Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1050: Blood piano leaving


A huge sword, the giant crocodile sword with ten swords intended to go to the opposite three monks. Only the three monks had already launched the attack at this time. The three-handed flying sword is like a meteor and is lasing to the gods.


The sword that broke out from the giant crocodile sword flew a flying sword, letting the owner of the flying sword spurt a blood, but the remaining two flying swords were rushing. The tip of the sword of the giant crocodile took another handle, but it was too late to block the third handle. The third sword went straight to the piano double in the godsend. The gods are stunned, and the left hand that surrounds the piano doubles to the side.


The sword of the handle penetrated the left-handed shoulder-shoulder bone. The heavenly hand gave a pain to the left arm, and the hand was loose. The body of the piano double fell to the bottom.

"Two children!"

Godsend one body and swooped down to the bottom. Behind him, the three-handed flying swords came again.


A pair of falling blood between the two eyes suddenly burst into a blood, the blood just transmitted through the eyebrows, it turned into three, shot to the three flying swords.


The three-handed flying swords were blown away by the impact, and the three monks were shocked.


A sound wave was transmitted from the eyebrows of the piano pair, and the eyebrows of the three monks.


The three monks screamed with their hands in their hands, and then they planted their heads toward the ground.


Godsend finally caught up with the piano pair, and held the piano pair in his arms again. His eyes looked suspiciously at the three three monks who were being planted from the air and fell quickly in front of him. However, at this time, Tianshen could not manage so much, and the giant crocodile sword swept the three monks again. Where the swordsman passed, the three monks were twisted into powder. Godsend is a stay, but then immediately the giant crocodile sword is sheathed, holding the piano double as if to fly away.


In the Tianci's dantian, the white energy of the jade and the red blood burst out of the most fierce collision, letting the gods give the seven spurts and the body shape falls to the bottom.


Godsend is physically falling on a peak, even if he is in a coma, he is also under the piano.

This fall, his bones are cracked, he and the piano both are not bleeding from the nose and mouth.

At this time, in Tiantian's Dantian, the two energies seemed to consume all the energy after the most bursting collision, and they were silent, and there was no fluctuation. It’s just that the god-given Yuan Ying has become half white as jade and half red as blood.

Qin double's knowledge of the sea.

The blood piano has become very weak, and a blood piano floats in front of it. It seemed to sigh, and then erased the branding on the town demon tower, floating out of the eyebrows of the piano. At this time, the blood on his body is very dim, as if it will dissipate at any time. Looking at the gods on the peak, and the two people who were bathing in the blood, once again sighed, and stretched out a finger, they floated two Vientis from the storage ring of the piano, and they were stuffed into the gods and the piano. Double in the mouth. Then I took a deep look at the piano double and turned into a **** light into the godsend.


In the moment when the blood piano rushed into the body of the godsend, the seal in the depths of the godsend rioted, and the seals floated up. After waiting for the blood to react, I saw that the seal cracked a gap, blood. The piano was captured by the seal, stuffed into the seal, and the crack was sealed and resealed. However, at the moment when the crack collapsed, it seemed as if the **** devil excited laughter came from within the crack.


The wind of the hawthorn was scraped, and the smell of blood was blown away. The body that showed the white bones was quickly restored, and the broken bones quickly re-healed, and the granulations squirmed. A piece of black that was smashed by the squadron began to fall off, revealing the dark skin inside.

I don't know how long it took, Tianci squirmed, and then opened his eyes.

"Two children!"

Godsend turned over and sat up, seeing the piano pair that was still held in his arms. There was a glimpse of ease in the eyes, and one hand was placed on the wrist of the piano, and then a long breath spit out and completely relaxed. Gently put the piano pair beside him, looking at the piano double, whispering in the mouth:

"Double children, double children..."

Suddenly, his eyes became red, and there seemed to be a voice in his heart:

"Kill her, swallowed her blood. Kill her, everything she has is yours..."

"She has saved your life many times. She is your benefactor. If you kill her, you will be ungrateful, and you will have a lack of heart and soul."

The godsend's eyes have become black and white.

"The shit's heart is lacking!" His eyes became red and bloody: "Never consider the heavens. If you keep consuming the blood, you will become the sole overlord in this world."

"If the evil is not upright, what if it becomes a hegemony? It will eventually be suppressed by Heaven."

At this time, the goddess of the two scorpions became white as jade, and one became red as blood.

"Kill her!"

"Can't kill!"

"Devouring her blood!"

"The road is strong, and the demon is demon!"



"say no more!"

Godsend screamed, but his one hand held the hilt of the long sword behind his back, clenched it for a while, loosened it, then tightened it, then released it...


Godsend shouted and screamed toward the air, disappearing in a flash.

A butterfly slammed its wings and flew to the body of the piano. It fell for a while and flew for a while...

Suddenly, the butterfly flew into the air, as if frightened and flew away. The body of the piano moved a little, slowly opened his eyes, and then sat up, one hand has been back-handed on the hilt, thinking about the sweep around, then slightly frowned.

"Where is this? How can I be here?"

"I remember that I was hit by a slap in the sky and fell on the ground, as if... in the moment of coma, the godsend fell in front of me."

"God!" Qin shouted in both directions: "God!"

No one responded, Qin double frowned, his eyes flashing incomprehensible: "Is it God-given to save me here? But where did he go? Will he come back later?"

Qin double wants to stand up, but feels a dizzy. The heart was shocked and hurriedly began to explore his body.


Qin double's face was a joy, she found that her golden Dan was purified, and now has reached 47%. With the experience of the robbery, she knew that this should be the last day of punishment to purify Jindan. I hurriedly checked my own body and found that before I took Wen Wangdan, the accumulated erysipelas was almost completely disappeared by the punishment of the day, and the strength of the body also reached the peak of the first layer of Emperor Wu.

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