Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 212: Yin after suffering


The piano double wrinkled with a fine eyebrow, and carefully speculated: I cultivated the "Fire and Phoenix Collection", and it is still a fire phoenix body. The rebirth of the fire was originally the sacred power of the fire phoenix. It must have been because the fires here were too rich, and the singularity of the fire was reinvigorated, and my body was allowed to run uncontrollably. Therefore, I experienced a rebirth of the fire, both in the martial arts, or on the law, have been qualitatively changed.

The illusions that I experienced later should be the memories of the branding of the wildfires. It is the memory of the tens of thousands of death warriors. When I think of the ghosts that have absorbed the rotten bodies, the belly of the piano doubles.


Qin double could not help but vomit, and finally even the bitter water vomited.

"I swear, I will no longer spend the night in the grave, especially where there are many graves."

Qinwu outside the door heard the vomiting sound of the piano pair, and the heart could not help but rush:

"Seven sisters..."

"I'm fine! Vow..."

When you hear the piano double outside the door, Qin Wu is slightly relieved. With the repair of the piano double, it is okay to say nothing. Only he was still not at ease, he jumped into the rut and sat there with his knees.

Qinqin finally stopped vomiting. It was really nothing to vomit in her stomach. There was a sour smell in the compartment. Looking at the vomit in the compartment, the piano pair was disgusting. Cleansing, condensing the vomit, opening the compartment door and throwing it out. Also applied a breeze, blowing off the smell of sour.

Qin Wu jumped from the rut and took two steps to the front of the car. He looked at the piano inside, and then his face was shocked.

"Seven sisters, your hair and skin..."

Qin double raised his hand and looked at the skin, a gray-scarred color, and picked up a strand of hair in front of his eyes, it was also a gray defeat. I felt my body, and after I lost 35 percent of it, I smiled:

"There is a bit of a scorpion in the practice, and it will recover in the morning."

“Really?” Qin Wu looked at the piano doubles with concern.

"Really! Go to rest, and march tomorrow. Maybe you have to go through a big battle in the Crescent City."

"Good!" Qin Wu nodded, shut the compartment door, turned and left.

Qin Double began to read "Huo Feng Bao Dian" in memory, and once again recalled "Huo Feng Bao Dian" from beginning to end, Qin Qin thinks this, Yin God wants to improve cultivation, it is necessary to meet with the moon The Yin gods smashed, absorbed the moon, and experienced the rehearsal of Yuehua. However, because of the fear of the promotion of the realm of Yin and Shen, the realm of the soul and the martial art of his own are too different. They absorb their own spiritual power too fast and can not bear their own body, so they have never done so.

Even so, his own yin is constantly elevating because of various opportunities, and now it is already the seventh floor of Wusheng.

According to the "Fire and Phoenix Collection", condense the Yin God, absorb the moon, and wash the Yin God. When the Yinshen reaches the tenth peak, it needs to be immersed in the white sunrise and absorb the Japanese tempering. When the day is tempered to the extreme, it will need to withstand the thunder and wash, and then reach the extreme, the soul will have the conditions of broken void.

"Accepting the moon, washing the Yin God, will it wash away the cold energy in the Yin God?"

The piano double opened the window and looked toward the sky. There was no moon in the night sky. Then I closed the window again, and my heart was dark:

"Let's try it tomorrow night."

"Now I am already the ninth floor of Wuwang, and it is the ninth floor of the Wuwang Dazhengwuwang. Even if it does not open the fire phoenix body, it is basically equivalent to the Wushen peak...


Nowadays, my spiritual law has undergone a qualitative change. I am afraid it is not basically, but it is actually the peak of the late Wushen on the mainland of the warrior. Maybe it can touch the power of Wusheng.

If I open the fire phoenix body, I should have the power of Wu Sheng. Just don't know how many layers will be reached? I hope that it is impossible to reach the late Wusheng. There is a vast gap between Wu Sheng and Wu Shen.


The reason why I was able to break out the power of Valkyrie from the realm of Wu Wang was on the one hand the reason for my cultivation, and the other because my Yin God had reached the seventh floor of Wu Sheng. Therefore, even if I opened the fire phoenix body, the power of the explosion is absolutely impossible to exceed the seventh floor of Wusheng. I am afraid that even the seventh floor of Wusheng can't reach it. After all, my spiritual power does not match the realm of the soul.


If the turtle's mysterious water merges with me, is it estimated that it can reach the seventh floor of Wusheng? ”

"If I use all the Lingshi and Yuye cream on my body now, maybe I can break through to the realm of Wushen? But it also takes a lot of time. After all, Lingshi is good, Yuye cream is not like fire paulownia. The fire attribute treasure like the heart and the ground fire vine...

slow! ”

Qinshuang’s heart is moving: “Yuye cream is a water property, and it should be of great help to Xuanshui exercises. And... Now that the first layer of my foundation period has been stabilized to the extreme, I should find a chance to upgrade. Can't let the endless moon really leave me far away?"

The sky is gradually clear.

In the big camp, there are four smokes. The piano doubled up the family and jumped out of the compartment. From the far side, Qinwu came to her and saw that the skin color and hair of the piano doubleed back to normal, and the eyes were bright:

"Seven sisters, have you recovered?"

"Yeah!" Qin nodded and said: "Go, go eat there."

After breakfast, the army opened and marched toward the Crescent City.

Qin double entered the town demon tower.

Take out a bottle of jade liquid, drink a bite, and then start running the Xuanshui Collection. Subsequently, the face of Qin double is a hi, and sure enough, the jade liquid has a strong auxiliary effect on the Xuanshui Collection.

After half an hour, a jade liquid was completely refining. Xuan Shui Jin Dan was purified a trace. Qin double enters the seven-string space, searching for Dan Fang in the Dandao heritage to suit his cultivation of Xuan Shui Bao Dian.

Two lines of clear water.

The two-grain Bishui Dan is the time when the martial artist went to Wudi, which is suitable for the level of cultivation of the Qin Shuangshui Collection. After Qin Dan remembered Dan Fang, he came out of the seven-string space and began to search for herbs.

Two kinds of Bishui Dan need seven kinds of materials, the main medicine is jade liquid, the other six kinds of herbs, Qin double found five kinds in their collection, to know that she could pick a lot of herbs in the Taikoo space, even if it is Thus, she also lacks an herb called monster grass.

The piano doubled his eyebrows and had some headaches. He only temporarily put down the refining of two lines of water. Some heartache began to practice with jade liquid.

All the vials of jade liquid are consumed by light, and the Qinshui Jindan of Qinqin is purified to 70%. This not only makes the piano double sigh, but simply cultivates with jade liquid, and the entry is slow. If you can refine the two-grain Bishui, the effect will be more than five times that of pure jade.

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