Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 203: Gift


The left longitudinal beam, Shen Haizhong, Qinqin and Qin Yunxia, ​​as well as the townspeople in Tianqin Town are here.

"Less master!" The left column and Shen Haizhong saw the piano double, and the face was surprised, excitedly rushed up.

"Princess!" Qin Ying and Qin Yunxia ran over excitedly.

"His Royal Highness Princess!" The townspeople of Tianqin Town also came to Qinshuang.

"Left old, Shen Lao, you are okay." Qin double smiles to the left column and Shen Haizhong strength.

"Good! Good!" Two people from the left longitudinal beam and Shen Haizhong came to the front of the Qin double, excitedly rubbing their hands.


Qin Yunxia plunged into the arms of Qinshuang, and both hands clung to the doubles and cried. Qin Ying came to the front of the Qin double, has burst into tears.

"Qin, you are okay." Qin double whispered.

"Good! Good!" Qin Ying nodded with tears, and reached out and gently stroked the cheeks of the piano pair, crying: "Bitter you."

Qin double gently placed his hand on Qin Ying’s hand: “No bitterness.”

"It's good to come back! Just come back!" Qin Ying murmured himself.

"See the Princess of the Royal Highness." The townspeople of Tianqin Town have already arrived at the front of Qin Double, and bowed to the piano.

"Let's get up."

"His Royal Highness Princess!"

The townspeople looked up and looked forward to the piano pair. The piano double sweeps the crowd and then turns to Qinwudao:

"Second brother, let's go back to Tianqin Town."

"it is good!"

Qin Wu nodded immediately. Since the Kingdom of the Sun has disappeared, there is no threat. And it is time to consider regaining the kingdom.

Tianqin Town was once again bustling. After a day of finishing, at night, Tianqin Town held a grand party. Everyone drank so far.

The piano double swayed back to his bedroom, running the spirit to force the alcohol out, and the eyes recovered. Sitting in a chair, thinking carefully about future plans.

The second day.

Inside the hall of the Princess House.

Qin double sat in the main position, sitting in the first place in her left hand Qinwu, and the second sitting in the late stage of a martial artist named Song Ling. In the right hand of Qin double, he sat in the left longitudinal beam and Shen Haizhong.

"Seven sisters, what are we going to do next?"

"What do you want to do?" Qin double looked at Qinwu.

"I want to rejuvenate the kingdom of the moon." Qin Wu said firmly.

Qin doubled and nodded: "Second brother, what is your repair now?"

"I?" Qin Wu’s face showed a hint of martyrdom: "The late division of the martial arts."

"Isn't you still at the peak?"

Qin Shuo’s dawn is somewhat disappointing. She thinks of Qin Jingyun and Qin Qian and others. They have extremely sufficient resources for cultivation. Presumably, they are already Wuwang at this time.

You must know that when Qinqin grabbed a lot of resources from the fire home, they gave them to Qin Zhenyun, and they also gave the Qin Jingyun some advanced resources. With these resources, not only Qin Jingyun and Qin Qian, I am afraid that the repair of the more than two thousand mercenary groups will also advance by leaps and bounds.

Look at Qinwu, originally as a prince of a small kingdom in Bentham, with very few resources, plus being defeated by Qin Meiyu, in flight, not to mention any resources. Being able to have the repairs of the late division of the martial arts is probably the result of his hard work. And with the resources he currently has, he wants to break through to Wuwang, and his chances are minimal.

Looking at the piano double does not speak, Qin Wu's face is more and more swearing: "I ... I know that my cultivation is too low, not qualified as a king, the second brother does not have the idea of ​​a king now, willing to lead you Recover the kingdom territory."

The piano doubles and swings: "Two brothers, I don't have the idea of ​​being a king. You are willing to do it. However, the matter of recovering the kingdom is not anxious. At the beginning, I killed the sorcerer and the fox, and there are tens of thousands. The army of the Liege Kingdom was in front of the twenty-one kings. Therefore, even today’s Chronicle Kingdom and the Liege Kingdom do not have kings, and at most some civil strife, but no other kingdom dares to occupy these two kingdoms. One inch of land.

Therefore, the important thing for us at present is not to recapture the Kingdom of the Crescent Moon, and then to incorporate the Kingdom of the Sun into the territory, but to upgrade the cultivation of the Second Brother. If you want to be the king of a country, you still have to make a breakthrough to Wu Wang. ”

"I? Break through Wuwang?" Qin Wu smiled and said: "I think too, but how difficult it is!"

"If there is me, there will be no problem." Qin Shuang looked at Song Ling Road: "Song General, Tianqin Town is temporarily handed over to you for management, and my brother and I must retreat."

"Yes!" Song Ling stood up and arched his hand.

The double pendulum swings his hand and signals him to sit down. Then he turns to the left longitudinal beam and Shen Haizhong. When he sees two people, he is a lot older, and his heart is a sigh. Turn to the head of Qinwu:

"Second brother, you temporarily entrust the matter to General Song, and then come to the study to see me."

"Good!" Qin Wu nodded immediately.

"Left old, Shen Lao, let's go to the study."

Qinqin stood up and walked with the left longitudinal beam and Shen Haizhong toward the gate. When I walked out of the gate, I saw a woman standing under a big tree. When I saw the piano, my face showed a smile. I wanted to come over and hesitated. Qin double thought a little, and then recruited Liu Feier under the tree:

"Fly, come over."

Liu Feier’s face is a joy, and he rushes to the side of the piano. Qin double came to his study with three people, took out three empty jade bottles, and then took out a bottle of jade liquid, poured them into three small jade bottles, and handed the three jade bottles to the left longitudinal beam. , Shen Haizhong and Liu Feier three humanities:

"The jade bottle in your hand is filled with jade liquid, which can improve your physique, and... how much can extend your life."

"This is jade liquid?" Liu Feier did not know what the jade liquid represented, but the left longitudinal beam and Shen Haizhong knew. The two men couldn't stand up from Huo Ran and excitedly looked at the piano pair.

"Yeah!" Qin nodded and said: "You three have to go through retreat for a while, there should be a great chance to break through the current realm."

"Thank you for the Lord!"

The left longitudinal beam and Shen Haizhong were so excited that they both felt that their bodies were weak and could not live for a few years. But now with jade, if they can make a breakthrough, their life can be extended.

"Thank you princess." Liu Feier also took part in the ceremony. At this time, I saw the excitement of the two people in the left longitudinal beam and Shen Haizhong. How can I not know the preciousness of this jade liquid?

"Okay!" Qin nodded and said: "You go to retreat. Remember, the things of jade are kept secret."


The three men retired again and again, and after a quarter of an hour, Qin Wu came in. Sitting opposite the piano pair, looking forward to the piano double.

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