Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 51: Blood snake


A large hand was stretched out in the air, and the streamer was caught. As the big hand came out, a man in a black robe appeared in the air, showing a smile to the seven fallen figures below Wanzhong Mountain. The sound hangs from the air.

"Wanzhong Mountain, in the following three of us have prepared a big meal for you, you don't want to eat too soon, hahaha..."

The words fell, Gu Qingshan, a robes sleeve, the body shape turned into a streamer, disappeared.

The faces of Wanzhongshan and others are very ugly. They know that this is Gu Qingshan’s self-sustaining identity, but they are forced to fall into the Red Sea, and they do not bother to personally touch them. However, as Gu Qingshan said, there must be an ambush in the Red Sea below. Moreover, it is still one of the two, and the three masters of Qingshanzong and Heiyuezong.

Wanzhongshan looked toward the red sea below, and his eyes fell on a island closest to them:

"We are there!"

Then he grabbed the piano and struggled to the direction of the island. Qinqin can feel the gravity rising from below, and the six people in Wanzhong Mountain are struggling to change their direction in gravity and fall to the nearest island.


Seven people landed on the beaches of the island. Although six people in Wanzhongshan first discharged a palm to the beach, buffering the speed of the drop, they still let the ground recoil give them a great impact, making them pale. At first, there is a painful color, but the piano double does not feel anything. Qin double also saw the look of Wanzhongshan, and could not help but sigh in the heart.

Their bodies are still too weak!


Under the order of Wanzhongshan, the six elders surrounded the piano in the middle, sat down on the ground and began to adjust the interest. Qin double did not need to adjust the interest at all, and stood in the middle of vigilance watching.

Six people in Wanzhongshan quickly adjusted their interest rates. They just had a hard fight with Gu Qingshan, and the consumption was not great. Wuhuan looked around and said:

"Master, we are not familiar with this place. Is there any abnormality in this island?"

Wanzhongshan also carefully looked around: "There are many different animals in the Red Sea, and it is impossible to calm down on this island."

Having said that, I looked at the front: "No matter what is on this island, we have to go through it. We can only walk out of the Red Sea if we keep moving forward."

"Will the three evil sects have an ambush on this island?"

“I don’t know!” Wanzhongshan shook his head. “But it’s not very likely. I think the three evils should wait for us at the edge of the Red Sea. They want to use the Red Sea to consume us. It’s best not to use them, we will die. In the Red Sea."

Having said that, Wanzhongshan smiled bitterly: "How are you? The gravity here is very large and has affected our cultivation."

"Yes!" The other five people also nodded: "I feel that my strength can only be played halfway, and walking here, every step will be consumed. This is not good news for us."

Qin double is also feeling the gravity here, and my heart is also a bit surprised. The gravity here is very large, and the piano is double-estimated. If it is a martial artist here, I am afraid it will be directly crushed, and it will be difficult. It is the Wuwang who walks here and there will be a lot of consumption. The six elders around are the monks of the distracted period. Wanzhongshan is the middle of distraction. The other five people are all in the early stages of distraction, but their physical strength is equivalent to the Yuan Ying period, or they can be higher. But at most it is the beginning of the god. Thus, the gravity here has a great influence on them. Not to mention the battle, that is, walking, will continue to consume their physical strength.

Can you really go out with this consumption?

And there are still unknown three evil masters intercepting?

The masters of the three evil sects will be at ease in one place, and what about them?

I am afraid that when I meet the masters of the three evil sects, they are all fatigued...


Wanzhongshan walked decisively toward the island, and six people protected the piano in the middle, preparing to cross the island. After forcing less than five hundred meters, seven people stopped their steps and their brows wrinkled. They saw a forest, and the branches of the big trees were all red...

Do not!

It was not a branch, but a snake of dark red color, full of trees, and now they were swallowing snake letters.

"Oh..." Six people took a breath of cold air: "Blood snake!"

"Let's go from the sea?" Wu Yu looked at the blood snakes and his face was somewhat unnatural.

Wanzhongshan condensed the channel: "That can't, there are many vortexes in the Red Sea, and there are also monsters in the sea. Whether it is attacked by the monster or swallowed by the whirlpool, we are not able to bear it. So we can walk the island, so we can Try to walk the island. It is impossible to go to the sea.

Besides, every island must have a beast like a blood snake. Do we have to go all the way to the sea? Do you think we can stick to it? ”

Wu Han bites and bites the gangster: "Let's go. I hope there are not many blood snakes on this island."

The words fell, took out a jade bottle, poured out a detoxification Dan into the import, and then handed it to the piano double, the other five people also took out the detoxification Dan clothing. The result of Qin doubled that the detoxification Dan swallowed down, followed the footsteps of the crowd and walked toward the forest. At the same time, he took out the long sword and held it in his hand.

"You don't have to shoot, you just don't leave the team!"

When Wanzhongshan saw Qinshuang and took out the weapon, he said with a dignified look. He was afraid that the piano would not pay attention to it. He lost the team and was hurt by the blood snake.

Qinqin nodded seriously, but in the heart he sighed, and now the cultivation of these six people has been suppressed by half, and the strength of the distraction period can release the power of the early days of the gods. And their physical strength is only the Yuan Ying period, the most is only the beginning of the god.

How could this piano pair be left behind?

Now the strength and strength of the piano doubles have reached the third floor of the Valkyrie. If it is within the Red Sea, whoever has the least pressure, it is the Qin double, not the Wanzhongshan.


As soon as seven of them were close to the woods, a blood-stained snake smacked at them. The six elders have sacrificed their own aura, flying in the air, forming a barrier, strangling the blood snakes, and the small team of seven people step by step toward the middle of the island. If this team is exposed, it will definitely shock the monks on the mainland of the blue sea. A team of six distracted monks, this strength will definitely shock the vast majority of people.

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