Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 202: Goodbye Qinwu


Stepping down to the chair of the main seat, his eyes glanced around without a destination, and then fell into meditation.

It seems that everyone in Tianqin Town has hid.

The thoughts of Qin double are smashed.

She was in a hurry when she was under the snowy mountains. I didn't have time to go back to Tianqin Town. Left pillar and Shen Haizhong, and Liu Feier were in Tianqin Town. Later, before she left the mainland of the Warriors, she went to the Imperial City of Qindu and learned that Qin and Qin Yunxia also They were sent back to the Qinyue Kingdom by Qin Lie. Should they also return to Tianqin Town?

Just where are they now?

As night fell, the piano double sat still there.

The sky was white, and gradually, a line of sunlight came in from the gate.


Qin double spit out a long breath, stood up in despair, walked out of the Princess House, followed the stone road to the foot of the mountain, Yang headed to the Tianqin Mountains.

Will they hide in the Tianqin Mountains?

The piano doubled in the air, and the body flew up and flew toward the Tianqin Mountains. The sky stood in the sky above the Tianqin Mountains. The power of the soul swarmed out and spread to the Tianqin Mountains. Scanning the Tianqin Mountains one inch and one inch.


Under the cliffs in a valley, she saw a flash of flicker. The body shape flashed, and the shape of the piano double fell in front of the cliff in the valley.

In front of it is a cliff covered with moss, but under the cover of the soul of the piano, there is a hole, and a layer of spirit is placed on the hole.

The piano double raised his right hand, sketched a pattern on the layer of the spirit, and then sold it forward.

If someone is here at this time, you will be surprised to see the shape of the piano double into the cliff.

Inside the cliff is a passage.

The piano doubled along the passage and went forward. It was a turn for a dozen meters. The corner of the piano doubled with a smile. She heard a slight breathing sound at the corner.

four people!

As soon as I reached the corner, I had four weapons attacking her.

Two swords, two guns!

The double right hand of the piano is raised like a xylophone. The four fingers are on top of the four weapons. The two swords and two guns are dismissed and flew out. The four men are receding and their faces are full of fear.

"Enemy!" The four people almost sang high.

Qin Shuangxiao smiled there, the four people saw that the piano did not move again, they retreated, picked up the weapon, and looked at the piano pair.

A rush of footsteps came, and a group of people rushed in from the opposite side of the passage. The man who was headed suddenly slammed his footsteps and his face was full of surprises. The look on the face of the piano is also a stay.

"Seven sisters... are you?" the man asked in a trembling voice.

"Second brother!"


Qinwu’s figure suddenly rushed to the front of the piano pair, grabbed the double arms of the piano, eyes with tears, and looked excited:

"Seven sisters, really you! Really you! But...but..."

Qin Wu suddenly squatted on the ground: "Why did you come, the string month is gone, our Qin family are dead, dead... oh..."

In the face of a thousand troops, Qin Wu, who did not change his face, cried like a child.

"Seven princesses!"

"It’s seven princesses!"

"It’s a piano master!"


The opposite voice screamed with excitement.

Qin double looked at Qinwu, who was crying and screaming, and his heart was also uncomfortable. Her impression of Qinwu is still good, at least has her own bottom line. Kneeling down, put your hand on the shoulder of Qinwu, softly:

"Two brothers, don't cry!"


Qinshuang's comfort, Qin Wu cried even more fierce, while crying and said what happened before to the piano double. When Qinqin heard that Qin Meiyu and Qinxiong were also killed, the heart was sad.

"Second brother, the fierce battle is already dead, and the kingdom of the sun is gone."

"The screaming... is it dead? The kingdom of the sun is gone?" Qin Wu suddenly looked up, and a pair of tears looked at the piano pair, then his face was shocked:

"The Yaozu and the Mozu hit the Kingdom of the Sun?"

"No! It was killed by me."

"Really?" Qin Wu suddenly grabbed the shoulders of Qin double.

"Yeah!" Qin nodded and said: "There are also a group of masters of the Kingdom of the Sun, Linghui and tens of thousands of troops. On the way to here, I also ruined the royal palace of the Kingdom of the Sun."

Not only is Qin Wu’s eyes wide open, but all the people in the passage have widened their eyes and are unbelievable.

What is she saying?

She will be a savage and a master, and tens of thousands of troops will be destroyed?

Also hand in hand to ruin the Liege Palace?

real or fake?

Are you kidding?

"You... what is it now?"

Qin Wu looked at the piano double in shock, and Qin double helped Qin Wu from the ground:

"The seventh floor of Wuwang, but even Wudi is not my opponent."

Inside the passage is a quiet, Qin double is the seventh layer of Wu Wang, which has surprised them. After all, the piano pair is too young. It is only 19 years old today. Then I heard Qin double said that Wu Di is not her opponent. How could this not surprise them?

On the innocent desert side, Wu Wang is already a top-notch, and Wu Di is only a legend in their hearts. Now, listening to Qin double, Wu Di is not her opponent, the shock in their hearts can be imagined, and even feel some illusion.

In fact, Qin double said to Xiaoli that she has not said that Wushu is not her opponent.

"Seven sisters, I... I heard that... have you fought the fire house Wushen?"

"Well, Wushen can also fight!" Qin double whispered.

Under this circumstance, the eyes of the people in the passage looked at the double eyes of the piano, and they all looked at the eyes of the piano.

Fighting Emperor Wu is already breaking the sky, and fighting Wu Shen?

Qin double also saw the eyes of those people, and did not care. If the strength of the innocent desert is not comparable to that of the warrior opposite the desert, the Moon Moon Kingdom is the desert of the warrior, and the Tianqin Town is the desert in the desert. The people here are short and narrow, and it is really Normal can't be normal again.

Looking at those people, Qin Double did not know, he asked:

"Two brothers, are they?"

At this time, Qinwuye stopped the grief and heard: "They are the brothers I have met these years."

"I have seen seven princesses."

All the people in the passage bowed to the piano. Piano double pendulum:

"Don't call me seven princesses again, call me a piano."

After a quiet passage, I saw these people once again prayed: "I have seen the master of the piano."

Qin nodded, accompanied by Qin Wu, went deep into the passage, and walked nearly 500 meters. Presented in front of an underground world, the inside is very wide, and there are caves on the rock wall. At this time, they were standing opposite a group of people. When they saw these people, the eyes of Qinqin were bright.

Seeking a monthly ticket! Seeking a recommendation ticket~!

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