Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 17: Too embarrassed


The piano has a face on the face, and the opponent's power is not as good as the Wu Wang on the 6th. The military inheritance here has great defects. Eom was too lazy to run the spiritual power immediately, but with the power of his own peak of the late Emperor Wu, he slammed the past with the fist of the other side.


The fists of the two men collided together, the fist of the warrior smashed instantly, the arm was bent, and the direction and degree of the fist of the piano double did not change at all, and it was bombarded on the chest of the warrior. The figure of the warrior flew out faster than when he came. The upper body was blasted in the air, and the flesh and blood sprinkled the family of the Liang family.


Qin's right foot was on the ground, and the figure immediately came to the front of the Liang family. Since the other party has already exposed the killing of her, the piano will also be decisive. The monk is suitable for the far-off attack. The piano pair is now born here as a freshman of the monk, and does not want to reveal his true identity. Therefore, she did not want to use the martial arts skills familiar to the military and the like, and thought about the battle.

At this time, the two Liangjia monks were still in a state of sluggishness, and the situation changed too fast. Originally, they thought that the other party was just an ant, but did not expect the other party to suddenly become a tiger. This gap made them completely unresponsive. When the two of them saw the doubles appear in front of them, the two fists of the piano pair had already bombarded the chests of both of them.

How can the power of the late Emperor Wu of the Emperor be able to withstand the two Yuan Ying period?

The two voices flew out at once, and the nose and nose blew out blood. The front chest was obviously recessed, the heart was already crushed, and the body fell to the ground.

Surrounded by silence, all of them were shocked to see the double.


Qin double stood there and frowned slightly. She had a problem. The person next to the Liang family leader did not know what it was, but Yu Dong told her that the Liang family was a Yuan Ying period. . The Yuan Ying period is equivalent to the Wu Wang on the 6th. However, the piano doubled and punched, and felt that the strength of the opponent's body was absolutely not the extent of Wu Wang.

About only the physical strength of the samurai, even the martial arts can not reach.

Why is that?

"It seems that there is a big difference between the world and the warrior."

The piano raised his head and his eyes swept over the surroundings. At this time, there were many people around, and many of them were people who appeared at the auction.

"Who else has taken a look at the property on my body? Welcome to advise. But the result is very serious!" Qin double said coldly.


During the time, the piano double felt the atmosphere around it boiling, and the boiling atmosphere was full of anger. Almost everyone seems to have been humiliated and looked at her. This pair of pianos was shocked, and the heart secretly:

"As for such a big reaction?"

"Hey, die!"

A figure flew into the sky at dusk, swaying his fingers, pulling his hands in front of him, and a cone of ice appeared on his chest.

"go with!"

The movement of the piano double heart, the fluctuation of her breath from that person, can instantly determine that the other party should be a six-layer monk in the Yuan Ying period, but the ice cone he released is more than the sky 6 or the antlers 6 on the monk release The cone of ice is strong, and it can be about 20% stronger.


It is enough to decide life and death!

It’s just that Qin Double doesn’t know, it’s this person’s unique ability, or the entire monk of the Big Sea 6 is like this. If this is the case, wouldn’t it mean that the monks on the Big Sea 6 are even more terrible than the Big Six?

At this time, there is no time for thinking about the piano. Those ice cones have already roared. When the piano doubled up and punched it, it smashed a piece of ice hammer, and the figure was like a sharp arrow and shot at the opposite monk.

The monk's body shape is rushing back, but where is the comparison between the two?

Just in the blink of an eye, the shape of the piano pair is not far from the other side, and a fist has been shot. Where a huge boxing shadow passes, a layer of small space is broken, showing dense and small black cracks.


The monk released a shield in front of him, and at the same time, his hands began to move his handcuffs.


The piano doubled a shot on the shield, and the monk's action of pulling the handcuffs suddenly slammed, and a "snap" spurted out a blood, and the figure flew out like a projectile.


Qinshuang’s right foot stepped in the air, and the space collapsed invisibly. A circle of cymbals violently swayed, and the shape of the piano double pulled out a shadow in the space, and instantly came to the monk’s sky. Only one foot stepped on the other side. The monk was pale, his eyes were full of fear, and the shield was blocked in front of him.


One of the doubles of the piano double stepped on the shield, and the shield exploded, and the foot of the double piano did not stop at the monk's body.


The flesh and blood flew, the body of the monk was broken and fell to the ground. There was a sound of cold air in the air. The piano eyes swept across the street and just wanted to drink cold, but suddenly heard the sound of the east away:

"Yue Shi, how about going to the Baicao Building?"


Qinqin can hear the exhaling sound of the surrounding sounds, but still can feel a pair of hostile eyes.

It is not greed, but hostility.

Qin double is really unclear, why so many people will be hostile to her, is the Liang family's popularity in Yangyou City so good?

She also did not want to be on the blue sea 6 and became a enemy with the monks here. Therefore, seeing that everyone is no longer giving her a shot, and no longer arrogant deterrence, the body shape falls toward the east away from the body, arching:

"That disturbs!"

"Do not disturb, the monthly division can be a guest of the Baicao Building, is the honor of the Baicao Building. If you can refine the stove for the Baicao Building, it would be better, hahaha"

After the East left, the Qin double immediately felt that the hostility around him had disappeared. She immediately knew that it was Yu Dong’s departure from her identity as an alchemy teacher, which caused this effect. At the moment, he smiled intently toward the east and nodded, and took Merlin and others into the Baicao Building.

Entering a lounge, Yu Dong left the seat of the singer Qin and so on, and personally brewed a pot of tea, and then said:

"I didn't think that the monthly teacher is still a master of martial arts."

Qin double looked at the East and left the road: "Yu, why are people here so hostile to me?"

Yu Dong said with a smile: "Not because you are too arrogant!"

"I? Too arrogant?" Qin doubled his finger on his nose.

Recommend a friend a book:

Title: Auxiliary to daily

Author: Do snow

Brief introduction: When Lin Chuxi died, he was only twenty-three. When he returned to fourteen years old, she changed herself and disrupted the game.

The future supplement saved by the hand has become the strongest backing of this world. The so-called **** is the best person to treat her.

Well, this is actually a story of growing up and reacting.


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