Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1029: track

The first thousand and twenty-nine chapters of tracking


Qin double is not like this. She is very demanding in her life. In her heart, whether it is martial arts or law, she must cultivate every realm to perfection. (..)

She has the magic flower, the black part of the magic flower has the effect of quenching the sea, it is not good, the piano pair is ready to use the ray attribute symbol, or directly use the technique of Confucianism to quench their own knowledge of the sea, anyway, anyway There is a meritorious monument in the sea, which is a condition that other monks do not have. Other monks dare to use the thunder to quench the sea, only one dead road, but the piano double will not have a merit. She believes that even in the mainland of the Cangjie and the mainland of the Antlers, those monks do not have such conditions.

I thought of being in the cemetery before, and Xu Kaitian and Bing Lingfeng took the first place and took away the essence that the turtle had extracted through the big array. This time everything was obtained by myself, and I was excited by my heart.

"Fortunately, this is not coming late."

I took a look at the turtle that was still there while peeing and peeking at myself. I took out a hundred Wen Wang Dan and threw it at it:


The tortoise suddenly opened his mouth and suddenly sucked the hundred Wen Wang Dan into the mouth, and then turned into a light, and got into the heart of the piano.


The shape of the piano double rushed out of the hole, straight from the crack to the peak, the sleeves smashed, broke the clouds, and stepped on the clouds. Frowning slightly, thinking about the direction of his next step.

Above a cliff.

A young man is fighting with a black-skinned snake, and a white gold silk, palm-sized flower grows on the cliff. Seeing that the ink snake is going to be lost, the young man’s eyes suddenly move, his body shape disappears instantly, let the ink snake glimpse, then return to the white gold flower, turn the body up, look alert The ground glanced around.

"Turtle, you are the original living creature of the Taikoo space. Should you know the direction of the Xuanwu Temple?"

"Calling Xuanwu adults." The turtle's tone in Haoran's heart is full of dissatisfaction.

"Xuanwu adults, tell me quickly."

"You have to make sure that I have been calling Xuanwu adults in the future, and I am not allowed to call me a turtle."

"Know it, let's talk."

"Of course I know, but you will give me two hundred Wen Wang Dan every day." The turtle said the conditions.

"This doesn't matter." Qin Double said: "There are so many things on me, you will not have it when you finish eating."

"That... that won't work."

"I will find opportunities to refine some, I am an alchemy teacher."

Qin double was a little impatient, and took out a Wen Wang Dan and threw it into his mouth. There was another sigh in my heart.

I broke through to the second peak of Wuwang, but the ghost also broke through to the sixth floor of Wusheng. The result is that taking a second product, Wen Wang Dan, is no more than how long it can last.

"Then you have to remember to refine some of the medicinal herbs." The tortoise snorted again, and then pointed to the piano flying in the direction of the Xuanwu Temple.

When Qinqin just flew for less than an hour, he saw a figure appearing at the hole under the lonely peak. He grabbed the slap-sized scorpion in the crack of the mountain and turned the tail of the cockroach. After a lap, I saw that the eyes of the scorpion shot, and the light formed a light curtain in the air. On the light curtain, the figure of the double piano was emerging, and it was rushing out of the cave and then rushing away.

The young man’s eyes lit up and his mind was moving. A palm-sized Golden Retriever mouse appeared on his shoulder. The nose sucked and then pointed out a paw in one direction. The young man’s figure was like a lightning bolt. In general, the cloud on the raft is chasing away from the direction of the piano.

The piano double counted the time remaining for more than seven months. After asking the turtle, it took about three months to fly directly to the Xuanwu Temple at this speed. Qinqin asked if there was any relic on the way. . At first, the tortoise also refused to answer. When the piano said that it needed to find some herbs, when the refining of the medicinal herbs, the turtle’s spirit was immediately excited and pointed to the piano and flew in one direction.

After flying for about three hours, Qin double swooped down under the guidance of the tortoise. Looking around, it is a relic. The ruins of the mountain gate collapsed, and the ground was broken. I could not see what it was. Qinqin walked along the passage behind the mountain gate, and a wall of broken walls covered the thick brilliance of the former glory.

Qin double spreads the power of the soul, and the heart is sighing. This ruin is really destroyed completely. There is no trace of the formation. There is no trace of the formation. The double figure disappears behind the mountain gate and appears again. At the time, I was already standing in a medicine garden. The herbs in this medicine garden are very messy. At first glance, after the ruins are destroyed, I don’t know when I grew up. But here, under the strong aura, it grows well, and the age of the drug is also good. Constantly. Qin double began to pick these herbs. Just picked two herbs, suddenly remembered the town demon tower, the heart is a move.

I don't know if I can grow herbs in the town demon tower?

Consciousness entered the town demon tower, and saw the blood piano sitting on the mouth of the bottle, from time to time to extract a black inflammation from the bottle, swallowing refining. The piano double sensed it, but in such a short time, the bloodqin actually absorbed the magic inside the town demon tower.

Looking towards the ground inside the town demon tower, I saw that since the demon tower has absorbed the demon lords, muscles, bones and blood, the cracked ground has become a very fine gap. Now that the rate of aura is absorbed, the ground will recover in a few days.

“Predecessors, can you grow herbs here?”

"It can be a good thing, but today's environment is not very good, that is, it is not possible to maintain the herbs, and it is impossible to continue to grow herbs."

"That's OK! Seniors, I let the turtles come in to take care of the herbs, you are not allowed to go out."

"As long as it doesn't quarrel me, I am too lazy to care about it."

Qin double has brought consciousness into the heart of Haoran: "Turtle..."

"called Xuanwu adults." The tortoise raised his head and revealed the unpleasant color: "You promised."

"Xuanwu adults, you go to the town demon tower to help me take care of the herbs."

"Don't go!"

"Why? Don't you want to eat the drug?"

The tortoise slid a pair of small eyes and said: "Do you want to kill me? Where is it? Where is the town demon tower, I am also a demon? Is it good? I went there and I was not suppressed by the town demon tower. Already?"


Qinqin couldn’t help but grab the head and said: "What should I do?"

Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!

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