Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1086: coma


Those ancestors just wanted to explore the power of the soul to continue to follow, and they couldn’t help but listen to it. At this moment, the shape of the piano pair has disappeared. Several ancestors couldn't help but smile on their faces. They looked at the ancestors of the moon and the dozens of martial arts martial arts who were standing up from the ground. Their eyes flickered, but they sighed softly and then disappeared silently. .

The hearts of several ancestors are very clear. If several ancestors are concentric at this time, it will not be a problem to kill the ancestors of the moon and dozens of martial arts martial arts. But the key point is that several ancestors are not united. Not to mention which ancestor shot, it is likely to usher in the interception of other ancestors, even if there is no interception, as long as they sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, the family of the shot is bound to usher in the madness of the fire home and the family, but let other families Take advantage of the benefits of fishing.


In the night sky, a figure fell from the cloud, and the piano doubled his teeth to escape the four-time time. This time has escaped more than two thousand miles, and the fire-fighting body is consumed. Can not stay awake, one from the cloud planted.

From the heart of the piano, there was a water light, and then the shape of the tortoise appeared, rapidly expanding, and the piano was placed on the turtle's back and fell to the bottom. Two small eyes looked around and flew toward a cave on the cliff.


Inside the cave, a giant cockroach swallowed and stared fiercely at the tortoise.


The huge momentum emerged from the body of the tortoise. The giant python immediately fell to the ground and was held motionless by the momentum of the tortoise. The tortoise climbed to the front of the giant python and raised one foot toward the giant python. The head stepped on.


The head of the giant clam was crushed by the tortoise, the body of the tortoise became smaller, and the body of the piano fell on the ground. The tortoise climbed out from the body of the piano and then climbed onto the body of the piano, facing The piano looks around.

At this time, the right arm of the piano pair had no muscles at all, but her hand still held the dragon sword tightly, and the power of the dragon sword was still back, and the muscles on the shoulders of the piano began to crack. The tortoise stretched out one foot and kicked the hand of the piano pair and kicked the dragon sword out. Looking at the body of the piano again, the two small eyes showed a confused color.

The body of the piano is full of sword marks, and there are more than a dozen blood holes that are holding blood. The injury is extremely heavy. However, the wound is constantly recovering.

"Fire Phoenix cure!"

The tortoise's face showed a shocking color, and then it showed its own color. Since the Qin double has become a fire phoenix body, naturally it has a cure for the fire phoenix. As long as she is not physically smashed, she can automatically repair her body, just at the expense of life.

Of course, if her life is not enough to consume, the piano will really die.

"Don't let her consume Shouyuan, and for a while, I am afraid that it will be one year's life."

The tortoise explored the storage ring of the Qin double. First, I took out a few pieces of the best Wen Wang Dan into the innermost part of the piano pair. Then I felt that the piano pair was still losing the life, and then took out a few. The healing Danser entered the mouth of the piano, and then took out a bottle of jade liquid and pour it into the mouth of the piano. Then he took out a Vientiane fruit and stuffed it into the mouth of the piano. The face was relieved.

The symptoms of Qin Double Loss Life Yuan disappeared. Wen Wang Dan, Healing Dan, Yuye and Vientiane began to take the initiative to repair and slowly repair the body of the piano. No longer consume the life of the piano double.

It’s just this moment of effort, Qin double has lost two years of life.

The tortoise's face showed a tired color, and his mouth whispered: "This adult has lost a lot of money. It has just recovered 20% of Xuan Shui, almost all of it is consumed. I hope that no master can find it here and see your destiny. ”

The turtle turned into a stream of water and got into the heart of the piano.

Silence in the cave...

Emperor Qincheng.

Fire family.

A scene of hell.

Wangyue Mountain has already been razed to the ground, and the earth is criss-crossed with a huge gap. The original pavilion attic has collapsed, and it has been ravaged by the wrath of Thunder. There are countless bodies that have been bombarded with stench on the ground, and there are countless injured people.

Yan Yandong.

Where the fire family punishes the disciple, a figure stands up from the hot flame, and his eyes are shocked and look at the door to the gate. There is a rumbling sound. He pauses for a moment and then flies toward the gate. Going, just less than five interest time, stood in front of the gate.

The door is constantly shaking, and the spirits are flowing. The stunned color in the shadow of the person is more intense. His heart is very clear. There is a symbol on the door. It is to prevent the disciplinary disciples from sneaking out. The defensive force of the phalanx, even if the Emperor Wu can not break open, but now the striate is flowing, clearly has reached the limit. Signs.


A loud bang, the figure could not help but retreat. In his eyes, the door smashed and he saw the scene of thundering outside. It took almost a ten-minute time to stop.


His figure flew out and was shocked by the sight.

Into the ruins, all around are frightened people and bodies. He looked around sullenly, then his eyes lit up, and his body flew away toward the fire family standing there with a dull face.

"Father, what is going on here?"

The fire family screamed like a god: "The ancestor is dead, your grandfather is dead, he is nine heavy..."

"What?" The man stunned the arm of the fire family.

The fire family grew up and turned to look at the man, and his face showed an expression that did not know what emotion.

"Zhongyu... You have been maintaining the piano double, she killed the ancestors, your grandfather, your uncle's life is dying! And this corpse is full of Qin."

In the fire, the jade was lost, the hands were helplessly loosened, and the body slammed back, then looked around with a blank look.

"Qin double... Qin double... Qin double..." He whispered helplessly, his voice grew louder and louder, and suddenly he looked up to the sky, his eyes oozing blood, and his voice screamed.

"Piano double..."


The ground was low and roaring. A figure flew out of the deep pit. The fire family leader turned to the first place and the face showed a surprise color.

"Old ancestors!"

The fire broke through the ruins of the fire house, spurting a blood on his head and falling to the ground...

In the cliff cave, the piano double still has no attributes.

One day, two days, three days...

Four figures flew at low altitude, and the power of the soul was scanned on the ground. One of them said while searching:

"I really don't understand why Wu Tangzhuo wants us to catch the piano pair? Isn't it in the Great Wilderness City that Qin Double didn't have the body to save the Tianjiao team? Qin double is not a person of Wu Zongdian, and people are not saved. ”

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