Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 19: Dengxiancheng


Qin double thought about it: "Maybe because the flying boat is too conspicuous, afraid to be discovered by the mainland of the military. Perhaps because the speed of the flying boat is fast, but the defense ability is very low."

The two exchanged for a while and the interest in the flying boat disappeared. They closed their eyes and began to cultivate. Qin double began to quench the fog. However, it is naturally impossible to quench with thunder, and it is only possible to quench the mist by constantly pressing on the fog, which is as slow as the speed of the turtle.

Qin double estimated that if you use the power of Thunder to quench the fog, the remaining five feet of fog will take half a year. In fact, the time of Thunder quenching the fog takes up a small part of the time, most of the time. Used on the condensation fog. Because each time the mist is quenched, the mist will become shorter, and the double string needs to re-condense the mist to ten feet before the mist can be quenched again.

However, if the Thunder quenching is lost, it is only by the force of the sea to quench by the compression of the mist, the process of quenching will increase by a thousand times. Qin double thinks that it will take at least five to ten years.

Unconsciously, seven days passed and finally arrived at Dengxiancheng.

From the top of the flying boat, the bustling will come.

Qin double and others walked on the street, and his face was surprised. This Dengxian City is more prosperous than the Qin Dynasty in the Qin Dynasty. The streets are crowded with people, and there are shops on both sides of the street. People on the streets are talking about the fact that all parties are recruiting disciples. Qin double eight people do not have to inquire, just follow the flow of people less than two quarters of time, they have a clear understanding of the assessment of recruiting disciples.

The assessment is very simple, only two.

The first item is to test the root. The second is to test the closeness of the force of knowing the sea.

Only Qin and others are a bit stunned by this closeness. They have never heard of closeness in the mainland of the warriors. After eight people exchanged, they decided to go directly to the assessment site for assessment. I can join the Zongmen as soon as possible, and I can have a place to stay. In such a strange place, there is always a sense of insecurity in my heart.

Everyone already knows that the assessment site is on the central square of Dengxiancheng and walks in the direction of the central square. Many people are heading in that direction, which makes Qin and so on people wonder, are these people going to the assessment?


Followed by the flow of people to the central square, you will see the flags around the central square, each with a large character.

Yiye Island, Huanglu Island, Snowless Island, Baishuizong, Qingshanzong, etc., have hundreds of flags. At first glance, each island, the size of the Zongmen and the size family are recruiting disciples here.

In the middle of the central square, there is a nine-storey tower. There are many people gathered there. Qin double eight people came there and stood behind the crowd listening.

“Hey, I heard that Sun Liang’s genius Sun Weiming and Xiao’s genius Xiao Zixia also came to the assessment.”

"Yeah, today is to see the two of them. It is said that these two people are the top quality roots. In order to join the Three Islands, they have become the core disciples. They have been retreating, and they have been tempered to the first level. At the same time as the quenching tower draws the mist, it has the opportunity to obtain a quenching body."

Qin double eight people listened a little confused, looked around and walked to the front of a young woman, arched:

"This sister, what is the quenching tower?"

Surrounded by a quiet, the eyes are all coming together to the piano, they are all looking at the dumplings. The woman looked at the piano and looked at it. Her eyes were high on her face. She looked at the countryman in a city, but after satisfying her vanity, she showed a proud look:

"You are just coming from the mainland of the warrior?"

On the face of Qin double, a shy look of the countryman appeared, and nodded again and again: "Well, we just arrived. Please ask the sister to give pointers."

Seeing the appearance of Qin double and a group of people who are ashamed, Mei Lin and others are not funny, and this month is endless and too loaded. But the woman is in a more comfortable mood, with a look of pointing:

"You guys must first go to the table next to the tower to test the roots. Only after you prove that you have the root, you are qualified to enter the quenching tower and check the intimacy. After testing the roots, you will get a jade bracelet. The jade bracelet records your information, and this information will be immediately transmitted to all parties. When there is a force to look at you, you will be invited to you. You only need to use the power of the sea to explore the jade bracelet. I will know what forces are sending you invitations. As for the forces that have not sent you invitations, I will not see you, understand?"

Qin double nodded immediately and then asked: "What is closeness?"

"Ha ha ha..." there was a sneer around, a white man said to the woman:

"Qing Yao, what do you do with this black girl?"

Qing Yao "giggle" smiled two channels: "Who makes me good!"

"Thank you!" Qin double sent two words in time, and Qing Yao’s face showed a satisfactory color: "The monk can only do the spiritual root, even if you are the top quality root, if there is no closeness, Unable to cultivate. Linggen is only the threshold of cultivation, but closeness determines the speed of your cultivation, but also determines how far you can go.

There is a variety of auras between the heavens and the earth, and each kind of aura contains a mysterious energy, which is the power of knowing the sea. Having a root will make you feel the power of this fusion in various auras, but closeness can determine a monk to strip out the power of the sea that is hidden in the aura, and then absorb it. The higher the degree of closeness, the faster the peeling absorption is, and the slower the reverse. Intimacy is also divided into three middle and lower products, each grade is divided into three levels. ”

Qin Shuang and other people’s eyes could not help but look at Qi Qi. At this time, they all understood why Qi Qi has the root of the middle quality, but only the second layer of the refining period. This is because her closeness must be very low.

"Did you see the nine-story tower?"

Qin double nodded quickly.

"That is the quenching tower, which is the place to assess the closeness. The first layer is the lower product, the second layer is the lower product, and so on. The ninth layer is the closeness of the top grade."

"But... why is she called the quenching tower?" Qin asked.

"Because the real purpose of this tower is to quench the sea, and it is only useful for monks in the refining period. Usually it is necessary to collect Lingshi coins before they can enter. Only the year of recruiting disciples will be free. The monks enter. However, everyone is only allowed to enter once for free, and it is necessary to spend the spiritual coins if they want to enter."

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