Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1064: One person to one family



Just when the other hand's palm had been half a foot away from the shoulders of the piano pair, the piano double slammed the palm of his hand, and the man's wrist was caught in the hand, and the eyes were chilly.

"You want to cut my arm?"

"Sow it!"

The warrior had a single arm and he wanted to shake the palm of the piano. There was a sneer in the eyes of Qin double, and the hand holding the other arm suddenly shook.


A burst of broken bones accompanied by a scream of screaming, the arm of the king of Wu was shattered by the piano.


When the piano doubled out, the body of the man was smashed out by the piano and flew straight out to the Qin dynasty. The unexpectedly unexpected Qin dynasty, without preparation, let the warrior hit his body, two The individual rolled over the floor.


Qin Lan jumped up from the ground, his face was blue and green, pointing to the piano and shouting:

"Oh, I dare to hurt my people. Immediately squatting in front of me, interrupting my limbs, I will spare you a life. Otherwise, I took your life today, and then destroyed the kingdom of the moon. ""

"You want to interrupt my limbs?" The looming bloodshot of the two pupils of the piano became clear: "Will the kingdom of the string moon be destroyed? Good! Good! Good!"

Qin double step by step toward Qin Lan. The murderous body of the body filled out, Qin Lan could not help but step back two steps, looking at the piano double with amazement.

"You, you, you... what are you doing? I am the prince, the future prince. You, you... you dare to move me, my father can't spare you."

"Two children!"

Seeing the murderousness of the piano, the blue moon is not shocked. Qin Hao is the emperor after all. If Qin Qin kills Qin, this problem will be big.

At this time, Qin double has already reached the front of Qin Lan, heard the voice of Lan Mingyue, looking at Qin Hao's eyes are still fierce, but the body's killing is converging back. Thinking of Qin Lie, and then thinking of Qin Zheng, the intention of killing in the heart has been reduced by a few points, and the sharpness in the eyes has also weakened a few points. All these Qin Qin, who stood opposite the piano, were clearly aware of each other. They immediately became daring and then thought that they had just been so scared by the doubles, and there was a shame in their hearts. They raised their hands and moved to the piano. The face fanned over.


Qin double backhand grasped Qin's wrist, and Qin Lan's slap completely detonated the anger in the heart of the piano. With one hand, the Qin dynasty turned a body, and the sound of broken bones sounded in the ear.


Qin double grabbed another arm of Qin Yu, and turned his body to face the door. At the same time, it was a burst of bones.

"砰砰" two feet, kneeling on the two legs of Qin Yu, flew out the body of Qin Lan, flew straight out of the gate, fell on the ground, twisted limbs, at first glance, completely broken, The whole person has passed out.

"You..." The warrior stared blankly at the piano pair. Only the cold eyes of Qin double looked at him suddenly, so that he couldn't help but tremble, but the words behind him could not be said.

"Take him with him!" Qin doubled coldly.

The warrior did not dare to look at it. He did not dare to speak. The figure was out of the door. He grabbed Qin Hao with the hand that had not been scrapped, and swept away from the house. He waited until he flew out of the house and shouted:

"Piano double, you are waiting to be copied."

"Dual children..." Lan Mingyue was also surprised to see the piano double, he did not think that the piano double will be as strong as this.


The piano took two steps in front of the two-way, lifted the chair that fell to the ground, then dusted it, slowly seated it, and looked across the head to the blue moon:

"Everyone else has been shut down by the family. How are you still free?"

Lan Mingyue licked his mouth and sat down on the chair in the side: "The old man is still retreating, and he does not know what is going on outside."

Qin double slightly sighed and said: "Mingyue, you go back."

"Double children..."

"This is my own business. I have locked things in the scope of my home and the fire house in the Golden Temple. Once I expand this range, I may have nothing, and even more, the fire will eventually die. The kingdom will certainly be the first to perish."

"But even if I don't participate, will the firehouse only target you, and let go of your loved ones and the moon kingdom?"

"As long as I don't die, they don't dare. Maybe they don't care at first, but when they are hurt by me, they will be imprinted in the depths of the soul. Remember, my piano is not dead, then I can only target one person because they can't afford it."

"But... you will not die? You don't know the big family like the fire house."

“I understand! But this is the only way to control the scope today.”

"Is you alone?"

"I am a one-on-one!"

Lan Mingyue quietly looked at the piano double, half ringing, turned and took the hand away.

"Father, you have to be the son of the son, kill the piano double that..."

Royal Palace.

Inside the royal study.

The Qin dynasty, whose limbs were broken, lay on the ground, crying and falling apart. The warrior squatted on the ground with one arm and sweated in the eyes of Qin Zheng.

"Tell the story of the incident to you." Qin Zhengan Shen Shenshui: "The original book, if there is a little increase or decrease, you are the nine."

The body of the warrior trembled even more, and did not dare to have a slight increase or decrease, and told the story of the original.


The body of the warrior was smashed into pieces by Qin Zhengyi, and his eyes fell sharply on the body of Qin Yu. At this time, although Qin Hao was sore and painful, he could not make a sound.

"Go down, cure, and ban."

After seven words, the royal study room was as cold as ice, and someone quickly lifted Qin Qin out. Qin Zheng slowly stood up and came outside the gate, standing on the jade steps, standing with his hands, half a ring, and a sigh.

"Qin double, are you going to completely cut off your relationship with the royal family?"

His eyes slowly looked toward the east side, his eyes crossed the layers of the temple, and there was the family of the fire family. Qin Lie’s mouth gradually ignited a trace of sarcasm.

"Fire home, do you really think that Qin double is your cockroach ant?"

"Come on!"

A shadow instantly appeared in front of Qin Zheng, Qin Lie condensed: "Monitoring all actions of the fire home."

The shadow did not say a word, and the figure disappeared like a blue smoke. Qin Zheng’s gaze once again looked at the direction of the fire family.

Duan Jia.

The main hall of the proceedings.

The section family chief and a group of elders are here, and Duan Jiang looks at the paper in his hand. When the force is weak, the piece of paper is turned into sarcasm, and a smile appears on his face:

"Qin Wei went to the doubles of the Qinshuang, and was interrupted by Qinshuang and threw them out. Hehe..."

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