Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 220: Weird


Qin Shuang Shen 吟 了 了 了 了 了 了 了 : : : : : : : : : : :

"In fact, it is the same." Pretty to hear the answer of Qin double, some are not happy: "Forget it, you are an alchemy teacher, do not understand the military."

Wei Daxiong, who was on the sidelines, was afraid of Qin’s anger, and said: “What is good for the military, or the alchemy teacher. Respected, many warriors have sought the alchemy. If the alchemist wants to cultivate, there is no shortage of cultivation resources and merits. Law, and once there is anything, as long as you ascend, there will be countless warriors rushing for it."

Qin double shook his head and had no words. In her view, the Danfu Array is only an aid, although it can also be entered by the Danfu, but it is only an aid, and ultimately it is inseparable from cultivation.

Looking up at the green hills and perceiving the swaying spirit of the swaying, the piano double regained its gaze and whispered:

“Everyone, can the younger sister go with you to find the grass ‘medicine’?”

Wei Daxiong smiled and said: "There is an alchemy teacher who joins us. We naturally welcome it. I am afraid that some grasses will not know about it."

It’s quite savage, but it’s the knife’s mouth, and the piano is pulled to your side:

"You are an alchemy teacher, repaired to be definitely low, follow me, I protect you."

"Thank you for being pretty barbaric."

The people set off again and went to the green hills. At this time, there are many such teams around the green hills. These people are all sent by Qinwu. I want to cultivate a 50,000 ‘fine’ sharp while fighting, and I need sufficient resources, especially Dan’s medicine. The refining of Dan 'medicine' requires a lot of grass 'medicine', so Qinwu not only conquers a place, but also seizes the resources of a place, and has not missed any opportunity to obtain grass 'medicine', such as To the mountain range where there is a grass 'medicine' nearby, you will definitely send someone to pick it up while trimming.


A wolf suddenly sounded, and Wei Daxiong’s face ‘color’ was a tight one:

"The formation."

When the battlefield was just finished, I saw the jungle shaking. A jungle wolf smashed out. Seeing these jungle wolves, the eyes of the piano are shrinking. These jungle wolves are mostly more than the monsters. This is clearly the monster. .


Looking at a wolf that is only one meter high and three meters long, Wei Daxiong and others have changed their color. These people have not seen the monsters, but such a big wolf still makes them feel extremely uneasy.


Hundreds of jungle wolves screamed at the piano pair and they rushed over. Wei Daxiong sighed quite a bit:

"It's quite pretty, protect the piano."

Very savagely, he took the piano and stood in the middle of the battle. He held a long sword in his hand, and his face was 'colorful' looking pale.

The wolves around have already smothered and smothered with Wei Daxiong and others. Just less than ten minutes, Wei Daxiong and others will 'look out' the unsatisfactory, although they also killed a few jungle wolves, but more than twenty people face the jungle wolf that has become a monster, the resistance is fragile Poor.

The binoculars looked around and finally looked at it. On a hill not far away, I saw a bigger jungle wolf, which was at least half the size of the other wolves.

"Wolf King!"

When the piano doubled his mind, he took out the long bow from the storage ring and got it from the bow in the Taikoo space. He bent the bow and pointed the arrow at the wolf king.

Around her was a fierce 'exciting' fight, the hurricane and the jungle wolf that was shot out hit the tree trunk, causing large swaths of leaves to fall, like a yellow rain, making the space ' The fascination is indistinguishable.

The eyes of the piano were slightly picked up, and the mouth of the mouth lingered in the heart, converges the breath, so that the jungle wolf king on the opposite side could not feel a bit murderous.

The hand that was pretty enough to hold the sword had already turned white because of the force. She saw that one of her companions was up and down from a wolf claw, and cut her abdomen and screamed to death. She wants to rush to fight with the jungle wolf, but at the thought of protecting the piano doubles around her, she stopped her footsteps.

At this time, she saw the piano double took out the bow and arrow, looking in the direction of the double bow and arrow, a small face would be nervous. She also knows that as long as the piano can ‘shoot’ the dead wolf king, they will be saved.

However, Qinqin is just an alchemy teacher. Can you really shoot the dead wolf king by one arrow?


Like a string, the piano double released the finger on the bowstring, and a sharp arrow went away from the string with the trend of the day. Almost no one saw the shadow of the long arrow, and saw the mountain. The wolf king on the hill screamed screamingly, and a blood 'hole' appeared on his head. Among the blood spurts, the wolf king fell heavily on the hill. The piano doubled that arrow, actually ‘shot’ wearing the wolf king’s head.


The entire wolf group was suddenly "chaotic", and a jungle wolf smashed his head and fled. Wei Daxiong and others smashed the weapons on the ground, one by one.

“Thank you!” Wei Daxiong felt eagerly to the Qinshuang.

The face of Qin double just showed a smile, but suddenly looked up towards the direction of the green hills. She looked at the woods in the mountains, her eyes focused on a tall tree, which had a bend on the tree. The branches, just the piano double has a very weird feeling that the branch seems to be observing her.

Qin double immediately bent and took the arrow, so that the next Wei Daxiong and others were shocked, and they could not help but look at the green hills.


The long sword broke through the sky in the direction of the sun, and there was a scream from afar.

"Qin double, what is that?" The pretty little face turned pale again.

Qin double shook his head and said: "Not very clear, but it feels very wrong. Wei Big Brother, is there a monster here?"

"No, there are just some beasts here. I don't know how the monsters will appear."

Very pretty: "Would we like to see?"

Qin double is sure to go and see, but seeing everyone's eyes are looking at Wei Daxiong, they will not speak. After preparing them to leave, they went to explore alone, but did not expect Wei Daxiong to squat 片:

"Let's go and see if there are really a lot of monsters here, we will go back and report, let the army clear the monsters here."

"it is good!"

Everyone went to the green hills with great enthusiasm, and came under the tree. Qin double smashed the arrow and looked around. Wei Daxiong and others also looked around:


Qinqin shook his head and said: "I just clearly shot out a branch, but now I have not found the broken branch."

Everyone’s face is a tight color, Wei Daxiong said: “We will go inside again.”

The crowd walked a distance and saw a lake. Very savage, he gave a cheer and ran towards the lake. The piano looked at the lake and there was a hint of surprise on his face.

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