Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1078: Return to Qincheng


Having said that, he looked at the piano double, but he saw the calmness of Qin’s face. I took a deep breath and calmed down my heart:

"Qin Gu, I am the three elders of the fire family. Today, I brought a word from my older brother. We invited the masters of the fire to visit our moon family and look at our previous grievances. We swear by the firehouse and take this oath. Announced to the whole world, regardless of the results of Wangyueshan, we will not be able to move the moon again."

"If I don't go?" Qin said faintly.

"The kingdom of the moon, the chicken does not stay."

The double eyes of the piano pair suddenly shot the light, and the suffocating rushed toward the opposite elders of the fire family. The three elders have a feeling of suffocation. Only he still straightened his own backbone, looking at the piano double without hesitation, expressing the determination of the fire home.

"Good!" Qin double's suffocating retreats like a tide, got up and walked toward the gate, reached out and pushed the door away, and the sound of the doubles drifted into the night wind:

"After seven days, Qin doubles the mountain."

"Call..." The three elders of the fire house spit out a sigh of relief and softened them in the chair.

Emperor Qincheng.

"Have you heard that?"


"The fire home is going to fight in the Moon Hill."

"I heard that this fire home is really shameless! Qin double is alone, enter the fire family, can you still live?"

"This piano is not stupid!"

"You are stupid, your family is stupid."

"No, I don't mean this. I mean, Qin double won't be so stupid to look at Yueshan. Qin double won't agree."


"What should I do?" Lan Mingyue walked around the box in Xianjulou. Qin Lie and others all sat facelessly.

"No!" Lan Mingyue stopped his footsteps: "We have to find two children and stop her."

"Can we find it?" Qin Li said with dismay.

"Don't worry!" Zhao Zirou said softly: "I don't think the two children will agree."

"Not bad!" Blue Mood's face showed excitement: "Double children are not fools, how can you promise that this is a trap?"

"Not good to say!" Duan Hong sighed.

"What do you mean?" Lan Mingyue glared at him: "Are you looking forward to the death of both children? Also, your Duanjia and Huojia are originally a group. You have a few patriarchs of the family, so it is not unexpected."

"What are you talking about?" Duan Hongteng jumped out of his chair and looked like a face.

"Well!" Qin Lie patted the table and stopped the quarrel between the two people. There was a bit of irritability between the eyebrows: "Mingyue, Duan Hong said that it is not unreasonable. The fire family is threatening to hold the whole string moon kingdom. If this matter is placed on you, the firehouse will threaten the entire blue house. What will happen to you?"

"They dare?"

Lan Mingyue was cold and right, then he sullenly sat down on the chair. At this time, he was very clear in his heart. If this matter is his turn, he will not hesitate.

"Pang Shixiong?" Le Qingqing suddenly said: "You said that Qinshuang and Pang brothers will have long expected that the fire family will chase the two children, so Pang Shixi left immediately after coming out of the space of Taikoo. Go back to the teacher to find the master of the two children?"

Lan Mingyue’s eyes are bright: “Yes, Liu Wei is the peak of Wushen’s later stage. Maybe it’s now broken into Wusheng. If Liu Wei came, even the firehouse would have to bow.”

Juye City.

Here is the junction of the Frost Empire and the Daqin Empire. Juye City is the first border town of the Frost Empire to face the Daqin Empire. When you enter Juye City, you enter the territory of the Frost Empire.

Godsend stood at the gate of the city, looking back at the Daqin Empire, and there was a trace of nostalgia in the middle.

"Double children, you should be named Daqin now? I don't know if you have given me a cracked king. When I solve the problem in the body, I will go to you again."

Suddenly, his eyes began to glow again, his fists clenched and his body shivered slightly.

"What are you doing there? Say you! Come over and be inspected." A defending soldier yelled at God.

Godsend turned his head and looked at him. The soldier suddenly felt that he had passed from the tail vertebrae to the scalp.

What kind of eyes are that?

Red as blood, as if you are always addicted.

Godsend lifted his footsteps toward the gate, until the back of God's gift disappeared, and the soldier squirmed his throat.


A middle-aged man pushed the door of the box and rushed in, toward Qin Lie:

"His Royal Highness, the fire home announced the news, and the piano master promised!"


The sound of a glass falling from the hand, Rao is all the expected Qin Lie also trembles:

"Do you agree with the children?"

"Yes!" The middle-aged man also showed bitterness on his face.

Qin Li looked at the middle-aged man in a daze, half-sounding, and suddenly stood up and shouted:

"Look, find me, be sure to find a pair."

Beyond the 50th mile of the Great Qin Emperor, there is a river called the Qin River. At this time, there are three people standing by the river, and there are three flying horses beside them. It is the Qin double, Qin Jingyun and Yuan Ye three people.

Qin double took out five storage rings and handed it to the piano. "Stunning clouds, these four storage rings contain all kinds of resources from the fire house, and some of the temperature I left for you. Wang Dan, there are ten Wendi Dan, there are some jade liquid and jade liquid cream, December fruit, wind spin fruit and Vientiane fruit, etc. Finally, this storage ring contains gold and silver robbed from the fire house. Let both of you leave, I will go to the Frost Empire to find you in the future."

Qin Jingyun hangs a string of storage rings around his neck and puts them in the clothes: "The shops in the fire house actually have storage rings?"

"These storage rings are all obtained by people who have killed other continents in the Taikoo space. Well, let's go."

Qin Jingyun’s face showed a worried color: “Sister, you...”

"Don't worry about me, let's go."

"Seven sisters, take care."

Qin Jingyun and Yuan Fei both gnawed their teeth and turned their horses. They immediately shook hands toward the piano and then left the horse.

Qin double thought about it, took the two swords behind, took it into the storage ring, and then changed a light yellow dress, and changed a little appearance, this was launched, and went to the direction of Qincheng. .

City gate.

Qin Shuang went down the gate to the city gate. At this time, she had already collected the flying horse into the town demon tower. The eyes swept across the gate of the city, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. She saw Zhao Zi soft and clear, a few people, Stretching his neck and glance at the crowd. Qin double is only thinking a little and understands that these people must be looking for their own. I am afraid that there are people in the four gates looking for themselves.

She knows that these people are looking for what they want to do, and the heart is moving, but this thing belongs to her own affairs. She can't drag friends in, and follow the flow of people from Zhao Zirou's eyes, disappearing into the flow of people. Among them.

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