Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1066: The string month mercenary group returns


Of course, this woman is not the Queen of the Crescent Moon, it is the compatriot sister of the Queen of the Crescent Moon. It was also that she turned into the appearance of Qin Meiyu, and she was killed when the Queen of the Crescent Moon was unprepared. At this time, she was surrounded by ice and snow, but her eyes were colder than ice and snow. The eyes seemed to look through the thick clouds to the Qinshenyun and the Qinmeiyu under the mountain. The mouth whispered:

"Piano! I want you to kill each other, and then be killed by the world's heroes! Qin double... With your cultivation, should you die in the space of Taikoo?"

Halfway up the mountain.

A large sword was inserted on the ground, and Qinqin clouded his hand on the hilt. His eyes looked toward the big camp of the mountains for dozens of miles, and his eyes were quiet. A footstep came and a middle-aged man walked quickly.

"His Royal Highness, the horse meat is eating out."

“How long can you persist?” There is a hint of ambiguity between the eyebrows of Qin Jingyun.

"Up to seven days."

"Send someone to hunt the beast."

"But... now the military has shaken."

"One year!" Qin Jingyun did not answer the middle-aged man's words, but muttered to himself.

"A year? What year?" The middle-aged man suddenly wanted to ask.

Qin Jingyun looked at the direction of the Emperor Qincheng: "Seven sisters should come out of the space of Taikoo?"

The look of the middle-aged man was a revival, and the face showed hope.

Emperor Qincheng.

Long wins Houfu.

"Come on!"

"Qinhou!" The housekeeper appeared in the main hall.

"Go and buy a flying horse!"

“How much to buy?”

"Two thousand three hundred and twenty-nine."

"This... not enough money!"

Qin double took out a storage bag and handed it to the housekeeper: "There are 500 pieces of Wen Wang Dan, which are used here."

"Yes, Qinhou!"

Less than 2 noon, 2,329 flying horses were rushed into the piano.

On the avenue leading to the Imperial City of Qin, a group of warriors riding on horses and galloping, the head of a person with a face and fortitude, the two squats deep like a starry sky, bursting with suffocating, but it is the Qin Qian who returned from the wilderness. Looking up and looking at the sun like blood, snorted and shouted:

"Brothers, marching in the night, fighting for the dawn of tomorrow, reaching Qincheng."



The horseshoe rumbled like a thunder, and the cloak of the piano hunted from behind, and looked up at the direction of Qincheng, with a look of expectation from the corner of his mouth.

"Two wastes, you should wait in the emperor to wait!"


The gates of Qincheng slowly opened, and the people entering and leaving the city were in constant stream. Suddenly, everyone’s footsteps were a meal, and the officers and men who guarded the door were even more sweaty. One hand was already on the handle, and slightly narrowed his eyes and looked forward.


The earth is shaking, and it is getting more and more cracked, as if it is rolling and thundering. A horse team is like a sharp arrow and quickly enters the eye. The man has not arrived, killing the sky.


The pedestrians at the gates quickly flashed to the sides.


A shank long knife was unsheathed, and the officers and men at the gate of the city lined up in a row. One squad pointed the knife to the horse team and shouted:

"Who is bold and dare to marry the city gate?"

The opposite horse team did not slow down. The knives holding the knife ooze the cold sweat on the forehead, but the hand holding the knife will be more stable and the eyes will become sharp.


A horse, the potential distance of the piano will only be five meters out of the horse, the horse's front shovel screams, the wind blows the opposite side of the trousers, the hunting, the sound.

"General, my family's Earl piano can come back from the space of Taikoo?" Qin Qiang stared at the stern, and the tension appeared in the middle.

The cockroach will stop when he sees the piano. He knows that the other party is not a thief, and the anger will rush to the ground and swear, and he must swear that these people must be dying. The face just had a fierce color, but suddenly heard the words of the piano, the moment is a stay.

"Piano... double..."

Now, between the Qinshuang and the Fire House, who else does not know the whole Qincheng?

The piano pair is in front of the squatting face, let go of the swear words, she wants one person to challenge the whole family of the fire family, if the fire family dares to kill the family and friends of the piano pair and the string moon kingdom, she must kill the fire family ten.

This is simply a madman!

Such a madman, his little arm and calf, how dare to provoke?

People even dare to threaten the fire family, how can they dare to play the double? I angered the madman, even if I killed myself, what could you do?

These two days, I heard that the two emperors of the Majesty were interrupted by Qinshuang...

At the moment, the face of the sergeant immediately put up a smile: "This strong man, now the piano... The grown-up is no longer the count, but the Marquis, long wins Hou."

Qinqin's eyes are suddenly one: "The piano is back."

"came back!"

"Thank you!"

Qin Qian urged the horse to walk, the officers and soldiers hurriedly flashed toward both sides, looking at the same torrent of water to go to the string month mercenary group, one by one sweating.

"Two wastes!"

The pair of pianos sitting in the hall suddenly heard a snoring sound, then saw several figures rushing into the hall, behind them behind the guards of the housekeeper and the piano house. The piano stood up and waved to let the butler and the guards go out, and then greeted several people with joy.

"Big waste, Yuan Fei, Yuan Ye!"

"Ha ha ha ... two wastes, we met again. We will return to the kingdom of the crescent moon, you and I will be abandoned, and must be invincible."

"See the princess!" More than two thousand people outside the door gave gifts at the same time.

"Excluded!" Qin double walked out of the hall, holding hands on the steps: "housekeeper."


"Arrange them to stay and start tomorrow."


The people left the hall under the leadership of the butler. The piano doubled to the piano, Yuan Fei and Yuan Ye sat down and saw the tiredness and dust of their faces. The face was grateful.

"Working hard!"

"Not hard!" Qin Qiang waved his hand, and the color of his face appeared: "It takes at least three months to return to the Zhouyue Kingdom from here, will it be late?"

"Don't worry, I have already purchased the Flying Horse. Within eight days, we should arrive at the Wuhe Grassland."

"Great!" Qin Qian excitedly punched his hand on the palm of his hand, Yuan Fei and Yuan Ye on the side were also excited.

"Qin Qian, how is the repair of everyone today?"

This is the most relevant issue of the piano pair today. Although the string month mercenary group has a heart and soul, but the most fundamental is also their own cultivation, the higher the cultivation, the stronger the power of the heart. After all, they are facing the 500,000 troops of Qin Meiyu, but they only have more than 2,000 people.

Qin Qian excitedly raised a brow: "There are 2,382 people in the Jiuyi Mercenary Group, and there are a total of 28 people in the realm of Wuwang. The rest are in the Chengdan period, which is the late stage of the martial arts. ”

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