Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1065: Snowy mountain


The elders looked up and sat down in the first thin old man: "What about you?"

"No response!" Duan Jiang said faintly.

"how come?"

“Why not?” Duan Jiang said faintly: “After all, Qin double only interrupted Qin’s limbs, and it was not impossible to heal. Our Majesty has a high expectation for Qinshuang.”

"Expect?" The public is an aggressive look.

"Oh, huh..." Duan Jiang reveals a deep color: "It seems that Qin double is not simple! Maybe when you think about the doubles and the fire, you will completely wipe out the fire. We joined forces yesterday." His Majesty, although letting His Majesty finally compromise, he also let His Majesty kill us."

"Is it both possible? How is this possible?" Everyone is an unbelievable color: "Just rely on her piano double? Don't say that the fire family does not need to move the cards, you can pinch the piano, let alone our family and the moon. Family?"

“No!” Duanjiang shook his head and said: “We just promised to the fire home, and the joint family forced the majesty to no longer maintain the piano double, and did not agree to join the fire home to kill the piano double, and the fire family never asked for it. ""

"That is natural, let alone Qinqin is only the second layer of Wuwang, even if he is the second layer of Wudi, the second layer of Wushen, in the face of the entire fire home, there is only a broken bone."

"The piano is naturally lacking!" Duan Jiang said faintly: "It is a slap in the face."

"Is it possible to participate in this matter? Qinqin interrupted his son's limbs. Besides, does he want to tear his face with our family?"

"It's hard to say! Your Majesty is a family to us... Hehe... So even if it's not in the Ming Dynasty, maybe it's dark. Send people to the royal family. If the royal family secretly works on the firehouse, we will secretly fight back."

Duan Jiang’s eyes flashed a bit of fierceness.

Moon home.

The family of the moon looked at the moon in the center of the main hall, and the look on his face became dignified.

"You mean, Qin double once easily killed Wu Jinsong, who is already Wudi?"

"Yes!" The scene of the moment of the moon shines, and the face is full of fear.

The hall was filled with silence. Half-sounding, the old man sitting next to the first one whispered: "The patriarch, are we notifying the fire home?"

The family of the month indulged for a moment, and shook his head slightly: "No, we have promised that the fire house has been done. From then on, the matter between the fire home and the piano double has nothing to do with us. We look at it."

"But... if the piano wins, it will definitely turn to our moon. After all, we have helped the fire home."

The family of the month looked at the old man like an idiot. The muscles on the old man’s face twitched and the heart reacted. How could the piano double win the fire home?

Seeing that the old man shyly bowed his head, the face of the family showed a smile:

"Although we helped the fire home in this matter, it is also the price paid by the fire house for us to shoot. The fire home is a fire home, and the moon home is a moon home. If the fire home can eat some in the hands of Qin double. Loss, the old man is happy, hahaha..."

"Ha ha ha..." There was a loud laugh inside the hall.

Wu Zongdian.

Wu Gongtang.

Wu Chuan-li looked at the four peaks of the Emperor Wudi who stood in front of their eyes and condensed:

"You only have one mission to go out this time, and give me the secret to the piano."

The kingdom of the string moon.

Wuhe grassland.

A mountain is so high that no one knows how high it is and no one has ever set foot on the mountain. From the foot of the mountain to the mountain peak, the four seasons environment appears at the same time. The upper third of the mountain peak is full of snow and snow. So this mountain is called the Snowy Mountain.

At this time, the number of 100,000 people in Qin Jingyun was only less than 40,000. The soldiers were halfway up the mountain. They were surrounded by the 500,000 troops of Qinmeiyu in the Wuhe Prairie. Although they finally broke through, they lost more than half of their troops. I fled into the snowy mountains and occupied the terrain. Although I temporarily stood up with my feet, I pressed the army of Qin Meiyu to the bottom of the mountain, but I also got myself into the dead.

Under the snowy mountains.

The big camp spread for dozens of miles, and when the piano was invincible, when he had to escape into the snowy mountains, he gave up the horse. The mountain is steep and the horse can't. What's more, Qin Jingyun also knows that once he flees into the snowy mountains, food will become a problem that will hold their throats. Therefore, Qin Jingyun ordered the killing of the horse, and then tried to escape into the snowy mountain with the horse meat.

Losing the horse, it also lost the possibility of a breakout.

In fact, in the heart of Qin Jingyun, there is only one road of death.

Within the mountain camp.

Qin Meiyu took the hand before the gate of the camp, looking at the snowy mountains. Stepping behind her side, standing a middle-aged woman, her eyes are deep and her wisdom is like the sea.

"Your Majesty, we only need to attack and not attack. The anti-thief has no food and grass, and will eventually starve to death. And it is not necessary to go to that step. The minister wants to use it for a long time. Someone in the anti-thief will escape from the mountain, and the anti-thief will not break." ”

"It's too slow!" Qin Meiyu said faintly.

"We can send people every day to call for a surrender, which will inevitably cause the anti-thief to collapse in the shortest possible time."

"It's still too slow!" Qin Meiyu's smashing flashed a sigh of sharpness: "Tomorrow will start attacking the anti-thief. Ten days, I will annihilate the anti-thief within ten days."

"Your Majesty, no!" The middle-aged woman showed an urgent color on her face: "So our casualties are too great. Da Xueshan is easy to defend..."

"Hey know!" Qin Meiyu stopped the middle-aged woman, and sighed a long sigh: "But you can't wait for so long, what is the reason for the competition for the world is Qinqinyun and Qinwu? People in the world think it is Killing the mother, so I think that the seat of the scorpion is not right, killing the mother. There are countless people with ulterior motives, and I want to overthrow my dynasty. Now the kingdom can be described as war-torn, and the fire is in full swing. If the Qin Dynasty is broken In the hands of you, what is your face to see the mother? If you drag on here, even if you annihilate the stunned cloud, even if you annihilate all the thieves, the kingdom of the string will be riddled with holes. At that time, the kingdom of the string moon was bound to be divided by the surrounding kingdoms."

"No?" The middle-aged woman said: "There are seven princesses, and the neighboring kingdoms should not dare to invade our country. Now that months have passed, there is no invasion of the surrounding kingdoms..."

"That is what they are waiting for!" Qin Meiyu sighed: "They are waiting for the end of the Taikoo space. If the seven sisters are alive, they naturally dare not invade the kingdom of the moon, if the seven sisters die..."

Snowy mountains.

Above the clouds.

A woman stands with her hand on her hand. If Qin Meiyu sees this person, she will immediately stun. At this time, I was born exactly the same as the Queen of the Moon.

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