan should be able to upgrade your phoenix body to a higher level in the future. I hope that you will get a friendship between the two in the future and fight side by side. Xiaoxuan"

The fire phoenix looked at the turtle: "If you see the dragon and the white tiger in the future, there are unicorns, tell them that I can't fight with them anymore."

Qin double can clearly perceive that the knowledge of the fire and phoenix has completely dissipated.


The tortoise screamed and the tears of the big drops flowed down. Qin double sighed, and gave a ritual to the fire phoenix, then the first tower door of the town demon tower was facing the dark vertebrae floating above the sky.

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