Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 18: Departure


Yu Dong’s face is full of emotions: “Baihai’s 6th side does not exclude warriors, but the position of the warrior is very low. ┡exiao Δ says that the greatest glory of the xiao1xiaos martyr is to become a follower of the monk.”

"Do you recognize people?" There is a hint of irony in the eyes of Qin.

“Not bad!” Yu Dong nodded. “There is nothing wrong with this. This is originally a world dominated by the strong. We can also allow the existence of the warrior here, and on the side of the warrior, even the monks exist. No, this is not more overbearing?"

The piano is silent.

Yu Dongwei smiled and said: "Moreover, the inheritance of our martial arts here is very poor, just like the legal inheritance on your side. It is difficult to have martial arts masters. They are really difficult to be like you in front of the monks. It has a strong counterattack ability. It is because of the incompleteness and low grade of the martial arts inheritance. If you want to improve the realm, you can't do it at all. It requires a lot of resources to upgrade the repair of the warrior.

This is also why many warriors can only act as a force for the docks, as well as low-lying jobs such as the groom. Therefore, being a follower of a monk is the best way. Once they become followers of monks, their cultivation resources are provided by the monks, and they get rid of the low-lying life and embark on the real path of cultivation. ”

"But" Qin did not understand: "Since the military is so unbearable, why would the monks recruit them as followers?"

"That is because the monk's body is very weak. Although the monks can mobilize the power of the heavens and the earth to form a powerful attack. But once they are approached, their fragile body is vulnerable."

Qin Qin double heart, she just felt that the other side's physical strength is very poor, and the realm of cultivation is inconsistent, almost two orders. I also thought that the attacking power of the other party was 20% higher than that of the monks who were 6 big, and the heart could not help but secretly:

“Is this the price of the power of the spell?”

Next, Qin Shuang and Yu Dongfang exchanged some questions, and gradually had a clear understanding of the monks here.

The monk of the monk here can pass the sky 6 and the antler big 6, and it is far from the warrior. However, their intrinsic strength is far behind the military. The strength of the body should be behind the two levels of the realm.

This is the result of the practice of practicing here.

Qin double also asked too far away, why does the law repair here not cultivate some of the exercises of the refining body, so that their physical strength can be upgraded to complete this short board?

According to the saying of Dong Li, a person's energy is limited, and all the energy is put into the cultivation of the law, can not go to the peak, how dare to waste time and experience to refine the body?

Qinqin couldn’t help but secretly shake his head. At the same time, he also had a further understanding of the practice of practicing on both sides of the sea.

Presumably, at the beginning, everyone should cultivate similar exercises with Cangwu 6th. However, because of the lack of aura of heaven and earth, the low level of cultivation environment made everyone have cognitive differences. Part of it began to cultivate only martial arts, open Dantian, and not know the sea. The other part only cultivated the Fa, but did not open Dantian. I embarked on two roads of extreme cultivation, and finally I became the real one.

"This kind of authentic dispute is to let the martial arts and the law show their respective extremes and walk out a completely different path."

The eyes of Qin double are brightened, and the ultimate practice must have something to offer. Maybe after I have realized the two extremes, I can walk out of my own path.

"Yue Shi!" Yu Dong said seriously: "The position of the warrior here is extremely low, that is, the position of the slave. You have just come here, not used to it. But, you have to remember, if you take one If the monk's identity is arrogant, there will be people who will not be convinced, and then will challenge you, but it will not attract public anger. But if you arrogate as a warrior, it will make all the monks have a feeling of being humiliated by slaves. You must be the target of public criticism."

Qin nodded, she is not a child, Yu Dong said, she can understand.

The weakness of the warriors here is already deep-rooted, just like the monks are called by everyone in the military. Just now, Qin Shuang, as a warrior, shouted at all the monks: "Who else?" This is no doubt that a slave suddenly killed someone in his master's family and then moved toward the main house. Shouting "Who else?", the hostility caused can be imagined.

Nothing in the night.

The next day, Qin Shuang and others quit in the east and went to the central square. There were eighty Lingshi coins, and Qin Double and others boarded the flying boat. This flying boat is not big, so it can be around fifty people. After the piano was seated, he lowered his eyes and looked like a sleeping man. Since I know that the position of the military here is very low, if you don't pay attention, it will cause hostility. Qin Double feels that he is still low-key.

There was a whisper in the ear.

"Hey, have you heard that?"

"What have you heard?"

"The Liang family was destroyed yesterday."

“Really? Liang Jia is a big family in Yangyou City.”

"The big family of farts, that is, in Yangyou City, went to a slightly larger city. They couldn’t even count on the third-rate family. I heard that they had offended a big power yesterday, and they were shot by the mighty slap and killed the patriarch and Another Yuan Yingda monk. Liang family lost the two Yuan Yingda monks sitting in the town, when the night was the other large family in the Yangyou city to break the ethnic land, the Liang family was destroyed."

"What power, I heard, it is a warrior. The warrior is a murderer because of a black prisoner and Liang family. Liang family wants to kill and win the treasure, but he did not expect to be killed by the warrior."

“What joke are you doing?” Some people disagreed: “Would the military have such a big ability?”


There was a bitter smile on the mouth of Qin double. Merlin and others also quietly looked at the piano and looked at it. When they saw the double eyes, they couldn’t stop moving, and they were relieved. They were really afraid of the piano because they were Say something about self-esteem, and see the piano double can still be cautious, and several people have also lowered their eyes. As soon as you leave here as soon as possible and arrive at Dengxian City, no one will recognize the piano pair again. This will not happen.

The flying boat finally started, flying into the air, taking the clouds and breaking the fog, and it was extremely fast. Qin double also curiously opened his eyes and looked at the flying boat. Yang Ying, who is sitting next to her, enters the secret passage:

"Mr. Sister, you said that there is a flying boat here. Why do you go to the Warrior 6 to pick us up? It is a sea boat. If you use a flying boat, I am afraid that it will take less than a month to get here. And we used a few Month."

Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!


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