Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1080: One defeat


An angry and violent break broke out from the mouth of the young man on the left, slowly stood up from the chair, looked down at the piano with his hands on his back, and said coldly:

"Today, I will kill you here."

At this point, the fire family leader also stood up, with a look of pride on his face: "Qin double, the old man came to introduce you. This is the fifteenth brother of the old man, who broke through to Wudi five years ago, now The third floor of the Emperor Wu. Today, my fifteen brothers will live and die with you."

Qin double took the mysterious sword behind the sheath and took it in the right hand, his eyes locked in the fire.

"Come on! Look at the hard neck of your fire home today, or my sword is sharp."

The fire was nine-heavy, and he took his hands out of the crowd. Every step of the way, the figure is higher than the first step, as if there are steps in the air, let him step by step into the sky.

"That is... the fire is nine!"

On the top of the palace jade, Qin Lie's eyes suddenly smashed. Qin Zheng’s face was gloomy.

"The fire is so big! I have let the fire come back."

"Father, now he..."

"At least it is also the second floor of Emperor Wu, and maybe it can reach the third or fourth floor of Emperor Wu."

"Who is this guy?"

The countless eyes of the whole emperor gathered on the Moon Hill. At this time, under the moonlight, the fire of the purple coat has reached the heights, presenting in the eyes of all the people in Qincheng, behind the moon, let the fire nine look even more Domineering.

"Piano double, come up and die!"

The piano double-empty stepping, the figure slowly floats, and the emptiness stands on the opposite side of the fire. In the eyes of the fire, he did not hide his contempt, and said faintly:

"Draw a sword!"

"That depends on whether you are qualified." Qin double look also said faintly.

The fire family below looked at the fire in the air, and the eyes were full of pride. They turned their heads to the old man who sat in the middle of the head:

"Hey, the Nine is getting stronger and stronger, maybe he will be the first person in our fire home to break through Wu Sheng."

The old man of the dagger must nod and say: "He is the first person in our fire home to cultivate ten golden dragons. It is the hope of our fire home."

In the sky.

The fire spit out four words: "Not self-reliant!"

The words fell, and there was no sword, but the right hand clenched the fist and punched the piano pair. That punch instantly blew the air, creating a black hole, and banging the piano in the air.

"Ah..." Countless people in Qincheng screamed.

"not good!"

In the heart of the fire, the heart was shocked. When the punch hit the past, there was no feeling of being stressed. It was the afterimage of Qin Double.


The fire nine has taken a step toward the left, one step is 100 meters away. In the place where he had just stood up, there was a figure of Qin double, which made the face of the fire nine heavy.

"I see how you hide this time!"

The fire and the heavy fists slammed out in a row, and the other punches were out. One punch was connected with a punch. Like a sea tide, a wave of superimposed waves slammed toward the piano.


Qin double snorted and slammed the palm of his hand. In the air, a large handprint was condensed, and the past was slammed toward the opposite side.


Like the tide of the sea, the boxing is broken like a wave, and the palm of the piano seems to be able to cover the sun and the moon, and slams the past toward the fire.

The face of the fire nine became pale in an instant. At this moment, he felt helpless, felt the shudder, and felt the fear.

He found that he did not have the space to dodge, and the piano doubled as if it were a big handprint, covering all dead ends. He only has one way, and that is hard work.


The power of the big handprint made him feel powerless, and the power was definitely more than his cultivation. In his opinion, he already had the same power as his father.


At this time, he no longer cares for the face, he only hopes to take out his own sword and can break the cage of this palm. At the very least, you must ensure that you are not dead. As long as he is not dead, his father will come to save himself.


The fire nine sighed heavily, holding a long sword in both hands, and stabbed out in the sky, the big handprints in the air, a sword and a dragon, a fiery red, three fire dragons appeared in an instant, each fire dragon exudes a fierce The sword is intended to scream toward the big handprint.

Heavenly swordsmanship: Fire Dragon Nine Dance!

This type of sword technique is the sword skill of the fire family town, and the top grade sword skill. After repairing to the great realm, you can turn out nine fire dragons. Even now that the fire is only able to produce three fire dragons, he will immediately upgrade his power to the mid-level of Emperor Wu.


Although Qinshuang is only the second layer of Wuwang, each Jindan is purified to 50%, and ten Jindans are brought together. The repair is equivalent to the late Emperor Wu.


The three fire dragons were smashed by the big handprints without any suspense. In the scream of the fire family, one palm was shot on the fire.


The body of the fire nine was slammed into the air and blasted into the ground.


The fire family rushed into the underground pit, and the old man of the dagger was in the void, standing in front of the piano and stopping the piano.


The fire family long flew out from the underground pit with the fire nine, and screamed with sorrow to the old man in the air:

"Hey, nine heavy his bones are broken, he can't see it."

The old man's face changed, and the look of the double pair suddenly became like two sharp arrows.


The killing in his body is like a volcanic eruption that has been brewing for thousands of years. It is only the killing of this heaven that he cuts a small crack in the space around his body. The power of the peak of the late Emperor Wudi broke out completely.

The fire nine is the hope of their fire home. For thousands of years, although their fire family has been hailed as a big family, there has never been a single breakthrough to Wu Sheng, and no one has ever cultivated ten golden dragons. However, in this generation, there was a fire and nine heavy, and ten golden dragons were cultivated. Less than forty years old, they broke through to Emperor Wu.

What he represents is not the fate of a person who is a fire, he carries the hope of the entire fire home.

It is Qin Qin who annihilated this hope without mercy.

At this time, the old man’s heart was killing, and under his pervasiveness, the moonlight seemed to be dim.

"Oh, die!"

Striked a punch and attacked the piano double. Although it is the same boxing style as the fire nine, the power of the explosion is quite different. If the fire is heavy, the punch can break a mountain, and the fist of the old man is like destroying the earth.

The right hand of Qin double still clasped the Forsythia sword, and the left hand slammed it out. A large handprint of the sky shook the past with the punch of the other side.

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