Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1079: Come on the moon


A crescent moon hangs the sky.


Qincheng is destined to sleepless.

The whole Qin city is quiet, but everyone is standing in the courtyard, or standing on the ridge, looking at the direction of the fire family to the moon mountain.

Royal Palace.

Above the jade steps.

Qin Zheng and Qin Lie stood side by side. Qin Lie’s eyebrows floated with a sense of killing.

"Father, do we really care about this matter?"

"The sorcerer, the piano master was very determined at the Golden Temple, and this is the agreement between Qin and the firehouse. We have no reason to shoot. And we can't shoot. Although we are royal, when all the families are staring When we are, we are just a family. All we can do is to supervise the fire home and keep the blood of the piano after the Moon Hill."

Blue House.

"Father, do you really care about your children?" asked the blue moon.

Lan Linfeng indulged in a moment: "There is no help for the two children, we can not intervene. The world of the warrior, the promise of the first."

Duan Jia.

Duan Hong stood alone on the roof.

"Oh," a door rang, and the section family took the door and walked out. Looking at Duan Hong on the roof, he sighed.

Moon home.

"Clean up? Haven't found her yet?" asked the family of the month.

"No! The patriarch, why did the Qing Zhao leave? Do she think that Qin double can still survive?"

The family of the month has no words, but there is a trace of sorrow floating between the eyebrows. A gust of wind hangs, making the relationship between the moon family and the eyebrows stronger. Soft voice:

"I hope that the piano will die in Wangyue Mountain, but there is always a trace of uneasiness in my heart."

At this time, above the roof of Qincheng, above the wall, it was full of young people. Everyone's face is full of excitement, especially a young woman, all of them are white, with two swords on their backs, one big and one small, and the heroic and cool.


Suddenly someone whispered, and then the words "come" came from the wall closest to the fire door, and spread to the city of Qin. The eyes of the entire Qincheng are gathered here, and the power of countless souls spreads to this side.

There was no figure in the empty street, but on the walls of both sides, it was full of people, and the eyes looked warmly in the same direction.

A white coat.

Behind the back is a big one, two small swords.

The steps are light, like walking around the moon, white fluttering, coming from the moon.

But no one noticed that the mouth of the piano was twitching, because she saw the women on both sides of the wall, standing in rows of white women, behind the same carrying a large one small two long swords.

this moment.

Silent and silent.

No one speaks, and even keeps breathing, even those who are passionate about the piano. They all know what Qinqin is doing. They are afraid that their cheers will destroy the mood of Qinqin. They only pray in silence in their hearts, and they pray that Qinqin can live and leave from Wangyue Mountain.


How hard will this be...

Looking back at the back of the piano doubles disappeared from their eyes, a pair of eyes stunned in the fog, a heart blocking a group of things, there is a feeling of wanting to cry.


The quiet night sky echoed a beautiful voice.

"The string yueqin double, worship the mountain!"


The heavy door opens from the middle, and there are two rows of strong warriors standing in the gate. They are arranged from the inside of the gate to the far end. No end is seen. No one leads the way, no one speaks. Every pair of eyes releases endless killing shots. To the piano double.

The piano stepped on the steps and walked into the gate, following the passages of the two rows of warriors, and walking toward the inside.


The door behind it is closed.


The fire broke out. A transparent mask covers the entire fire family.

All the people watching it are shocked.

This is the fire house and the piano is not dead!

Qin Shuang’s soul power quietly spread out, while walking, while watching the fire family’s guardian squad, until she reached the moon under the moon, her heart became more and more heavy, she could not break herself. This guardian has a large array.

"Don't worry, this formation is very simple."

Suddenly a voice appeared in the consciousness of the piano, and the heart of the piano is a joy.

"Xuanwu adults, are you awake?"

"Crap, can you talk without waking up?" The voice of the tortoise was heard in consciousness.

Qin double is too lazy to pay attention to the turtle's proud, and then, this time do not dare to marry the turtle. However, I still ask in my heart:

"You really will be the road?"

"Will the road?" The turtle's voice is full of disdain: "I am the ancestor of the martyrdom, and my turtle's back is the general outline of the platoon."

"The main outline of the turf on the back of the turtle? Isn't it the "Xuanwu Collection"..."

Qinqin suddenly stopped and remembered a legend of the Warrior Big 6. It is said that in ancient times, there was no martyrdom in the world. It was a great power to comprehend the heavens on the seashore. Suddenly I saw a huge tortoise emerged from the sea. The mighty saw the pattern on the turtle's back, and the light appeared and realized. .

"Shantou, this adult is accompanying you today. If you can't cope, this adult will combine the power of Xuan Shui with the power of your phoenix fire, killing his fire, a piece of film does not stay, killing and killing ......"

The double mouth of the piano twitched, and the turtle is not too small. However, my heart is a lot easier. Looking up at Wangyue Mountain, take a walk.

Looking at the moon.

The piano stepped up step by step and looked towards the opposite side.

I saw two rows of people sitting opposite each other, sitting in the middle of the two rows of people, a strong old man, with a strong breath on his body, the first seat on the right side of the old man sitting on the fire family, the first on the left The seat sits a young man in his thirties.

The piano was swept away, but he did not see the jade in the fire. He stopped his figure and looked at the crowd. He said faintly:

"Are you taking turns, or are you together?"

The opposite corner of the mouth is a convulsion. When they want to come, the piano is now covered with a large array of fires. It should be scared. When you see the endless firearms, you will be stunned and your legs should be soft. It is. Finally, seeing these masters, they should be kneeling for mercy.


Still so arrogant?

"Your Majesty!" The fire family shouted.

Qin double looks like an idiot looking at the fire family, faintly said: "Do you still want me to blame myself?"

"Hey!" The family of the fire was cold and screamed: "If you are willing to abolish Dantian, break your limbs, and the old man will take the lead and spare you a life."

"I am coming to kill!" Qin said faintly: "I said, you fire a string of people in the fire, I will kill you hundreds of people in the fire. Now you are in the snowy mountains, killing me tens of thousands of people I want to kill millions of people in your fire home, just don't know if there are so many people in your fire home?"


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