Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1030: Sword out seven inches



"There is a fart way! If I am a human being, even if it is a spirit, I can leave a brand on the town demon tower, naturally I can go in and out at will. But I am a demon, demon, you know? ?"

"I..." Qin double suddenly squinted: "If I let the town demon tower not suppress you, not on the line?"

"Oh..." The tortoise sneered sneerly: "Do you think that you have completely refining the town demon tower? You just broke the four-layer ban, leaving a brand, and want to completely control the town demon. Tower, you can't do it at all."

Qin double tried to communicate with the town demon tower, but did not get a response, she really did not dare to throw the turtle into the experiment, then thought about grabbing a monster to throw into the experiment.


Now these herbs can only be picked and placed in the storage ring. In this way, no matter how protected, the medicinal properties will be lost.

No longer want to plant herbs, the piano double began to pick herbs. Suddenly, the piano double felt the hairs upside down, and the body suddenly became a flame. At the moment of the flame, a flying sword pierced the flame.


The flame appeared in the other direction, reunited the body of the piano and looked into the air. Then he saw a young man reaching for a hand. The sword crossed the sky and flew toward the young man. He was caught by the young man. In the hands, the figure slowly fell to the ground.

Qinshuang’s eyes are looking at each other. The other person’s age should be more than 30 years old. He wears a purple robe and a golden squirrel on his shoulder.

"Cangwu mainland, Wang Kui."

"Warrior continent, Qin double."

"Where did you get the treasure from the lonely peak with black inflammation? Give it up and let you die." Wang Kui said faintly.

"Hey!" Qin double backhand pulled out the long sword: "You don't need me to die, because you are dead."

Wang Kui slightly frowned, and there was a strange look in his eyes. When he wanted to come, the garbage warrior from the garbage space of the mainland of the war, heard that he came from the mainland of the sky, and was not scared to hand over all the valuable things in his body? And when he heard that the piano pair was from the mainland of the warrior, his heart was very disappointed. He did not think that Qin double could get the treasure from the black inflammation, but just chased it, always ask the last sentence. But did not think that a warrior in general, dare to show his sword?

Wang Kui’s eyes showed a sigh of anger, and the long sword in his hand slammed into the piano and shouted:


The space seemed to be split into two halves, and the air turned into steam on both sides of the blade. A huge sword is on the air, and the sky is falling.


Qin Shuang’s heart is a hop, and the long sword does not hesitate to pierce the best swordsmanship.

Dragon and Phoenix!

One dragon and one phoenix circling, the yin and yang are combined, and the unmatched power is crushed toward Wang Kui.


Wang Kui’s figure retreats after the collision, but his look is still calm.


Wang Kui’s body sounded a series of sounds of golden sounds. With a loud sound, a brilliance was transmitted from his body. It was a small sword with a handle flowing with brilliance, initially only the size of the palm, and the body After that, it grew with the wind and turned into a handle with a three-foot-two-inch sword. A total of thirty-six handles were laid in front of him in a small Zhoujianjian array.


Wang Kui slammed the finger, and the thirty-six swords swayed and swayed.



Long Xiao Feng Ming, Long Feng He suddenly slammed into the small Zhou Tianjian array.


Wang Kui quietly spit out two words, and the small Zhou Tianjian array swallowed a thin sword awn, like a sharp filament, intertwined, criss-crossed, and instantly woven as a giant net. , swallowed the past toward the dragon and the phoenix.


The space sounded like the sound of the strings, and I saw that the dragon and the phoenix were cut by inch inch, and finally turned into nothingness.

"Good!" Qin double gaze at Wang Kui's eyes became dignified.

"go with!"

Wang Kui shouted, and the thirty-six swords quickly moved toward the piano. At this moment, the piano double seemed to feel that the heavens and the earth had become a giant net and shrouded her.

Nowhere to run!

Nowhere to hide!

Thirty-six swords sealed all dead ends. In the criss-crossing giant net, each silk thread released a sharp light, and it was not close to the piano double, so she was full of cold.


The long sword that was originally stabbed by the piano suddenly returned to the sheath. When Wang Kui made a fatal blow to her, it was suddenly stalked. As if I have already accepted my life, I know that I am not the opponent of Wang Kui and Zhou Tianjian. I am bent on death.


The movement of the piano double in the eyes of Wang Kui is not the kind of feeling at all. In the moment when the double sword of the piano is sheathed, the power of the sword is born, and the light that erupts in the sword is followed at that moment. The long sword is attributed to the sheath. It seems that all the flaws in the world are attributed to the sheath with this movement, giving a feeling of extreme silence.

Wang Kui’s Xiao Zhou Tianjian is like a wave, and Qin’s returning to the sheath is as quiet as a void.

Wang Kui’s eyelids jumped straight. He didn’t know why Qin’s sword was sheathed, but he instinctively felt a bad thing. He spurred the Xiao Zhoutian sword array, swept the brilliance of the space, and spurred the piano. But his eyes are extremely locked in the piano.

"this is……"

His heart slammed sharply, and the long sword of the piano was scabbard, but the hand holding the hilt was not loosened, but instead a sword was drawn.

At this moment, the piano double seems to be a statue that has lost its life. The whole person seems to be calm in the void, but the action of pulling the sword...

It’s just a sword-drawing movement, as if it were hidden in a landslide. As if the sword was once again sheathed, it would destroy the world.


Wang Kui slammed the finger and let the small Zhou Tianjian array built by the 36-handed sword narrow the scope, the power became more powerful, and the gap became more detailed...


Qin double right hand draw sword, Wang Kui heart is a pump.

The sword is seven inches, and Wang Kui’s heart has such a moment of loss.

In his vision, the eternal starlight filled the seven-inch sword.

Not bad!

It is pervasive!

It is like a beautiful starry sky that is now unfolding in front of him. What a beauty!

Starlight shake!

At this moment, Wang Kui’s heart could not help but come up with these three words, and thousands of stars shook in front of his eyes.

Beautiful and spectacular!


People are actually fascinated and unwilling to do the slightest move. They are willing to indulge in this beautiful scenery.

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