Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1049: Miles escape


In the sea of ​​Qin double, but the sound of rumbling is endless, that is the blood piano is roaring.

In fact, when Tianci had just held the piano pair in his arms, the bloodqin felt the breath of the Gorefiend. The breath was so familiar, and the **** piano was excited.

"It is the spirit of Gorefiend and Gorefiend. The body of this kid has the breath of Gorefiend. Is he a Gorefiend who has not yet grown up? I am going to find him, only Gorefiend is my true master... ”

The bloodqin suddenly stopped, and then sighed and sighed: "Shantou, you brought me out, let me meet the Gorefiend, you gave me a chance, I naturally want to give you a chance."

Then I saw the hands of the bloodqin dance, and gradually a virtual image of the **** piano appeared between his hands, and the virtual image became more and more solid...

The quiet atmosphere began to shake up. This spurred from the mainland of the Cangwu, some of the relatively low monks and warriors in the staghorn continent and the Wanxing mainland. They were already attacked by the magical creatures in the black dragon body composed of the magic soldiers, although there is no complete magic. But it has been deeply rooted in the roots, making them violent, impulsive and bloodthirsty.

In fact, not only the warriors and monks on these three continents, but also the warriors of the nearly two hundred people in the mainland of the war, they have gradually become red and turn their heads to the Qinshuang in Tianci’s arms. The eyes show greed and bloodthirsty color.

Godsend did not know anything about it. Since he jumped out of the pit with his piano, he stood there in disappointment, like a stone sculpture. It’s just that his eyes are constantly changing, black and white for a while, and red for a while.

In his dantian, the two colors above the Yuan Ying are constantly attacking each other. For a while, Bai Ruyu occupied most of the Yuan Ying, and he pushed the red blood to the corner. After a while, the red blood occupied most of the Yuan Ying, and Bai Ruyu was forced to the corner.

"What are you going to do?"

Suddenly a voice rang in silence, and everyone's eyes instantly gathered on that person, who was the blue moon. I saw the blue moonlight glance at dozens of people from the mainland of the warriors. The dozens of warriors were red and bloody, looking greedy and bloodthirsty to the Qinshuang in the embrace of God.

The blue moon moon exclaimed, not only shocked everyone, but also awakened a godsend. Tianshi’s fascination has been resisting the energy of white as jade and red blood. He knows that he must persist. Once his last consciousness disappears, even if he is still alive, it is only the body is alive, but the soul is no longer his. Godsend.

However, the sound of the blue moon was full of anger, which made him have to give a sense of consciousness to look around, and instantly realized the situation around him. Although he did not know that those people were demonized, they knew that those people were eroded by the scent of the magic soldiers. At this time, even among those in the mainland of the warriors, they became very unsafe. I don’t know when, The person who trusts will be demonized, and he will be slashed in his back.

In his mind, he appeared in the space of the crescent moon. He was seriously injured, unconscious, and the piano doubleed his way to escape. He whispered:

"Double children, this time it is my turn to protect you!"


The godsend's figure suddenly rose from the sky and flew away.

"Where to go!"

Countless screams, and then saw a variety of spells bombarded the past with a godsend, and a variety of instruments to cut through the sky, hit the back of the gods, this is released by the monks of the mainland and the antlers of the mainland. Spells and spells. At the same time, there are various kinds of smashing smashing the sky, and chasing away with the gods. This is the people of the mainland and the 10,000-star mainland. During this period, there are also three sacred gods.

These attacks came from all sides and closed any corners.


The god-given body broke out of the imperial power of Wudi. The left hand held the piano in his arms and opened the turtle's back arm of the left arm. A shield shrouded the piano tightly inside, and the right hand held the giant crocodile sword. The dragon arm opened, and his power was once again pushed up a step.


The giant crocodile sword is out of the sheath.


The hand of the god-giving sword was blasted by the power of the giant crocodile sword, and the injured muscles collapsed.

However, when the giant crocodile sword came out of the sheath, it seemed to illuminate the sky. Your giant crocodile sword is swaying on the sword, and instantly explodes the sword and mans through the sky. Like a celestial jade pillar, the person who intercepted him in front of him bombarded the past.


Countless attacks fell on the back of Godsend, only in an instant, the god-giving back thighs were bombarded with flesh and blood, revealing the forest bones. However, at the same time, the god-given sword also fell, and the opposite sky seemed to have been pulled out of a passage. Anyone who was in front of that passage was turned into a powder, even if it was not in the middle. The people on the channel are also flying around, and the body is bleeding.


The godsend shape has become a black spot in an instant.


Countless figures chased in the direction of God's escape.

"You dare!"

Qin Lie and Lan Mingyue and others rushed toward those people angrily, but the vast majority of people were forced to retreat by the monks of the mainland and the antlers of the mainland, and did not fight against the people of the mainland, and chased in the direction of Godsend. . Even Qin Lie, Han Ling, Jin Longxing and so on can stop several people?

The godsend figure is almost as fast as a meteor, but there are still three people chasing after him, and the rest of the chasing people have long been lost. The spurt of these three people is the first layer of the gods. It is the monks of the mainland of the celestial continent and the antlers of the antlers. Such a godsend does not occupy a slight advantage in speed. He is just now breaking through the layer of God.

Fortunately, the floating atmosphere of the three monks behind is not very stable. At first glance, it is known that it has just broken through after the rest of this ancient space.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, and gradually it is almost within the scope of the attack.

The godsend’s face showed an extremely painful color. In his dantian, the white energy like jade and red blood were inextricably confusing, and the gods’ wisdom was beginning to smash, biting the teeth, biting the tongue and recovering. A awake, rushing forward.


The god-given heart is a hop, and he heard the violent fluctuations in the space behind him. In the middle of the speeding, he suddenly turned his body. It was already the right hand of the bones and once again grasped the giant crocodile sword behind him.


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