Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 152: fourth


Above the ring.

The endless brow of the month was tightly locked, and my heart secretly thought: "It seems that only the use of deprivation, originally wanted to keep this strongest card!"

An hour has passed.

The moon stood endlessly and looked at the direction of Huanglu Island. On the seat of Huanglu Island, a figure leapt from the side of the elders of Huanglu Island, and lightly fell on the platform, and marched toward the moon in an endless manner:

"Zhang Ji!"

"The moon is endless!"



"Hey..." Zhang Ji’s figure flew back, and at the same time he built a thick armor, and the flying sword came out of his body, and his eyes were full of alert. Prepare the piano to come close.

"Oh..." The endless figure of the moon flew back, and at the same time, the Aoki armor was constructed, and the Dinghai sword came out and released the forest.

Zhang Ji’s look is a glimpse.

"She won't come over?"

He originally thought that the endless month would be close to him, relying on the power of the body to fight with him. However, I did not expect that the endless month also made a move to open the distance.

However, he did not relax at all, but instead he was even more alert. In his heart, he has already lifted the moon to a high position, and he believes that there is a reason for this.

"go with!"

The moon is endless and the fiber is jade, and the sea sword is whizzing away. At the same time, the right hand pulls the handcuffs and pushes forward.

"The giant wood is empty!"

The empty giant trees covering the sky and screaming toward Zhang Ji.

Zhang Ji's face is dignified, the sword points to a point, and the flying sword flies toward Dinghaijian. The speed of the flying sword is not fast, because she knows that the endless swordsmanship of the moon is very strange. He is ready to change the trajectory and intercept the sea sword. At the same time, the left hand pulls the finger and the big sleeves fly forward.

A rocket spurt away.


The two-handed flying swords first hit each other and made a loud noise. Zhang Jida was shocked. The endless moon is relying on the trajectory of the mysterious oracle to win the advantage. How can this directly collide with his flying sword?


He watched as his flying sword was hit and flew out, and the force of knowing the sea was quickly consumed. He felt the heavy weight of the sea sword. After Dinghaijian ran into his flying sword, he continued to move toward Zhang Jifei, and at the same time turned into a 13-footer.

Zhang Ji did not hesitate. He could not let the Dinghai sword approach, and expand the flying sword to ten feet. He constantly hit the sea sword in midair.


Like the roar of Hong Zhong Da Lu sounded in the air, Zhang Ji could feel that his power of knowing the sea was rapidly consumed, and the heavy weight of the Dinghai sword gave him a lot of pressure.


The rocket collided with the giant wood, defeated the giant wood, and went empty to the piano.

Zhang Ji is a hi, although it has fallen in the wind, but it has the upper hand in the spell. Seeing a piece of rocket rushed into the forest to weaken, in front of the endless moon, it vacated thousands of giant vines, swaying toward a rocket.

When the two sides came up, there would be no temptation, and they would attack with all their strength.

In fact, this rhythm is completely endlessly brought up by the moon. Unconsciously, Zhang Ji has completely entered the endless rhythm of the month.

This is completely a kind of consumption, unreserved attack, and it is a violent consumption.

At this point, both sides have their own advantages. On the sword, the moon has an advantage, and in the spell, Zhang Ji has an advantage.

"She is this..."

The elders of Huanglu Island under the ring collapsed, and she couldn’t figure out the endless strategy of the month. Does she think that her power of knowing the sea will be stronger than that of Zhang Ji?


So what is she doing?

What is her purpose?

The elders of Huanglu Island unknowingly hanged.

However, after a few moments, he couldn’t help laughing. When is the monk of Huanglu Island jealous of six monks?

No matter what tricks she has, in the face of strength, it is illusory.



In the ring, the impact of flying swords and spells continued, and the intense collision made every viewer watch their eyes. Only after two quarters of an hour, everyone can see that the endlessness of the moon and Zhang Ji’s stamina are not enough. Whether it is the power or speed of the spell or the flying sword, the face has become pale.

It’s too fierce for two people to fight together!

At this time, I saw that the endless hand-cranked handcuffs suddenly became mysterious. At this moment, the endless temperament of the month became illusory and embarrassing. With the change of her handcuffs, Zhang Ji felt that the space above the ring suddenly shook, and a trace of mysteriousness was in the space.

A hint of green aura converges toward the center of the ring. With the convergence of green aura, he feels that his body seems to have passed away, making himself instantly weak.

"That is……"

Zhang Ji’s eyes suddenly widened. In his eyes, in the middle of the platform, a green scabbard was faintly formed and stood on the platform. The port of the scabbard seemed to be a big mouth, and it was fierce. The engulfing of all vitality, let Zhang Ji feel that he is getting weaker and weaker.


His flying sword was shot and flew out, but this time he was no longer able to control as quickly as he had before, looking at the trajectory of the flying sword, and there was a trace of frustration in his eyes.


A sword screamed, Dinghaijian stopped at his eyebrows, and his power was so shocked that his head could not help but lean back.

"I admit defeat!" Zhang Ji said bitterly.

The piano doubled up the Dinghai sword. Before Zhang Ji jumped down the platform, he saw a figure flying on the ring, but it was the home. He vowed to the elders of a leaf island horse: "Ma elders, endless consumption is too big, no longer able to fight again."

Ma’s gaze looked at the endless month, and the endless moon did not know why Juqing did not let her continue to fight a Yedao disciple. However, since she was a disciple, she naturally wanted to give her a face, so she kept her mouth shut. At this time, her consumption is indeed very large, and her face is extremely pale.

"Good! So our three islands and Luo Fuzong each left an elder to study and mine the Lingshi mine, and the rest can return. But..."

Ma’s elders looked sharply: “I once again emphasize that this counter-official warrior’s mainland is the only opportunity in our monastic field. For this opportunity, the island of Mishima has personally traveled to the mainland of the warrior, so who dares to provoke a battle, three The island is bound to be destroyed."

The black sky is more gloomy, and the face is loose. He is really afraid that the three evil sects will join forces to intercept themselves and others on their way home.

The six islands of the Three Islands ended, and everyone dispersed. Qin doubled his head and walked in the crowd. Her heart was still unwilling. Why did the elders of the house not let her and the disciples of Yiye Island fight?

At this time, the voice of Juqing was heard in the ear: "Endless, can't you think?"

Without waiting for the double answer, Juqing continued to say: "You are still not going to be sharp, and everything will wait until the four masters have gone through the customs."

Qin double understands that this is the protection of the elders, so they pass the voice into the secret channel:

"Thank you!"

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