Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1051: Seven-string space


The piano is more happy in the heart, and then sneaked into the depths of the soul, and saw that the realm of the yin **** did not improve, or the sixth layer of Wu Sheng, which made Qin double greatly relieved. She is really afraid that her soul realm has improved. Isn't it necessary to eat Wen Wang Dan every time she sucks?

Still need to do something else?


The piano was shocked by the heart, and the ghost was refined a lot. It was originally an illusory appearance, and now it has two points of solidification. The piano double experienced it with a heart, and the heart was filled with joy. Although the realm of the Yinshen has not increased, but the power has definitely improved. In this way, Qin double can not help but have a speculation, this wants to finally break the void, is it also necessary to temper the Yin God to the extreme?

After a little thought about it, let go of the matter. Entering the heart of Haoran, I saw that the turtle was sleeping there weakly. Qin double knows that this is because it breaks the prohibition and consumes too much knowledge, and does not bother it, but comes to the golden bucket to see the awesomeness in each bucket.

"It’s a happy event!"

Qin double can not help but sigh, the heroic spirit in each golden bucket has reached the ninety-four regiment, only six regiments, she has reached the ten masters.

"I really look forward to it!"

Qinqin entered the sea of ​​knowledge and suddenly felt a little weird.

The center of the sea is still the monument of merit, and there are four water thunder beads floating on the right side. The town demon tower floats on the left.


Qin double suddenly understood why she felt weird, because she found that her brand left on the town demon tower was gone. His eyes fell on the blood piano.




However, the **** piano did not respond at all, and the piano double finally felt different. The former blood piano sometimes appeared in her knowledge of the sea as a piano. However, the blood piano gives a living feeling. However, this guqin in the sea now gives the piano a feeling of death.

"Is the blood piano up?"

In the heart of the piano, I was shocked. I came to the front of the blood piano and whispered:




Still did not hear the response of the bloodqin, the piano double anxious, could not help but move a string.


Qinqin felt a sigh of relief and found himself in a space. This space is a passageway that is long and long, as if there is no end passage. A voice rang in the space.

"Shantou, I found Gorefiend, so I left and went to my master. There are a few things to tell you about."

First, that day penalty will break the four water mines and the first ban, you can leave a mark on the four water mine beads.

Second, the fifth layer of the town demon tower has been banned, and the second floor of the town demon tower has been opened. ”

At this time, the piano double heart, blame, no wonder that the brand left on the town demon tower is gone, it was washed away by the sky, this is also because the piano double did not break the prohibition of the town demon tower, completely master the town demon tower Otherwise, even if it is a day punishment, only the piano double is not dead, it can not wash the brand of the double.

"Third." The sound of the bloodqin continues to sound: "I have left you a space for this piano. There are seven strings in this piano, which are seven spaces. Except for the **** demon. Some exercises can't leave you, and all the inheritances that have been collected from my birth to the present are left in these seven spaces, namely Wu, Dan, Fu, Array, Array, Sound, Miscellaneous. You can be slow Slow comprehension.

I am gone, I hope we will never see each other, otherwise I am afraid it is an enemy or a friend. ”

The sound of the bloodqin disappeared.




The heart of Qin double is full of loss, and the blood piano has gone.

It found its owner...


When the piano doubled, it left a cold sweat.

Its owner...


Is it that Gorefiend is born?

Is this Gorefiend in the space of Taikoo?

Was it taken by the Gorefiend on that day?

The piano double retracted consciousness, and wanted to stand up, but it was a dizzy stun. This time I couldn’t sit still and lay directly on the ground.

"How can I be so weak?"

Qin Double once again sank the consciousness into the body, and examined it carefully. The heart was stunned. It was that he had stripped seven blood vessels and caused his own blood loss. After checking this out, the piano doubled a sigh of relief, knowing that this blood loss would not kill her. One way is to find a grassland that can replenish blood, and one will slowly recover.


When the piano is in the heart, the Vientiane should be useful?

She took out a Vivid fruit and swallowed it, then shred it, and then sighed, the Vientiane is useful, but the effect is minimal. It can save lives, but for the blood loss caused by this stripping of blood, a Vientiane can only recover one percent of blood. And it can't be taken continuously. After the energy of a Vientiane is consumed, take the second one. That is to say, Qin double needs to take one hundred vitex fruit to restore the body's blood, and also have to take one time between three hours. I can only take four for a day, and it takes twenty-five days to fill up the blood of my own deficit.

Putting this down, consciousness once again entered the sea of ​​knowledge. Looking at the **** piano floating in the sea, I sighed and left a mark on the town demon tower. When I thought about it, I entered the first floor of the town demon tower.

As soon as he entered the first floor of the Demon Tower, the piano double was shocked.

At this time, in the first floor of the town demon tower, the aura has been rich enough to the extent that the piano pair has never seen it. The concentration of aura here is not only to catch up with the aura concentration of the ancient space, but it is also twice that, that is to say The concentration of Aura in the first layer is already twenty times that of the mainland.

The ground is no longer the appearance of cracks, but completely restores the appearance of the earth, even on the ground because of the convergence of the aura formed a stream.

Without the body of a monster, the piano double understands that the monsters and demon corpses that the bloodqin got in should be refining by the town demon tower, and the first layer is restored.

She sensed the first layer in detail, and the speed of the town demon tower to absorb the outside aura increased by ten times, but the concentration of the aura in the first layer no longer changed, but it remained twice the aura concentration in the Taikoo space and was absorbed. The incoming aura is coming to the second floor.

Suddenly, the heart of the piano doubled vigorously, and the face showed an incredible color. After careful sensing for a while, I left the town demon tower, carefully sensed the ancient space, and then entered the town demon tower, the face showed a shocking color, still unbelief, and came to the outside of the town demon tower, then Then enter the town demon tower, the face is finally ecstatic.

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