Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 213: Yin Shen


Qin double came out from the town demon tower, opened the window and looked forward, and saw the familiar Yueyue City in the distance.

The city gate rumbling opened, and a row of martial artists came out from the inside.

Qinwu, who was riding in front of him, raised his right hand and the army stopped. The piano double leaned against the window, one hand on the chin, and faintly looking at the gate.

A row of martial artists came out of the city gate and arranged in a row. Then five people came out from the middle, and one of them walked in the middle and walked toward Qinwu. The eyes of Qin double suddenly condensed, and the body shape floated out of the carriage, flew toward the front and landed in front of the old man.

"Zhou Zongshi!"

The man was Zhou Haoran, a Confucian master of the Jubilee Kingdom. When he saw the piano, his eyes were bright, and he said excitedly:

"Piano master, it is you! You are back!"

"Yeah!" Qin nodded, then looked at the other four people, but found that they did not know them, they looked at Zhou Haoran:

"other people……"

"All are dead!" Zhou Haoran looked up and said: "I also because after breaking through the guru's realm, I want to go further, I left the Zhouyue Kingdom and went to the country to travel. This has escaped this robbery. When I rushed back, the string moon was gone."

"All dead?"

Qin Shuang’s heart is a bit embarrassed, she thinks of Zi Zi Ning, think of Qin Xun Gu, Lu Sheng Hui...

"See your prince."

At this time, Qin Wu also urged the horse to come to the front, jumped from the immediately, saw Zhou Haoran, his face was happy, and hurriedly lifted Zhou Haoran:

"We don't want to be polite for the week."

Zhou Haoran pointed to a middle-aged military commander: "Qin Zongshi, His Royal Highness, this general Feng Zhen. During the period of the annihilation of the string, he has been resisting the Kingdom of the Sun. I returned to the Jubilee and was arrested by the Liege Army. Thanks to the rescue of General Feng Zhen. When the kingdom of the sun was destroyed, after the death of Lie, General Feng Zhen grabbed the Yueyue City. At that time, we were only able to confirm that the two princes and the four princesses should still be alive, and they were always looking for However, I did not expect that the two princes and Qin Zongshi had already begun the battle of the resurrection, and the old man and General Feng were willing to help the piano master and the second prince.

"See the master of the piano! Meet the prince of the prince!" The few people went to pay homage to Qin Shuang and Qin Wu.

"Please come up!" Qin double looked at the five humanities in front of him: "You are all loyal and righteous, and you will assist your second brother in the future, and you will be busy with the string."

The eyes of the five people flashed a bit of disappointment. From the words of the piano, they heard that the piano had no intention of the Queen of the Moon. However, this did not exceed their expectations. With the repair and identity of Qin double, how could it be possible to see the position of a queen of a kingdom?

Didn't see them call the piano pair, they are called the piano master, not the princess?

A master is more honorable than a king.

The heart sighed, and everyone would have to hang around Qinshuang and Qinwu to the gate of the city. Looking at the row of martial artists in front of the gate, the piano double shook his head, then raised his hand and patted the shoulders of Qinwu, and turned around. go with.

Everyone looked at the back of the piano, and the complex colors appeared in his eyes. They know that this is Qinqin who does not want to grab the limelight of Qinwu. At the same time, he is also determining the position of Qinwu in the string month, and let Qinwu become the new generation of the string moon.

"See your Majesty!" Zhou Haoran and Feng Zhen five people kneel in front of Qin Wu.

"See your Majesty!" The Zhou Wuran and Feng Zhen's subordinates in front of the string moon city fell to the ground and shouted.

"See your Majesty!" Qin Wu's 30,000-strong army fell to the ground, everyone looked excited.

The piano double opened the compartment door, and the figure floated into the compartment, and the compartment door closed, which isolated the world outside.


The whole city of Xingyue is still in the carnival, and the kingdom of the moon and the moon is reborn, so that every character in the moon and the moon will release themselves in the emotions of the rest of the life.

In the palace, there is a big banquet, and the ceremonial ceremony of Qinwu has just been held in the daytime, so that the night banquet will soon be reached.

Qinqin only took part in Qinwu's assault, and only left after a brief banquet.

The original Seven Princesses House has been cleaned up, and Qinwu sent a large number of servants and servants. It’s just that none of these people are familiar with Qin. Qin double stood on the steps and stood with his hands on his back. Behind her body, standing in a row, one by one and one servant. The piano double raised his head slowly, looking at the sky in the moon, the corner of his mouth slowly appeared a smile.

"The moonlight tonight is good!"

Qin double stepped down the steps and walked toward his study. Those servants and enemies are close behind. The strings of the pianos swayed, and the servants and servants stopped their steps, and there were some shackles between the looks. Qinqin sharply perceives their emotions and whispers:

"I want to cultivate, let's rest for each other."

The emotions of those servants and jealousy calmed down. They naturally knew that a warrior did not bother when he was practicing. Standing one by one in the same place, admiring the look of the back of the piano and drifting away.

Qin double entered the study room, the room is still the room, the furniture is still the original style of furniture, placed in the original place, but not the original furniture, it is much newer than the previous furniture. This is all that Qinwu gave to the piano in the daytime. It can be seen that Qinwu is very careful about Qinqin.

When the mind is moving, the fire is divided into the front of the piano. The two people look at each other and communicate with each other. They don’t need to communicate at all, they sit at the same time.

A small man who was exactly the same as the piano double floated out of the body of the piano and flew toward the roof. He penetrated the roof without any resistance and flew up to the sky. Before he had, he had already reached the clouds.

That is the Yin God of Qin Double.

The hurricane in the high air slashed from the body of the yin god, so that the piano double felt the pain of the soul being torn. The Yin God sits cross-legged in the void, opens his mouth and sucks, then he sees the moon in the air gathering toward the Yinshen, and soon the Yinshen is shrouded inside, and a trace of Yueyue has penetrated into the body of the Yinshen, washing Refining the Yin God, let the piano double have a feeling of soaking in the hot spring, a trace of impurities are discharged from the Yin God, the Yin God has a hint of solid.

Inside the study.

Qin double seriously perceived, and the brow could not help but wrinkled slightly. She found that the kind of coldness in the Yinshen could not be washed out by Yuehua, but it was further ingrained with the refinement of Yuehua.

"I always think of a way!"

Qin Qin comforted himself and suppressed the anxiety in his heart. Because she can feel that the coldness of the Yin God is affecting her character, making her character cold and even beginning to forget.

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