Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 50: Red Sea


If there are enough beautiful people to tears, the repair of the piano double will definitely advance by leaps and bounds. According to the tortoise, this beautiful tear must have been left by the great demon in the ancient Yaozu, and the water aura that has been preserved has reached its limit. It is harder to get this kind of treasure than to go to heaven.

Wanzhongshan opened his eyes slightly and saw the fluctuations in the body of the piano. He knew that Qinshuang was practicing martial arts. He did not stop the piano double, swearing that she should practice the law. Qin Double has not yet got the inheritance of Zongmen. I don’t know how to cultivate the Fa, so I practiced the martial arts. There is nothing to say. In his eyes, he showed the color of appreciation. A person who has worked so hard has a good qualification. When he returns to Zongmen, he has been passed down to Zongmen, and he will surely make rapid progress.

Time passed by in silence.

The nine-day time passed, and within these nine days, people who did not intercept them appeared, which made Qin double sigh of relief. However, when she looked at Wanzhongshan and others, she found that their look did not relax at all, but instead became more dignified.


The boat left the land, entered the sea, and flew to the depths of the sea. Qin double closed his eyes and continued to practice the "Xuanwu Collection". After nine days, there were three Xuan Shui Jin Dan in her Dantian. She didn't know how long it would take to get to Luo Fuzong. She didn't know if someone would kill it in the end, but she knew that she couldn't play any role. She worried that she was worried about it. It would be better to use all her thoughts on repairing.

Six people in Wanzhongshan saw the calm look of the piano and looked at each other. They all nodded secretly. The qualifications for putting down the piano are not to be said, but this quiet temper is worthy of their appreciation.

The flying boat is like a streamer, wearing clouds and fog, flying fast over the sea.

Another twelve days passed, Qin Double has forgotten both things, completely immersed in cultivation. At this time, her Dantian has already cultivated six golden dans, which is only four gold dans.

"Endless, don't cultivate!"

Qin double suddenly heard the sound of Wanzhong Mountain, woke up from cultivation, opened his eyes and looked at Wanzhong Mountain, whispered:

"Is the interceptor coming?"

Wanzhongshan shook his head and said: "Not yet, but it is fast!"

The eyes of Qin double swept over the other five people. When they saw the five elders, they were all dignified. Her mood was not dignified. Looking through the porthole of the flying boat, there was a surprise in her eyes. Road:

"Where is it?"

In the front sea below, there is a dark red in the double vision of the piano, and there is no rushing vortex in the dark red waters.

"That is the Red Sea!" Wanzhongshan condensed: "If someone wants to intercept us, it will definitely be here. Once we fly over the Red Sea, we want to intercept you under the protection of six of us. It is not easy." ""

"This... Red Sea... What is the difference?" Qin asked softly.

"You can think of this Red Sea with a different place, very good." Wanzhongshan nodded and admired the location: "This red sponge stretches tens of thousands of miles, there are countless islands inside, and there are vortexes in the sea. It is these whirlpools that have caused it here. Great attraction. It forms a kind of strange gravity. As long as it enters the height range of a thousand feet from the sea surface, it will be attracted to fall. The lower the gravity, the greater the gravity. Once inside the gravity range of the Red Sea, it will enter. I can't fly anymore, and I can only fly again if I walk out of the Red Sea.

And within this piece of the Red Sea, there are all kinds of powerful monsters. The monsters here are stronger than the same-level monsters outside, especially their bodies. Therefore, it is called the Red Sea forbidden land. We have to enter the Red Sea, everyone is careful. ”

The double look of the piano became serious, and the gaze looked through the porthole to the red sea below. The strange red color raised her vigilance.

"Wan elders, how long do we need to fly over the Red Sea?" Qin said softly.

"If no one intercepts, you can fly in four days."

The piano nodded and no longer spoken. One day spent in this tense atmosphere. The next day is also near dusk, which means that they have almost flew over half of the Red Sea.


A sharp and sour voice suddenly came from the sky above the flying boat, and the faces of the six people who had spread the knowledge almost changed at the same time. Wan Shanshan shouted:

"Thousands of prison peaks! The Qingshan Zongzong came in person!"

When the words fall, Wanzhongshan will push the boat to the extreme, like a meteor generally lasing in front.

The piano double looked through the porthole to the sky, and saw a black spot appearing in the sky, falling down towards the bottom. As the black dot hangs down, the black spot instantly becomes bigger, enveloped, and continues to expand, presenting in the field of Qin double, which is a great mountain.

The flying boat madly slammed into the distance, but compared with the Thousand Prisons, it was like an ant, and the Thousand Prisons Peak was getting closer and closer to the flying boat.

"I can't escape!" Wanzhongshan condensed: "The purpose of Gu Qingshan is just to force us to fall within the scope of the gravity of the Red Sea."

"If we six people release the spirit together, we should be able to withstand the thousand prison peaks of the old ghosts."

"It is no problem to resist the Thousand Prisons, but we will still be forced into the scope of the Red Sea gravity. I think there must be an ambush underneath, and the Valley Ghosts just want to push them down, and he is right, we There is no chance. It is better for us to take the initiative, perhaps there is still a chance."

"Let's go on!"

Wanzhongshan controlled the flying boat and swooped down. However, at this time, it is still too late, and when the thousand prison peaks have been caught in the wind and thunder, they approached the flying boat.

"Hurry and leave!"

At this time, Wanzhongshan no longer cares about the other, stretched out his left hand, grabbed the doubles, and the figure had already flown out of the boat. At the same time, the big sleeves are facing a lift, and a flying sword will turn into a thousand feet, and go to the top of the thousand prison peaks. At the same time, the other five elders have also sacrificed their own aura and smashed into the air. Thousand prison peaks.


A deafening noise, the spirit of six people was bounced back, and that Wanzhongshan was also blocked by six spirits in the air. Then pressed down to the bottom. A bang, crushed the flying boat, and then did not continue to oppress the Wanshan and other people, but instead flew upwards, quickly shrinking, turned into a streamer.

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