Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1087: caught


“What nonsense?” Another person snorted: “We are the master of this continent, and the rest are the slaves of our Wuzong Temple. When the master is trapped, should the slave not save himself? Double is not saved, it is death."

"The death penalty is a sin!" The third person said: "Isn't it enough to kill her? Why do we still let us live? And also secretly grab it back? And... the strength of the piano in the fire home. "The four of us are not opponents at all."

The fourth person puts his hand in the hand: "Don't worry, the piano double must be seriously injured. At this time, it must be healing, and may even be unconscious. We pretend to be people who have passed the adventure. If we find that the piano has recovered, we will leave. Return to Wu Zongdian and inform Wu Tang at this time. If the Qin double is heavy, we will take her down."

"The blood is gone here!" One of them suddenly whispered.

The eyes of the four men fell under a cliff, and then they looked up and saw a hole. The four men were the four emperors who were sent by Wu Chuanlie. At this time, their hearts were very tense. They saw the power of the Qinshuang in the fire home. The road was carefully followed and secreted. The heart was very nervous. They are very clear in their four minds. They don't need to recover completely. As long as they recover half of them, the four of them are not opponents of Qinshuang. At this time, the virtual stand outside the hole, this hole is probably the place where the piano double healing, the four people can not help but face each other.

The four people communicated in secret for a while, and one of them said:

"Three brothers, there is a cave here, let's go and rest for a while, ok?"

"it is good!"

The other three people answered in unison, and the three figures chatted while they were on their way to the cave.


Four people fell on the cave entrance and looked into the cave. The face was a joy.

Within the cave.

A giant corpse lay on the ground, next to the giant python, lying on the back of the **** piano. Four people exchanged their eyes and one person said:

"Hey, there are people here."

Another humanity: "It looks like it is hurt."

The third person said: "Look at the rescue, help me."

Although the four men spoke in the mouth, they did not move. After another two-time period, I saw that the piano pair still had no movement. The four exchanged a look and walked toward the piano. When I came to the front of the piano, I looked at it and the four people breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. One of them reached out and pointed a few times on the body of the piano, and then the four men looked at each other and smiled.

"If you don't hesitate, we will return to Wu Zongdian immediately."

The headed man grabbed the piano pair and looked at the dragon sword on the ground. His eyes were bright and he reached out and grabbed the dragon sword.


His hand was blown up, and the man was not surprised, but after a little thought, he flew out and quickly returned with a sword made of stone. He carefully placed the dragon sword into the sword. Into the storage bag. Then grab the piano double again, four people flew away from the cave, set foot on the cloud, and flew toward the holy mountain, the main hall of Wu Zongdian.

"Taro, wake up! Shantou, wake up!" The tortoise shouted at the piano in the heart of Haoran, and the power of a **** touched the soul of Qinshuang.


Qinshuang’s soul was strongly impacted and could not help but wake up and open his eyes.

"Oh... you woke up!" A voice came from her head.

Qinqin opened his eyes and saw a cloud flying in front of him, feeling that he was caught in the hand and rushed down. Looking up and looking hard, I saw a total of four people, one of whom grabbed and flew.

"Xuanwu adults, what is going on?"

"Listen to these four people and they seem to be a person of Wu Zongdian."

The piano is a glimpse of the heart, and immediately understand that these four people should be sent by Wu Chuanlie. In the heart of the turtle:

"Why don't you save me?"

"Hey!" The tortoise snorted in disappointment: "If it weren't for me, you would have fallen from the air and fell to death. I was looking for a cave, I was feeding you Wen Wangdan, healing. Dan, Yuye and Vientiane. Also, I am still trampled on a giant python."

"Well, you have merit. But why don't you kill these four people and save me?"

"I... my repairs are spent with you, and where is the strength to help you?"

"So you can't help?"

The tortoise had been swearing for a long time, and Qin Qin knew that the tortoise could not help. I felt my body, the air machine has been sealed, and I can't run the power.

"Do it like this?"

The piano double wrinkled.

"Black skull, knowing the result of offending our Wu Zongdian?" An Emperor Wu faintly ridiculed: "You will wait for Wu Tangzhu to dispose of you. Even dare to see the people of Wu Zongdian, if you make this At the moment, your ending is already doomed."

Qin double did not take care of that person, and his mind constantly pondered how to cope with the situation at hand. The body can't move, and if it is not repaired, it is like a lamb to be slaughtered. Qin double does not know how far this place is from the holy mountain, but with the speed of these four people flying, it will take a few days to reach the holy mountain. You must come up with a solution as soon as possible.


The heart of the piano doubles, and she remembers the town demon tower. Although her body is imprisoned, the power of knowing the sea can be used.

"Xuanwu adults, how long have they been flying?"

"Not less than two hours."

Qin double thought about it. He fled from Qincheng, and the direction of escape was not the direction of the holy mountain. So he wanted to fly to the holy mountain. It takes at least ten days for the speed of these four people. These four people can't fly all the time. Of course, they can't live in the inn. They will definitely choose to rest in the wild.

"That will wait for them to rest."

A round of red sun gradually fell into the mountains, and the sun was like blood. The four figures reflected the sunset and swooped down to a mountain below.


The body of the piano is thrown to the ground, and the painful piano licks its mouth. Her injury was too serious. Although she had energy restorations in four aspects: Wen Wangdan, Yuye, Healing Dan and Vientiane, even worse, don’t forget that the soul of Qin’s soul is deep in the darkness, but she wants Constantly absorb the power of the soul transformed into spiritual power. If it wasn't for the three days, the turtle wouldn't know how much Wen Wangdan gave it to the piano. Later, even he fed the two pairs of jade liquid and a vitex fruit. I am afraid that the piano will not heal and he will be healed. Sucked to death.

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