Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 151: Split evenly (for the Fengyang classmates to become the best fourth ally plus mo

The first one hundred and fifty-one chapters are divided equally.

The endless month of the station stood up from the ring and looked at the snowless island. A figure flew down the platform, a white robe fluttered in the wind, and the endless moon was a ritual:

"Jiyou, please!"

"The moon is endless, please!"


Ji You retreats, constructing a sharp gold armor, and a flying sword stalks out.



Everyone under the slogan looked at the endless moon in the wrong place, because the endless moon at this time not only did not retreat, but instead rushed to the opposite side of Ji You. However, in the process of lasing, the construction of Aoki armor was completed.


A sword screams, Dinghai swords come out and spurt away.

Ji You’s eyes flashed a humiliation.

“Is this a contempt for yourself?”

"go with!"

Ji You’s big sleeves were raised, and the flying sword spurred out and greeted Dinghaijian.


The moon is endless in one of the martial arts, and the figure once again flies up. Dinghaijian uses the mysterious trajectory to avoid the other's flying sword and yell toward Ji You.

There is no way to endless the moon. She can imagine that Ji You’s strength must be far beyond Sun Gang, and her Taoist ring that stores the giant vines has been released once, without the possibility of instant. So she will definitely fall in the wind in the Tao, and there is no hope that she will defeat Ji You. Only relying on Aoki Shenglong Yujian and possessing the strength and strength equivalent to the peak of the base period.

In fact, at this time, the anger of Ji You looked at Qin Shuang’s eyes as if he were watching a dead person.

He is not only comprehending Sun Gang, who has built a foundation for heaven. He has built a foundation half a step, and his strength is not completely comparable to Sun Gang.

The strength of building a half-step, without the inheritance of Snow Island, makes the anger of Ji Youxin into a boundless killing. He did not recall the flying sword to intercept the fixed sea sword, but the imperial flying sword went to the piano double lasing.

"Look at who's sword is fast!"


The endless figure of the moon fell, and the lotus step was at one point in the ring. The figure again approached Jiyou quickly to the past. Opposite her, it was the flying sword that came from the handle. The two are hedged and the distance is shortened instantly.

Ji You, while playing the sword, while holding the handcuffs with his left hand, then wiped it in front of him.


On the sides of Ji You’s body, two golden giant pillars were born, which were inserted into the sky, and each of the giant pillars was surrounded by a golden dragon, which was like a portal, and Ji You stood at the portal. Two golden dragons opened their mouths and bit the past toward the Dinghai sword.

Suddenly, Ji You’s eyes shrank, and the moon’s leaping figure shook and shook the sun. The light shattered and the refracted light was so extreme that Ji’s eyes could not help but glimpse.

"Nine months of endless!"

Seeing the endless moon shaking out nine figures, Ji You’s heart jumped.


Qin double fiber jade refers to a little volley, Dinghai sword is divided into two, facing the two golden dragon's dragon mouth inserted into it, the huge force will impact the two golden dragon's faucet, the portal of the two golden columns open .


Ji You's flying sword smashed a month of endless mirroring, and the endless figure of the moon has already been smashed with two golden dragons. The portal opened and opened into the door and came to the front of Ji You. One leg stretched straight, like a big shot, stabbed toward Ji You’s chest.

Ji You has not been able to recall the Feijian, but it is too late to release it. Only the arms crossed and crossed the chest. Hearing the sound of "砰" in the ear, then it was the sound of the "咔嚓" sharp gold armor, and it was a "咔嚓", and Ji You’s face showed a painful color. His arms were endless. The kicked off, the kite with a broken shape like a broken line flew backwards.


The shape of the piano double fell to the ground, and the wrists were squatting, pushing gently toward the front.

The giant wood is empty.


A row of giant woods hit the past toward Jiyou, covering the sky.

"I surrender!"

Ji You was pale and fell on the platform. His body was receding and his arms were hanging on his side. There was a lot of pain.

The piano doubled out and grabbed it. The empty row of giant woods was a meal. The double sleeves of the piano are smashed, and the giant wood quietly dissipates, turning into a little green light disappearing.

"It's even!"

Qiu Huang and Ji Tianming shook his fists, and Xu Feibai was also excited. The three evil sects are sullen.

Although the snow-free island elders look bad, but see the piano double scattered spells, the face is a slow.


Ji You looked at the piano double, and his eyes were particularly unwilling. He felt that he had not lost in Taoism, but he lost in the strength of the body. Shyly stunned the piano and took a look, jumped down the ring.

"It's even!"

The endlessly spit out a sigh of relief, and now Luo Fuzong is finally tied for fourth with the Black Moon. As long as she wins another game, she can squeeze the black moon. Looking towards the Lord of the Black Moon, who was under the ring, he saw the dark face of the sky being so gloomy that it could drip out water.

I took a deep breath and looked at Huanglu Island, my eyes were dignified. She knows that it is not easy to win. She does not have the strength and strength of the body, only the power of the peak of the foundation period. Ji You, who has been building a half-step, has already had the defensive intensity of the initial foundation when he released the sharp armor. He has kicked off Jiu’s sharp gold armor and kicked off his double. The arm has reached the limit.

Presumably, Huanglu Island has already seen my ontological power. Under their defense, my strength and strength may not be enough!

Under the ring.

The elders of Huanglu Island looked a little dignified and whispered to a monk: "Zhang Ji, after you collapse, you should be careful about her body strength and strength. She should have the strength and strength of the peak of the building base. You must always be with her. Pull away the distance."

"I understand!" Zhang Ji whispered: "I haven't yet realized that she has built a foundation, and I am building a half-step. As long as I think, I will be able to distance herself from her and not give her a chance to get close. She is not my opponent."


The moon was endlessly taking the medicinal herbs, sitting cross-legged in the ring, thinking about how he could win the Huanglu Island monks.

Lost the instant function of the Taoist ring, exposing his own body strength, how to win?

Under the ring.

An elder of the Black Moon whispered to the black sky: "The sovereign, it is not good. Now Luo Fuzong has split with us. As long as the moon is endless, I win the fourth place in Huanglu Island. Lingshi Mine does not have ours. It’s all over.”

Black covered his face and said: "Nothing. Ji You lost a lot of money. He didn't expect that there would be such a strong body power in the endless moon. As long as he pays attention, he will not give endless opportunities for the month, as long as the moon fails endlessly. We and Luo Fuzong will have to play one game. We may not have a chance."

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